It's been a while since I last saw this thread so

It's been a while since I last saw this thread so

You know what time it is.

New computer so I have to start all the way from the very beginning again.

Hard mode: No powerups

Other urls found in this thread:


First half cleared, on my way to the "enjoyable" part.

the game art looks different for some reason

If you've played the casual american version, it has a bit different artwork

All this time, and I still have no idea how to correctly hit the balls this asshole is throwing

Try to draw a mental line down the middle of the zigzag pattern and aim for that. It isn't perfect, but you should get by.

T. Made it to 28/40 against God himself before bowing out gracefully.

That's actually was a pretty helpful tip.

Still got a long way to go though

Is this like the good old days when games weren't actually piss easy and people didn't bitch about games being hard?

Either that, or japanese children are unnaturally good at video games.

This is way harder than any children's game I've ever played when I was a kid

never even got past the tigger to challenge god. always miss few too many balls.

holy shit first time i ever got to the kangaroo and what a cunt she is

What's the middle upgrade again? 'Miito'? I'm retarded.
Top is power and bottom is speed if you don't know.

I think its kinda like the "area" of the bat that you're getting the good hits with

Not totally sure though, it's been a long time since I last played the game

batting range, ie how far from the optimal batting position you can be and not get cucked

nvm the rabbit is fucking worse

Ok, I get it now. Thanks.

My last savefile got deleted, but now I don't want to go forward.

I will get you, you owl cunt. No upgrades I will not succumb

Oh boy, it's gonna get so much worse


I can't even remember what makes lumpy or piglet different

>39 out of 40 against Christopher Robin with 3 balls left
>still lose

Sometimes God makes us soar to the greatest heights just so he can see us fall even harder

I still have ptsd from Tigger and his stand [King Crimson].
I got through everything fine, even owl only took me like 5 tries, but Tigger fucked me so hard my ass is still bleeding today.
I can't even imagine how much worse god must be.

4 balls left, 18/19 hit

All 4 balls go just slightly under the accepted area

Goddamnit I don't want to succumb to upgrades but I'm nearly at my patience's limit

Was that ever proven?

It's the range of your hitbox.

God likes to play games with us because he knows it's ultimately futile

If he wants you to lose, you WILL lose

Music to go into battle with:

I was not prepared for tigger. What the fuck.