Monhun world on consoles

>Monhun world on consoles
This January
>Monhun world on PC


Please understand.


But that's obvious, what are you implying.

Why would anyone buy it on PC where the community is going to be absolutely dead?
Do you literally have autism?

? Pc usually has the most long lasting communities, console kid.

>Why would anyone buy it on PC where the community is going to be absolutely dead?
Yeah why would anyone buy glorified MMO on PC where MMOs earn more money than all consoles and their games combined?

Huh truly activates my almonds.

What he said, you really have no clue do you, pc communities for good games tend to not die out unless the servers get shut down, and even then sometimes private servers get made.

More on topic, fuck man I would have hoped for a few months for a pc port but not 3/4 of a year..

>unironically believing MONSTER HUNTER is going to have a bigger community on the PC when ~80% of the player base is Japanese
Lmao. Want to know how I can tell that this will be your first monster hunter you PCsoyboys?

the real question is...

You think udon-ya gonna release new doujin for monster hunter before pc version comes out?

No one ever said anything about it having "bigger community" on PC, you retarded shitter.

Funny you say that considering they ditched the Japanese for the western market this time.

>super delayed PC version
>Won't release XX in west
I have a PS4 but I'm not fucking paying for online. What is this bullshit!?

on one side I wanna play this game at 60fps and the beta did not achieve this by a long shot on my standard PS4

on the other side I can't wait any longer and all my friends will get it on PS4 anyways

it's ok, OP. only 300 days left for you to play mon hun on pc

Wait, isn't there remote play on PC now? Can't you just play on PC and get better resolution and FPS this way? Why even wait for the proper PC release?

Nobody said anything about it being bigger, you desperate goal post moving retard.
Want to know how I can tell you that are nothing more than a cancerous console warrior shitposter?

How do you think remote play functions?

>gets btfo
>b-b-but mah supah big jap community
>b-b-but I monstah huntah pro expert, you must blow me.
If anything I hope the rest of the fanbase isn't as bad and retarded as you.

>No Portable MH on the Switch

Is ok at least World is coming to Pc

>No MH on PC for 8 months
I need to drop this series.

>inb4 PC release with no KB+M support and with ugly ass looking textures straight from consoles

Yeah, """""""optimized""""""""" right

If there isn't console pop-in on the PC port just like there is on the PS4, I'll eat my socks.

PCfags are real pathetic. If you don't own everything that isn't an xbox you shouldn't be on here.

why so angry? I don't mind waiting for the PC release.

If you played the beta you would know not to look forward to this game. Especially if you have liked some MonHun in the past.

I want a sequel to MonHun 7 and 9 after the teaser at the end of volume 15

>PCfags are real pathetic. If you don't own everything that isn't an xbox you shouldn't be on here.
Why should I own outdated hardware that looks shit and runs like shit with sub-30 fps in 2018?