HOLY FUCK what a brainbender. Look out folks Capcom is doing some puzzles up in this bitch
HOLY FUCK what a brainbender. Look out folks Capcom is doing some puzzles up in this bitch
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and you're watching the solution on youtube
wait a minute that graffiti
You're like 22~ years late.
>piano puzzle
>the keys you have to press have a blood stain
I see you watched Matt and Pat too.
>plays wrong notes when you press the key
that card
What the fuck possesses people to make puzzles like this, like, its better if you just dont have the puzzle.
100% agree. You would think people in position of importance would have realised to doing shit right or not at all.
All it is is time filler to drag out what length there already isn't. It's one of the reasons anime doesn't appeal to me.
Overall Not a Hero was kinda fun but ultimately a bit dissappointing. If you wamt to implement more action do it right, instead of having RE pace fights just with more enemies
They probably had manually activated nightvision in the original draft. So you had to use nightvision to see IR-emissive details in order to solve problems. The final release made nightvision activate automatically at appropriate areas which made that puzzle retarded.
Fuck you, I actually had to look up the Silent Hill piano puzzle as a kid
It must make people feel some sense of achievement to complete them I guess, even if they are beyond simple
Playtesters ruined video games.
Wait a minute...
Well, Sup Forums?
Cro-Magnon Wojak.jpg
it's a lazy pacing technique
Isn't this pretty much the only area in the entire game the tiny little molded frog fucks attack you, so it's really less about basic memorization and more about pulling switches while trying not to get obliterated by an endless horde of the shits?
>People could fail. This was a compelling argument for removing the risk of failure.
Every fucking time. Infuriating.
>“People would just walk around. They didn’t know what to do. They didn’t even go upstairs because a guard told them they couldn’t. They’d say ‘Okay, I can’t go upstairs.’ They wouldn’t do anything,” explained Arkane’s
If you watch any journalist play it explains alot, people that can't play games are running the industry
Yep, and then the game devs makes games FOR the journalist to get good boy points and therefore sell more because your average idiot thinks "GAME GOOD YES I BUY" when they see a high score
This has been the level of puzzles in RE since RE1. The difference is that in the original games the puzzles were mixed with the larger puzzle of item management and the player had to balance key items with supplies. In this though it's there just to add space between enemy encounters. Better made games have used similar sorts of time wasters to give breathing space to the player but they were usually longer games too. In this it just feels like padding because NaH is already short.
>They didn’t even go upstairs because a guard told them they couldn’t.
The problem with this scene is the guard having those unique lines in the first place. It's the one mission in the game where you need to blend in and avoid rousing suspicion by obeying the rules of the house. If the guard simply patrolled the stairway without saying anything, playtesters would have understood that the way upstairs is past the guard.
And that mission was designed by one of the most highly renowned Thief 2 fan mission authors.
I hate gaming industry so fucking much, they are literally ruining my hobby
Isn't the whole point of dishonoured to explore the different ways to complete a mission or progress through a level? That's the problem now a days people want their hand held for them the whole way through a game, the want to be told what to do and where to go, they don't want to explore the game world and figure their own path through the game instead they want a big fucking obnoxious marker on their screen so they can just go straight for it and get a pretty achievement.
>And that mission was designed by one of the most highly renowned Thief 2 fan mission authors.
I don't see what thus has to do with anything
Only the first half of this video is good
Say what you will about Nintendo but this is why I still play their games. They make sure the baseline expected main game is braindead simple and holds your hand to the end so that a literal child could beat and enjoy the game but then they hide away all of the stuff for fans in optional content and post-game competionism. Their platformers are especially good about this
I don't think he was referencing the piano puzzle from Silent Hill, and if he did he fucked up because in that puzzle the blood stains are all over the place.
I actually had a hard time solving that puzzle because I was sure the blood stains had to be a hint.
>"there are too many combinations to bruteforce it"
Eight. Eight combinations.
>Quick save outside the terminal
>Try each answer from the top down
Nothing personnel... puzzle.
I think most people did. Silent hill was pretty good at giving you what seemed like an obvious solution that's actually a red herring
>I don't see what thus has to do with anything
The mission was originally designed to be an immersive sim level and not a casual AAA level.
What is the point of the elevator arrows, you come across the switches first and fiddling with them a little turns the power on.
And Valve was THE developer who pioneered subconsciously directing level design. Instead of removing the right turn in that junction, they could have used the kind of level design that is used in Left4Dead. For example, the right turn has a bright light source illuminating it and not the correct way. The first time the player takes that wrong turn, the big-ass antlion chases them and knocks away that light source. The next iteration that tunnel will be the same exact tunnel, but with different lighting. The lighting will then steer the player towards the tunnel they didn't try yet. That's how every L4D level works. Without any kind of objective indicators, players will always find their way towards the goal. Because subconsciously dark blue or grey = wrong way and bright yellow or orange = right way.