>combat is shit
Every time. Why?
Other urls found in this thread:
define good combat and provide examples
>ids nod fast paced action so ids bad koombat!
>define good combat
fun and engaging, requires tactical thinking AND good timing
>and provide examples
WRPGs such as Dragon Age Inquisition and Dark souls
not an argument
Turn based combat in JRPGs has always been boring and brainless
>Turn based combat in JRPGs has always been boring and brainless
Funny, because I prefer combat that moves at my pace with an emphasis on tactics to create an advantage. If the enemy is clearly below my level I want to get it done in .3 seconds by mashing A and skipping animations, but with harder encounters I want long drawn out encounters where at every moment the difference between life and death will rely only on the decisions I make, not how fast I make them.
>and Dark souls
>it's a b8 thread
turnbased combat is the most brainnumbing thing in existence.
>"Dude just grind and shit and spam your most powerful attack"
>"Dude just roll roll and attack, there nothing else to it.
>why doeznt this rpg hab dmc gombat?
>dmc3 cam out on ps TOO
>devs r lazy.........
But then when this guy plays a SaGa game he goes "wooooow this game is LITERALLY impossible bawwwww why can't I mash attack"
looks like someone got triggered
>what is Final Fantasy Tactics
>what is Icewind Dale
>open world RPG
>follow the dot quests everywhere
>padded content
>gameplay is shit
>10/10 ign
This game is so trash. Even the HUD is amateur mobile-tier shit.
I like the combat in Witcher 3 tbqhfamalam
>Icewind Dale
Well it's shit
because you are too dumb.
>tfw turn based combat is considered shit now
Feels good.
RTwP is a thinking man's combat.
Homm3 combat is good
it's unironically the shallowest, and most casual form of turn-based combat especially compared to ones like X-COM and Jagged Alliance.
t. retard 50 iq subhuman who thinks you need to grind in jrpgs
That's pretty weak bait, user
who is this maximum qt?
To be fair turn based combat is pretty solid unless there's too much of it, then it turns into a fucking chore and you just want to be done with each encounter as quickly as possible because of how repetitive it is. And I say this as someone who enjoys turn based combat.
Can you name a third person medieval combat game with good gameplay?
Witcher 3
Good gameplay is a meme. Gameplay is just pressing some buttons, it's not fun or engaging.
combat is basically filler in RPG games
You're a man of refined taste.
"Good gameplay" is often subjective to people, as it depends on the perosn playing it if they'll enjoy it. Some will enjoy Witcher 3's combat, some will complain about it and it's literally the same with every other game
good gameplay can be objectively measured, but people can still enjoy games with shit gameplay
Because you are a shitter.
I can't think of a single third person game that is legit medieval and not high fantasy with medieval themes.
Warband, you dumb faggot
>muh action combat
literally retarded ADD-kiddies
Real time combat like in zelda 2 takes more intelligence and perseverance than most turn based games
My man.
We’re talking about combat. It’s not supposed to be polite or slow. It’s about monsters and enemies wanting to kill you. Combat should be fast and intense
Whens Bannerlord
>jumping and attacking takes more intelligence and perseverance than using your countless amount of skills in the right moments
Same thing, user. No need to be so autistic.
Still, no one is proving examples of GOOD COMBAT in this thread. Are all posters memers?
Whatever game gets posted the response will be "lol it's shit try again nerd"
Nioh and Souls for ARPG
Original Sin 1 and 2 with saving throws mod
Mount and blade.
Because RPGs have numbers that are supposed to be abstractions of the skill/power of the character you play as. If a game had good combat that was entirely skill based (skill of the player, not the character), it wouldn't really need those abstractions.
>jrpg combat is sh-
>babby thinks dark souls has good combat
Not soon but this year is the year
who is this ancient semen demon?
Claudia Cardinale
just use the google button senpai, sometimes it actually works
Why is it that when I search using the Image search here on Sup Forums it takes the thumbnail address instead of the full picture address