Generation 1 Pokemon

What makes generation 1 the definitive best generation of pokemon?

Is it just nostalgia?

Fuck off to /vp/

Did you make this thread just to avoid a genwar ban in /vp/

Pick one buddy

Nostalgia and cherrypicking, you wont ever see Jynx, Exeggcute or fucking Voltorb on any of these dumb fucking images because Gen 1 had the same amount of this shit going on like every other gen.

>Hating Claydol and Confagrigrus

That image is cancer.

>The "Essence" of Pokemon
>Every Sprite sparkled with personality

Take a drink for everything that has no meaning on this lame bait image.

Gen 1 is so shite it has 3 sprite sets because they all look so bad.

That sprites argument is shit. The original sprites look like chunks of colored noise, their shapes indistinguishable. That crab's pincers hide like 30%-40% of his actual bodey. With no sense of depth, Gyarados's and Scyther's sprites look like a mess of shapes. Even knowing Gyarados from the show, it took me at least a year to finally make out his shape from the sprite.

The point is:
Everyone born later than 93 or so has to die, or at least must not be allowed to post on Sup Forums. They/you were raised in a shit world and are a lost generation. Worry not though, we oldfags are preparing the right kind of war to wipe you all off. Which generation of pokemon you liked will be part of the background info to select how close to the frontline to place you. The newer the gen, the closer to the action you'll be!

Fuck off to

>This image: facts based on actual gameplay, issues with implementation of actual mechanics, and very little opinion from the original creator
>Every other image: blatant shitposting, obfuscation of newer mechanics, heavy personal bias, little or no actual fact-based criticism

At least with Transformers, G1 fags like dudes like Optimus Primal and Beast Wars Megatron. Pokemon Genwun fags are just buttmad they can't exploit game mechanics as easily as they could back in the day, and their bitterness about having to put effort into training their perfect Pokemon manifests in shitposting on a Atlantean crab-cake making emporium.

Get out underage, don't you have a phone game to play?

it's a cycle of mainstream attention, Gen 1 is the thing the mainstream remembers, so it's what they produce fan content of, pictures and so on, at least 70% of it centers on Gen 1 pokemon, devs see this and think Gen 1 is what people want so they continue pumping out shit about it, Mewtwo Charizard and Pikachu never leave the public conscience, it grows the popularity of Gen 1 to casuals seeking to appeal to peers, the cycle continues, everything beyond Gen 2 gets largely ignored by the mainstream as a result of it, and that's because Gen 2 was up Gen 1's ass, too.

Gen 1 fans are the essence of casuals in the pokemon fandom, pretending their shit doesn't stink even though RBY were literally the worst games in the franchise. It's goddamn infuriating that the most casual fans feel entitled to be the most elitist about their shit taste, too.

>It's not nostalgia

That you even have to put that in bold face kills your statement dead

Every generation has stupid designs and good designs, generation 1 just had less stupid designs because they had more to work with. I don't think it's just nostalgia.

Gen 1 doesn't have Dusclops.

I enjoy RBY. They are fun games. But they are very flawed, and in spite of what memesters on /vp/ would have you believe, the core battling system has improved with every gen.

Generation 1 had a lot more stupid designs, actually, if those same designs came out in later gens people would never stop shitting on them.

Nostalgia and the fact that Gen 1 were the first exposure we all had to pokemon by concept has us overlook a lot of the shit.

Pokemon is a strong franchise, RBY for all it's flaws still stands tall above many other collectible monster games.

Very true. Part of the success of Pokemon is that they had a very strong core game that Game Freak never really tampers with, because it works.

That's wrong. The art style in Gen 1 is MORE REALISTIC. Closer to animals and insects. It has its bad designs, but instead of improving those (which gen 2 tried to do), gen 3 on just double down on them, and the whole series falls apart as digimon and mechas start getting thrown in.

I agree Jynx is one of the more complex looking Pokemon in gen 1 but even she looked basic compared to most things in the new gens. Gen 1 had a handful of weird out there sort of designs. New gens are like 90% weird and out there looking. The designs did definitely change a lot, you'd be retarded to think otherwise.

Just because gen 1 had Pokemon with edgier looks and angrier faces don't make them look more realistic.

Yup, nothing screams realism like a bee with giant needles on his hands, or a fucking ball, or a mustache cat that uses spoons to increase its psychic power.

Gen 1's design aesthetic has the least creative effort put behind it in most cases. they're shit designs.

I agree so far as the designs became more and more stupid as you go along.
if you can honestly tell me with a straight face that they hadn't run out of ideas by the time they designed sudowudo, who is clearly the wood dude from tekken, you're lying.

It's funny because I agree with this picture.
Yes I know, the majority of you are kids born in 2000s that hate nostalgia.


Go back to your containment board you fat nerds

It makes it the best because it was the FIRST one.

reminder that this is the state of /vp/

It IS nostalgia


Literally almost everything past Gen 2 is deliberately more "round" in shape to make it easier to make toys. That's literally the only reason.