"A love letter to the LGBT community." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

>"A love letter to the LGBT community." ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Please don't tell me this is a quote from an actual review. No-one could be this retarded.

google it


Is it possible to get a refund even if you have like 20 hours played?

yeah not seeing anything bud



What? How? There is only one lgbt character, everything is literally fan insertion.

Newfag can't triforce.


I have never done it on Linux. Maybe I'm just using the wrong space code.


i fucking hate when reviewers use the term "love letter"


I love how mad non-heterosexual things make gamers



You aren't human if you don't have stars upon thars.

If you don't understand that this is about "How the hell is Overwatch a love letter to LGBT?" then you are this retarded.


Overwatch is garbage

Star posting is back on the menu boys!

as usual it's just you retards false flagging.

whats a menu



This *unzips maggoty bread*


or they're falseflagging


Overwatch isn't even queer. The characters are all one dimensional as fuck and LGBT people desperate for representation headcanon them as something. (see: moira is trans).


uh, how?


Because Tracer is a lesbian, even though you would probably only know this if you followed Overwatch as closely as possible because outside of a Christmas Comic last year the only other time she brings it up is with two spawn dialogues so rare I've only heard each one once after about 200 hours of Tracer.


Soywatch BTFO


>make a reference to tracer having a girlfriend

Stop. She dont represent shit.

>blizzard built arena
>overwatch can't even maintain 20k constant viewers on livestream during tournament
>literally dogshit viewer experience, spectating the game is just shit
>you and your team has to pay a shitton to get into a tournament
>shit meta unbalanced meta, new heroes getting shittier and shittier with each release
>maps are unbalanced and boring

Blizzard just can't handle esport.


I play Overwatch almost every day and even I agree with you. Blizzard are retards if they think this game will ever become an actually decent esport. It's just fucking unfun to watch.

>tracer doesn't have a pussy licking emote
why does blizzard hate gay rights

>Blizzard just can't handle esport.
isn't starcraft still going on?

>A love letter
>Best Pairing RoadRat isn't actually a couple
Maybe to lesbos



Not really only Koreans care about it.

>shit meta unbalanced meta, new heroes getting shittier and shittier with each release

That's because every new hero has to be controller friendly. Notice how most abilities now are channeling ones or auto-aim of some sorts. Punching nigger doesn't even have to aim at all, his one ranged attack is a spread buckshot of sorts. It's trully pathetic. I blame consoles, naturally.
And Blizzard for being pussies.

Why does Sup Forums hate Overwatch so much? It's up there as one of my favorite shooters, and I've been playing shooters since pretty much the original Counter Strike. I wanna say I jumped into CS at 1.2.

This and also saved for future use

>that one post I won't be linking
Yes, it's the bad, old Sup Forums telling you what to think. Let's ignore the SJW shit being stuffed down our throats. But please, do continue to samefag linking to your (you) post.

I want reddit and tumblr to leave.

if you can't infer the gestalt feeling of the degenerate soy-filled cesspool that is video game reviewers then i think you're too stupid for this board and site as a whole, kiddo



don't get mad that you got exposed

>new character is human with hitscan gun

damn...so this is the power of blizzard

not thanks to blizzard

I'm not mad or OP, but I'm just saying that you butthurt Sup Forums numales are constantly in dnial that there is something going on with mainstream video games and that there's shady shit in an attempt to feminize and break down the western white male, but sure, keep playing your soy-fueled nu-games filled with degeneracy, not my problem when you commit suicide because your hormones are in a mess

>my greatest conviction in life is exposing the video game journalism conspiracy to end white males
You're a lunatic

Remember when blizzard was so revolutionary and included the first LGBTQ24PDWTF character ever in the history of everything, and it was just a lesbian?

lesbian is the easy mode of LGBT even in real life, why are lesbians even part of an "opressed" group?

Nice non-argument and also putting words in my mouth, typical Sup Forums soybreather

Post SFM porn.

What else we got symbol wise



>the absolute state of unicode

t. never watched any tv show or any movie in the past 05 years






is that real?


Its because you're an SJW and don't think SJW shit is SJW shit. I bet you unironically think trannies are real women.


What old as fuck dumbphone do you have that still uses gumdrop emojis

>t. beta faggot

This but unironically


Overwatch is soykino

>using a phone in general on Sup Forums

Kill yourself


Not to mention usage of offensive horribly racist "humor" like saying the n-word or some other gesture or insult toward a minority or a person with different sexual preference. Sup Forums's really gone downhill since these racists invaded.

Good for you, but I don't give a fuck about the world.
If it dies, it'll be because humanity deserves it.




t. soyboy nazi


Hey guys remember when i used to play tf2? Now I have no personality and play overwatch.



>the picture where gay redditor furry ask hiro to delete pol



All these new fags. Back to pleddit kiddos lol


Here’s looking at you, pol/