I've been binge watching his reviews, and he seems to have a similar taste to Sup Forums (well atleast somewhere close to the general consensus of what Sup Forums likes). Should I take his opinion to mind when buying a game, or should I just take him as a comedy critic?
What does Sup Forums think of him?
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Do people actually take this guy seriously? I thought he was just a character.
He stopped being funny when I turned 18. Other anons will tell you that he stopped being funny when THEY turned 18, but don't listen to those faggots.
I only watched lets drown out and even then that was mostly for Gabe
He stopped being funny a few years ago, about the time I turned 18.
>Praises BSI and shits on BS2
>Should I take him seriously?
He's a comedist, not a reviewer
Sup Forums doesn't have a consensual taste in games what the fuck are you talking about
Dark Souls, Gothic, Morrowind, Bioshock and others seem to be generally praised by Sup Forums, while AC, COD and other seem to be hated.
A arrogant asshole who believes he's a good reviewer and owned a shitty bar.
he was only good in like 2014
He used to be alright as just an entertainer that sometimes brought up okay opinions on games
Once his game of the years were:
>Bioshock Infinite
He lost any sense of credibility with me
But I've seen many people shit on and praise all of those games
He used to be pretty popular in Sup Forums around 7 years ago. Everytime he'd make a new video it would get new threads. That being said, I haven't watched him for many years now. I think the last video I watched was in 2011, his shtick kinda dried out after a while.
he talks too fast, can't watch 2 or 3 of his vids at a tame
So I was playing Flappy Bird and when I flap the bird flaps up? Geez that like Trumps something something America something bullocks Trump. It just doesn't compare to my favorite game Dark Souls(tm), in Dark Souls the flappy bird goes up when you press flap, unlike in America where something something Trump. *outro music*
I enjoy his 'reviews' because they aren't pretending to be some kind of objective view on the game with a number attached.
I've never really bought or not bought a game based on his reviews but his complaints tend to be pretty spot on.
Except for the demons souls the dumb british twat
Better then this speedrunner that lives in the same region
SAP a shit.
Yeh Gabe was retarded but lovable. Yahzee always glt shitty at him and I don't think Gabe picked up on it. 5 days a stranger/yahzee games is best
Sup Forums's recommendations are shit.
Just watch some gameplay videos and use your head.
I forgot about him until yesterday when someone else on Sup Forums posted a thread about him.
Watched him this morning and had a good chuckle. Probably wouldn't watch him regularly again though. His sense of humour hasn't evolved at all since 2008.
>he talks too fast
Almost like there's punctuation.
Undertale is a good game, don't fall for the meme hate
And 2015 was a real shit year for vidya
H's still a pretty huge tosser
He's a comedic reviewer. Most of the time he gets shit wrong about games he has reviewed. Don't be like the sheep that follow him and base their purchases off of his reviews.
I'll never forget that F.E.A.R review where he states that the 360 port didn't include the expansions when they very much actually did. How the fuck do you miss that? Its on the boxart.
>What does Sup Forums think of him?
Why should you care about Sup Forums's opinion on anything OP?
e-celeb shit, fuck off
i liked him when i was around 15-16 then his formula got a little stale for me
also no e celebs you nigger
Wow, you must have been here a long time! You really fit in!
F.E.A.R. Files only included the expansions and not the base game. I'll have to assume he was talking about the actual F.E.A.R. base port.
He is nothing but a shitty comedian.
Avoid at all cost.
He loved 1, hated 2 and loved Infinite. Fucking pleb.
He's a bit shit at games, but he does point out shit that a lot of other reviewers ignore and doesn't seem corrupt at all. You can tell that he does (attempt to at least) finish most games as the shit he points out you would need to play the game to get perspective about. Seems about the only person with the balls to point out how repetitive Nier's soundtrack was before it became "le cult game xd the feels". That being said he makes some truly disastrous reviews like the Gravity Rush 2 review where he didn't even finish it and complained that the game didn't resolve shit despite it doing just that in the ending. Is also a bit prone to flip-flop as of late such as shit like Dark Souls which he originally hated and seems to just like because it's popular.
Don't always agree with him, but his videos are funny as fuck.
I like him but I wouldn't say I base my purchases off of him, and if Sup Forums actually played video games they would know that some of the shit he points out you really have to play the game to know about, not just pretty much posting a marketing column like most reviews do.
He's held Dark Souls in high regard for a long time
>How DARE someone criticise BASED MIYAZAKI and point out how shit his games are
He backtracked on that if that makes you happy. Can't fucking stand the cult of personality surrounding those games. It exists purely because of the challenge in a time where games were getting easier and now has developed the most elitist and hostile fanbase in existence.
You have shit taste lad, sorry to break it to you since you've gone your entire pointless life embarrassing yourself and thinking otherwise
He barely makes any jibes at Trump at all and when he does they're pretty fucking mild. How thin skinned do you have to be to interpret every criticism of your favourite leader to be a personal attack?
I mean I didn't mind Bioshock Infinite but come on, mate.
I've been watching him since 2009 and not once have I bought a game based on his opinion. I always figured it's better to take him as an entertainer than reviewer, that's if you fund him funny in the first place
I feel like his quality has gone steadily downhill ever since he moved to America but that might just be fatigue from his series being so long-running. I still enjoy his videos but they don't seem to have the same spark that his older ones do.
There's a difference between criticism and loldrumpf, if he actually made political jokes of some sort then there would be no issue but he's currently on the level of Colbert and that's sad. The fact that he lives in California says a lot imo
>and he seems to have a similar taste to Sup Forums
He gave Bioshock Infinate GOTY, at that point people should've known he was a pseudo-intellectual faggot wearing a paper thin mask of someone with good taste. When Demon Souls came out he said it sucked and didn't even play Dark Souls, but when everyone said it was good he jumped on the bandwagon in a vain attempt to look like a HARDCOAR GAMR
Do you honestly think Bioshock: Infinite was a good game? Because it's objectively terrible.
You shouldn't take anyone's opinion to mind when buying a game, especially not his.
I always assumed he would quit eventually and become a writer or something equally gay.
I find it weird that he's still around, he's like a relic of the late 2000's.
He's got basic bitch taste.
Half Life 2, Silent Hill 2, Dark Souls, the sort of guy who prioritizes immersion, threadbare mechanics and lives under the delusion that their taste is anything but low-tier emotional trash.
So nah. Decent writer though, and makes pretty good games. Even if only like 8 other people bought Consuming Shadow, I thought it was alright.
He hated Demon Souls and then did a 180° once Dark Souls got popular. Same way he made Undertale his Goty without even reviewing it.