Is this an appropriate outfit for a 14-year old?

This is Lydie from Atelier Lydie & Suelle. She is 14-years old and wears an outfit that completely exposes her side, including her sideboob. Is this an appropriate outfit for her? Should Koei Tecmo censor her outfit before releasing the game in the West?

also please buy her game

Makes my peepee happy I don't care

>Is this an appropriate outfit for her?
Society says absolutely, maybe a bit too tame.

>also please buy her game
Probably not.

I'm not going to buy the game because of pedo outfit but because three past atelier games have been utter shovelware

based japan not giving into western sjw shit

Sounds good to me.

watch this game get banned in sweden and germany once they find out how old she is

Here is an appropriate outfit for a 14-year old.

did i see a nipple

gust outdid themselves. this really is a hot outfit.

Where do I start with the Atelier series? It looks cute

>those graphics

Start from Sophie.

it looks good on her

Yes, all 14 year olds should dress like that

this is what 14-year olds wear nowadays go with the time gramps

It depend what kind if gameplay you want

>Switch graphics

Why do some anons on this board even think the west is a valid point of discussion? You shouldn't be posting here if you play Japanese games in English, as simple as that.

Just play Ayesha. You don't need anything else from the series.

Yes. In fact there should be more games like that.

Well chucklefuck have fun posting with the other dozen of weebs or so that learned jpns to play kusoge.

Yes, now go away.

Depends on the cultural standards in her country, her social group, the particular context of situation, and as far as I'm concerned, also on the judgement of her legal guardians.

I remember a classmate that used to wear something actually remarkably similar when I was in 8th grade. I remember us very much appreciating that choice of attire. I guess most of the male school staff too.
I've seen girls of this age wearing similar, even wilder clothes in Japan too.

Personally, I would probably not let my own daughter wear something like that though. Definitely not to a church.

That said, should not the question be "is this an appropriate outfit to wear on treck/while travelling/fighting?

Atelier games are seperated into 'blocks' or series, the most recent being the Mysterious series, of which this is the third and probably last. Although each game can technically be played as an individual, and there are some characters that cameo across multiple 'blocks' across the entire series, it is best to play each 'block' from the beginning because when the characters show up in later games in that block you are expected to know them or you will miss half of the story.

I would recommend that, if not at the beginning or at Iris, you start with the Arland series at Rorona, which is the first of three very different and very good titles. Dusk starts good with Ayesha, and gets worse. Mysterious starts on a low for the series and then managed to dig itself even deeper with every title, apparently including this one if it is as bad as sales show.

If anything she's wearing too much clothes. My weewee is engorged.

Well japs dont like it very much so no, I'm not going to buy it.

Yeah whatever.

Is the game any good? People say that the RPG mechanics play themselves and the crafting isn't nearly as indepth as it should be.

It's apparently just as budget and shallow as Sophie if you can believe that. It also has some bugs, but nothing as game breaking as in Firis.

How shit are we talking here? People recommended me Nights of Azure 2 over Blue Reflection and fuck that was some vapid shit.

Isn't it just a comfy pretty simple but still mildly in depth cutesy rpg?

What did he mean by this?

It's the same level of shit. And NoA2 is still "better" than BR, somehow.

Actually yeah.

Go to any highschool in June and it'll look like a nudist beach. Well except for the Muslim girls ofcourse.

>play weebshit pedo crap pantsu moe """"""""game"""""""""
>complain it caters to black stepdad raised basement creatures

I have seen girls on the eastern coast wearing much less. What do you think?

is buying a used Ps Vita worth it for Shallie Plus alone? I have a hacked PSTV but that's the only modern Atelier game I can't play so I have to settle with the unfinished ps3 version at the moment.

What's worse?

The bigass Shita-friendly interface, the N64 tier """""""""""textures""""""""""" or the cheap ass depth of field they put so the damn thing doesn't go under 10 FPS because WE WUZ PROGRAMMERS 'N' SHEET NIGGA?

Does this have yuri incest?

I'm pretty sure they're cranking the depth of field to mask the horrid and shitty textures everywhere.

>Does this have yuri

Why do people still ask

I wasn't asking about just yuri though.

What devs make yuri games then? I'm up for some cute girls doing cute things games.

>cute girls doing cute things games
Then Gust is for you, what you really want is cute girls doing cute girls

Worked retail for nearly 15 years, that's tame compared to the shit I've seen underage girls wearing in public.

No it's not!


>What devs make yuri games then?
No one, until I start making my own games.

When I was younger I didn't like fan service because I wanted anime and games to be taken seriously. Now I'm old and I know life is hard and I need my loli side boob to survive

What manga?

pedos are so cringy lmao


Yeah they are, just look at their board

No wonder Gust is dying. Maybe i'll visit their shithole thread on /jp/ to have some fun later. Fucking degenerate.

I really hope KT drops them at this point. It's real fucking sad

This got the same score as Xenoblade 2. Is this good or is XB2 shit?

This is me too.

kek no wonder i can't find it in /vg/

I'm not even a switchtard but there's absolutely no way this is right.

What is the point of having characters like this if the game doesn't have a good ryona aspect? There's no gang of thugs waiting to beat her up off screen so they can take turns seeing how far her body can bend, so why bother?

there's no one beating DOA girls either

I've got folders of DOA girls getting beaten up, user. FOLDERS.

>while posting the series that took until 2017 to look like a PS3 game

>shitting on perfect 2D sprites

Is this an appropriate outfit for a grown man?

Call me when Gust stop producing moe garbages and remake Mana Khemia.

She needs microbikini dlc

Should be skimpier.

this desu

12 year olds fuck already, so who cares?

Listen to this user! The series play vastly different, especially since they "casualize" the gameplay over time (like removing the time limit and special ressources).

The Arland series is regarded as the beginning of "modern Atelier".
You want to play them in the following order
Rorona -> Totori -> Meruru

Besides the regular version, a "Plus" version exists with a load of new content (in Roronas case a pretty big epilogue chapter) and preexisting DLC. I recommend going for that one. Unfortunately, all Plus games except Rorona have their release on the vita and the performance tanks rapidly if you play the games on it. Since it's a turn based game, that SHOULD'T matter much, but you see the occasional dip in the single digit area. Especially prominent in Ayesha.
For time time limit: You won't be under constant pressure. The main objective can be archieved within 2-3 days (while you have 2-3 months going for you to carry out the objective). But there is a lot of optional stuff to do - dungeons, character progression, NPC story arcs, etc...

The Dusk games have a focus on storytelling. To archieve that, they gradually made the time limit more lenient until they removed it.

I do not recommend starting out with Sophie or Firis. The latest games are.... questionable in quality. You'll end up doing the same mundane and boring shit over and over again while the games progresses with baby steps until it's finally over.

This kills me inside

Don't lose hope user, I'm about to lose my virginity at 28.

>Depth of Field tanks framerates and always gets turned off
>claim they're using aggressive DoF to improve framerates

but it doesn't work like that, they'd run better without the game constantly applying a thick layer of vaseline to everything if they were concerned about FPS.


I missed out on teen sex anyway so I couldn't care less honestly.
I shouldn't have turned down that one bitch..

>gets punched in the tummy
>force so great it almost breaks her spine
>nearly unconscious, eyes roll up, tongue reflexively sticks out
>muscle spasms, limbs start slightly twitching
>loses control over her bodily functions
>a lake of pee starts taking shape beneath her and shortly after a newly formed island of feces plops onto the scene
>the offenders get disgusted and drop her body
>for the next hour she remains on the spot, drenched, twitching and gasping, between the conscious and unconscious, the only things she can feel are the flashes from all the cameras around her, the sounds of laughter, the odor of her fluids, and a faint sense of pleasure.

I always wanted to be a wizard, but the wait is killing me.

Get out of here, you unvirgin. I'm 28 too and I'm going to become a wizard.

why do people think that kids start they sexual life when they are 18yo

Normies will tell you it's overrated and it actually might be.
Girls below 25 can still be fairly playful and romantic, so you might be able to get a taste if that's what you are looking for.

Forgive me user, I'm just too weak and the succubus is seducing me.
I'm not an unvirgin though yet.

In a fair world, yes

She doesn't exist so who cares


you have some spiders on your stomach


It is overrated.
Sex in general is overrated without any mental control aspects.
The fun comes in manipulating bitches, nothing else.

That's leaning more into guro. I'm a simple wrestling ryona man. Belly punches, choke holds and body bending submissions over a prolonged period.

>the chad princess
>the virgin peasant

Chance for Firis posting!

In atelier rorona, they made the protag 13 and bumped her up to 17 for north america.
Maybe it was so she'd match the dub actors, maybe it was the high impact scenes, who knows.