>download Path of Exile because it looks fun
>see skill tree
Download Path of Exile because it looks fun
the skill tree isn't as bad as how grindy the game feels
Ahhh, yes... this is way better!
This holy shit skill tree is fun to fuck around but that fucking grind
>diverse set of skills that you can change at anytime to alter gameplay
>vs dozens of hours of grinding just to get more marginally more dex
I downloaded path of exile because I thought that was what PoE meant... Only later I found it meant Pillars of Eternity.
something in between these two would be nice
>game about grind from a company named Drinding Gear
>waaaaaa why do I have to grind
git gud
That skill tree is why I installed the game
Enjoy drinding 5 hours for your Corroded Longsword of Ghetto Poverty
Never played Final Fantasy 10?
D3 > poe
Yeah I feel the same. That and the grind is fucking real. The Gems are a fucking math puzzle (I suck at math) and if you ask for help making a guy they give you a fucking wiki for a build, oh it costs such and such..Ohh I need to be a veteran player to build all of these......yeah thanks... Fuck this game, I just wanted to kill shit. I'll slink back to D3 I guess......ugh..
Honest chuckle, thanks user
Immediatley remined me of the spheroboard, i think it looks great lol
When did people become so fucking casual and unwilling to learn a game?
>actually complaining about grinding in a Diablo game
Rather grind my ass off with interesting skill trees and rpg mechanics than deal with Diablo's shallow as fuck shit explicitly designed around accommodating console users who don't even use KB+M.
If you just googled a starter build you could be killing shit with no issue, even if a starter build has something required you can get away without having it for a long ass time. You don't need to act like you're at end game when you're level 5, biggest problem everyone new to the game seems to have, you can even just ignore putting points into anything for a long ass while if you like.
But user, those skills with +1% chance to stunif the enemy is undead, are so good and useful
This is actually better
No one has the time to waste their time reading what 2000+ nodes in PoE does except for autistic people
You're unironically the cancer killing video games, congrats.
Get a job
get a non-fast food job first
well, see in diablo 3, they have nice little numbers that say whether or not an item will make my damage higher
and it doesn't just effect my attack damage, it effects everything!
summons, spells, even auras!
why try to learn whether or not an item does something specific to certain spells when I can just look at a number?
Wow very true I like the big trillion number poopoo crisp makes my brain feel very happy hehehehehe
brain not good, but this good. make mistake okay. try again. no consequence. yay. game fun. look pretty light. ding! what button do? guide build make no sense. top tier. good copy. number big. good. cross-promotion. blizzard best daddy.
>All those retards who could not bother to just make a beginner build
>all those retards complaining about grind when it takes only 6-10 hours to get to higher level content
>all those retards who didn't even bother to read the damn tutorial
Seriously. With the new additions PoE is perhaps the easiest arpg to get into and comfortably clear all the content even blind and playin solo-self-found. Just do not go hardcore if you are new and have a minimal ability to read and learn the mechanics.
>from one extreme to the other
This is some weapons grade autism right here.
Also not wanting to stare at a fucking grid for hours, carefully planning out some arbitrary shit isn't ruining video games, quit sperging.
I bet you like weeb games too, fag
epic d00d, SIKK burn
like, you totally owned em
Im just gonna grind to get my 2k paragon level by just mindlessly blasting away trillions of damage at everything on screen, you should join me, it mgiht be a little slower, but it'll be soooo fuuunnn :)
Did they fix the hp and other defenses? Do you still stack energy shield to win?
>Do you still stack energy shield to win
plus shield leech
Not wanting to spend time learning an incredibly deep system that allows you to do fucking anything in the game and wanting a linear progression system instead is actually killing video games.
It genuinely takes 30 minutes tops to get the gist of the passive tree, spend some time actually learning the game you're going to be playing and not just being spoonfed
They nerfed ES and other forms of defense have always been viable.
>They nerfed ES and other forms of defense have always been viable.
they didn't do shit then. thanks.
I don't understand, I cleared shaper and red tier elder with no ES, what's the issue here?
>It genuinely takes 30 minutes tops to get the gist of the passive tree
And if you're too much of a lazy fuck you can always just follow one of the hundreds of guides floating around the forums
nigger people killed shaper with elemental hit. It doesn't mean it's good.
That's literally not fun to anyone who isn't on the spectrum. I hate spoonfeeding in games but there can be a gentle medium between overwhelming flowchart of bullshit and a linear tech tree. Like if you really looked at the sphere grid in final fantasy x, it wasnt that bad and pretty easy to learn... but it still wasnt fun or worth the time it took to break it down. Thanks for proving my point though, keep samefagging.
What the fuck does it matter if it's not the best as long as it clears and is fun? People like alkaizer never go ES and clear just fine so what's the issue?
I don't know how much simpler you want it besides literally being spoonfed whats the best in the game and how to just make a cookie cutter build
I know paying attention to simple details when making a character is hard, but please try to show some form of concentration
ultimate pleb filter. seriously though it looks way worse than it actually is
fuck off casuals
Can someone explain to me the appeal of these diablo type games?
How do you care about loot if the game itself is so basic that playing it feels completely monotnous. I looked at some high level gameplay to see how fighting lategame works. You still kill monsters in absolute droves and spam some AOE Ability while running around on super speed.
>Animations play so fast that you don't see them at which looks like shit.
>Challenge is non existent unless there is some difficulty increase and then it's almoist always insta kills.
>You have to grind endleslly the same monotnous gameplay
Sure thinking up builds and the skill tree look great but what's the pojnt if the game itself is essentially dynasty warriors with less enemies.
they're designed purely for the addictiveness of clicking on monsters and levelling up, they're barely above slot machines
grinding is fun what's so hard to understand about this
it's a fucking video game not skynet, it's not going to think of interesting ways to create challange, they'll be all about numbers
fuck off
Is this as retarded as it was in FFX?
>waah let me enjoy my skinner box in peace
you're a dead end of human evolution
sucks to be you
Why don't you play it yourself and find out what the appeal is all about? Diablo 2 is a PC classic, you should at least play it once. If you like it, try out path of exile.
For me it's perfecting the build I'm doing then using the currency I accumulated to try another, it's just an incredibly good time sink and there is a ton of shit to do.
I spent thousands of hours playing Diablo2. In retrospect I can't tell you why. Probably just got used to playing the game.
>this is simple
Also im confused, one minute you argue it doesn't spoonfeed you and the next you say it tells you exactly where to put points?
So now not only are you autistic but you're a contrarian as well? Sup Forums ladie and gentlemen
lucky you the game is actually the opposite of what you though:
-the skill tree is the main attraction fo the game
-the gamplay is absolutely unfun and made up by a slow, repetitive, grinding click spam.
If you had the attention span of more than a couple of minutes, it's not hard to figure out. Are you legitimately too stupid?
at least those are active skills. The orb sphere in PoE is ultimately pointless because there's no real sense of skill progression, they're all fucking passive skills.
Wow, so exciting.
Instead you get hundreds of skill gems you can use, damn that sucks.
To me these gifs arent even offensive, its really more the fact that you're filming yourself... presumably killing yourself? but surely he could have recovered at any second he wanted. Unless he broke his neck upon dropping.
Very stupid.
>at least those are active skills
holy shit dude how do you exist
It is simple, the gist is you find a path that makes your character the strongest and tankiest from your starting position on the tree.
I'd argue its more if your build works, I don't know for softcore, but for hardcore it's really important that you balance life or es with whatever damage or skill type you're using
While, yes, also killing everything on the screen and watching them pop and getting crazy loot so you can either make yourself even stronger and tankier or to make a different character entirely stronger which will most likely play differently but ultimately do the same thing of popping everything on screen.
Oh my fucking god. Imagine the devs having to map out and balance that shit. Must have been a nightmare
Could I figure it out?
Would I want to?
Depends on the payoff, odds are it's not worth it
Will I have fun playing around on this 8 dimensional chessboard?
You seemed to have lost track of. My argument of: "only autists will find this fun" and I stand by that statement. It wasn't an issue of intelligence, it was an issue of where on the spectrum do I need to be to enjoy this boring bullshit.
Try harder
This pleases me. Fuck you, OP. You braindead retard who makes no effort to understand it at all.
I totally get that. I also love grinding in games but it needs to be attached to gameplay I can enjoy on it's own. I tried out PoE for like 6 hours and I have to say killing shit feels good. But as soon as i looked how lategame looks with the AOE Ability Spam with animation speeds that look absolutely retarded I immediately lost all interest. I had the same problem with warframe. At first it had actual thought through gameplay. Then they updated it with:
"Lol look at this build that increases attack speed by 200%. Now fighting looks completely retarded and it's mandatory if you want to use a melee weapon lategame. Also we introduced a damage system that takes all punch out of guns and melee weapons to make it generalized so if you kill an enemy with a heavy gravity hammer he falls on his ass as if he suddendly went unconsciouss like a feather."
>Download path of building
>Google what type of skill you want to use at the end game and "3.1" for the current patch
>Import pastebin link for PoB from a build guide
>Replicate in game
You now have access to a wide variety of builds using all skill gems made by other people who know how to make a functioning end game build. Once you feel comfortable enough after having played a few builds by other people, feel free to start experimenting and making your own.
The main problem I have with PoEs passive tree is that it’s basically just one gigantic noob trap since there’s generally only a small handful of ways to actually utilize it and not completely fuck yourself over at endgame.
its not that hard if you are competent at your fucking job making said game, which they do
op's pick is outdated tree btw
go try titan quest on lowest speed then
you might understand why people want the game to be fast
it doesn't tell you where to put points, but if you literally can't figure out that a node that says 10% increased max health is guy for a character that relies on health then please, go back to diablo 3 where your choices are confined to 6 "attacks" that you aren't totally just gonna fill with buffs and auras and one skill and 3 passives
it seems to fit your retarded reading comprehension.
That's the thing I love about it though, a lot of my friends who play poe started as "I'm not going to listen to you and go for just damage and expose this game" then get raped by act 6, it's seriously a good learning experience.
>needing 30 minutes
>not just using whatever passive looks coolest
What the fuck is so confusing about a +20% increase in physical damage are you retarded?
The amount of goal posting and samefagging happening right now it fantastic.
You can't say one argument then immediately pullback on it the second I call you out on it.
If that's the payoff than why does it need to look so large and bullshit complicated? It seems silly to put something like that into a game for any reason other than to chase newer players away.
SHIT like this doesn't cater to anyone but people who get a kick of stacking their toys smellest to largest. If I want a game to challenge my brain I'll play a puzzle game or a nice city builder, not grid simulator 2k17.
there is nothing to this game and there will be, nor any other game like it
it's about hitting mobs with cursory AI while your character becomes stronger based on time spent. the only other detail is a tiny modifier to efficiency. there is no reward for doing any of this.
Hello welcome to video games.
I regret trying ED/Contagion as my first build and VD as my second. I hated them both.
Anyone want to gift me a HH
So what's your argument for it not being fun?
You still haven't proven me otherwise on that front yet. I still think the compication argument is valid because a grid that large would be pointless if it was as simple as you make it sound and it would prove my point of it being arbitrary.
BUT it's still not fun no matter how you spin it. Also samefag
...there are other kinds of video games
Sure friend just wait until abyss hits standard.
Yeah but there isn't enough games that utilize my emotional intelligence.
No one is here to prove that it's fun to you
If you don't like diablo-style arpgs why are you trying to discuss them?
If your only argument for it not being fun is that the tree is too massive and scary, then you're the problem.
If it's because the game relies on grinding and trying to finish end game then you're playing the wrong games all together
figure yourself out, memerist
Boy it would be such a shame if your HC character leap slammed into me wouldn't it?
What the fuck are you on about? That was the most bullshit cop out in the history of cop outs. Maybe ever.
So it's not fun, Grindy, and unnecessary and only appeals to autists. Looks like I was correct all along.
>part 3/4
can somebody post how abyss set looks like on shadow?
on templar it looks like shit and if not Inevitable Judgement i would never pick that old fart in a first place
>thread starts out with someone complaining that the tree is too intimidating
>devolved into d3 vs PoE
>somewhere along that this dumb nigger apparently appeared spouting how he doesn't get the appeal of diablo arpgs
>some how right all along
you are literally too retarded to continue
>tfw this is unironically my 4 year old nephews favorite gayme
I guess it's just not my type of game. The fast speed makes total sense to me. There are quite a few games like this who depend on the fast speed in lategame. I can even use Warframe as a example where you basically glitchdash around like sonic on bathsalts. I jsut recently started hating when that happens. I always have the moment of: Wait I don't have fun doing this but I am so deep in this game I am not even realising it. It's just part of the routine now.
And then I stop.
I'll stick with D3. Thanks.
I might be autistic, but the skill tree is my favorite part of Path of Exile.
only takes 100 hours of work to get a build off the ground before you know if it's good and if you like it
and most of them cost shitloads of POE funbucks(the fuck is a chaos orb, what is an "exalted"?) to get the right uniques, which are mostly just objectively the best in slot gear
I forgot to mention you also lose xp when some faggot bullshit telefrag enemy leaps behind you and nothin personnel instakills you, hehe goy
The worst part about this is that shitters like you are the fucking majority these days.
People who don't have patience or aren't interested in investing in anything that isn't instant gratification.
The kind of person who genuinely feels rewarded when they get an achievement for pressing the start game button.
>The Journey begins xDDD
The only thing I hate about poe is how unlucky you can get with maps, and how fucking expensive they are this league
>wahh the grind is bad
get good. that's what i love about poe. you can actually become more efficient at the grind and fast. the game sucks ass for new players. it's slow as shit, you often fuck your build up, but once you have experience it's a breeze. your character is fully geared up in a few weeks and a few weeks is actually pretty mediocre
>the gameplay isn't fun and takes too long
yeah, no harbinger or horizon orbs makes the grind real again
I usually scrape away with like 3 or 4 maps per map, usually a tier below if not the same but sometimes get a tier above one
What's a fun and viable build right now for barbarian? Think I want to get into PoE again (been years).