>started the cancer that is microtransactions
>prevents valve from ever making single player games for years
>put aside development for half life 3 since a decade ago to cater to multiplayer gamers
>ever since its release and the success of its microtransactions, many game developers followed suit and reduce the content of the single player aspect of their games and pay more focus on multiplayer, bastardizing AAA games forever
>people whos fed up with AAA multiplayer games plaguing the market have to resort to retro style pixelshit low budget indie games so they can have fun normally
>despite all this its still a better game than overwatch
is there a more based game than Team Fortress 2?
Started the cancer that is microtransactions
>started the cancer that is microtransactions
It's not a Korean MMO.
I'm not OP, but you can't deny that TF2 made microtransactions for PC games popular
the microtransactions meme outside of korea didnt start until team fortress 2 came along. also korea never made single player games because once you go mtx you'll go mtx forever
TF2's microtransaction shit is different from EA's because everything in TF2 is completely optional and doesn't affect the game, unlike locking weapons and heroes behind money, valve just locks your wallet because you're addicted to buying a shiny hat that does nothing.
>b-b-b-but they patched it
took them multiple years
There used to be a couple of sets that did give advantages until the community bitched about it
IT didn't you fucking ignorant ape. EA and many other western devs were doing for years prior to TF2's f2p update.
>be Sup Forums
>pirate single player games
>buy multiplayer game because you need it to play on-line
>complain why "nobody" make good single player game anymore
And don't forget that kind of people "I don't see myself playing this game over and over again, that is why I will just pirate it".
>started the cancer that is microtransactions
No. Literally just as wrong as saying 2+2=5. Are you honestly 12 or something? Anyone that was slive during the time would know this just wasn't true.
>prevents valve from ever making single player games for years
>put aside development for half life 3 since a decade ago to cater to multiplayer gamers
Again, why pin this on TF2? You'd say it's because TF2 provided them a stable source of income with zero effort, but Steam itself did that for them.
>ever since its release and the success of its microtransactions, many game developers followed suit and reduce the content of the single player aspect of their games and pay more focus on multiplayer, bastardizing AAA games forever
Again, you're a child to blame this on TF2.
>people whos fed up with AAA multiplayer games plaguing the market have to resort to retro style pixelshit low budget indie games so they can have fun normally
Sounds like a personally problem.
>despite all this its still a better game than overwatch
At least you admit this.
Those set bonuses were extremely minor and there were server settings to disable them.
>>started the cancer that is microtransactions
>muh piracy
gtasa sold 40 million copies and during the time piracy on the ps2 was everywhere
>tf2 didnt lock weapons behind a paywall
are you retarded?
What a garbage fucking game literally created for immature grade schoolers.
>b-but le funny shrek memes!!!!! the pyro farts!!!!!!! LMFAO
tf2 and overwatch threads should be permabans.
Ayy to the lmao. The spy set was way to good
how do you get the fish? ive been grinding drops for months and still havent got it
>put aside development for half life 3 since a decade ago to cater to multiplayer gamers
That's not even how valve works, they have individual teams for each game. Half Life 3 was halted because there's no money being made in a game no one is willing to make.
>started the cancer that is microtransactions
No, they didn't. Pretty sure most people could give less of a shit about tf2's microtransactions, especially compared to other games with far worse models.
TF2 had crates before it went F2P. Also what big name games had crates prior to TF2?
RNGsus, it comes from random drops. Alternatively, trade for one (via scrap.tf or some shit), or turn your dupe weapons into scrap and melee/scout tokens and craft one by going to custom blueprint and putting in one scrap, one melee token, and one scout token. Trading is best here and crafting isn't guaranteed.
I love Patchouli!
Battlefield Heroes and literally every every chink/corean game.
Maplestory had the Gachapon thing.
He said POPULAR, not invented.
You craft a reclaimed metal and a sandman together.
*Half Life 3 was halted because single player games make less money than microtransaction heavy games
That's still wrong though.
>set bonuses were very minor
>the spy got to literally mute his dead ringer in exchange for his disguise kit
Well, youre right. If GTA San Andreas had microtransactions, Rockstar would've still be making shitloads of money out of it like they currently do with GTAV and soon RDR2.
Craft or just trade for it. Easier than expecting a drop.
i want to impregnate fat patchouli. regular patchouli ehh
That's literally nothing unless you're a pub-shitter, and even then, a lot of servers had the effects disabled.
The only egregious one was the head-shot effect on the sniper set.
It's still a bad idea to tie cosmetics with buffs.
>scout had medic health
>soldier had effectively 250 max health to sentry guns at all times
>pyro ran 10% faster at all times in exchange for an effective 160 max health to bullets
>sniper could survive headshots
>spy gained an almost silent decloak for a longer cloaking time, which didn't affect the dead ringer
Spy's Saharan set was the shit.
at least item buffs like those encourage players to fight rather than fucking around the map as friendlies.
Yeah, which is why they were patched out.
And those effects were tied to shitty sets. Sniper had to use the Sydney Sleeper, Scout had to use Shortstop, etc.
>they ditch it all for leave a calling card on your victims
what a fucking shitty gimmick. its like valve is insulting us.
"better than overwatch" isn't an argument, the game is trash compared to how it was in 2010 and even then it had no comp merit compared to a quake game
or... now hear me out. they tried to make the game better.
Yes, but a Sniper using the Sydney Sleeper, the Darwin's Danger Shield, and the Bushwacka was at a straight disadvantage to anybody who was using the exact same items with the hat as well.
Also, anybody who had the set hat could fake out enemies by not actually using all of the weapons in the set, leading enemies to believe that they may have the set's negatives.
i always wanted the fez, when i finally got it i realized the set bonuses are not that great
Quake has hands down the greatest 1v1 maps and mechanics in an fps.
it gets boring quickly in the tournament recognized team vs team modes.
examples: random spawn locations & item pickups add too much RNG for it to be competitive. healing is only a teamwork affair so far as not picking up bubbles so your teamate can. everyone is capable of everything which causes more RNG because guessing which player has picked up what with 4 players spawning in 4 random spots leads to high unpredictability.
on the other side TF2 is far and away the best teambased fps made or at least what the 6s community has refined it into. I'm talking 5cp & koth. A/D, payload, HL, proL need not apply.
TF2 doing the opposite of what i said quake does poorly in teamwork based play, it keeps the essence of a good arena shooter I.E. distance vs damage vs weapon choices making post engagement decision making nearly as significant as pre-engagement
Valve doesn't operate in teams.
>examples: random spawn locations & item pickups
items have no randomness, they're based on timers
item pickups + random spawn locations + teamVteam
understand now?