What are some games, that allow me to play as a titty ninja? And I don't mean censored VN porn shit...

What are some games, that allow me to play as a titty ninja? And I don't mean censored VN porn shit, I mean actual games with actual gameplay and combat.

Soul calibur

Already played the first game on my PSX over 10 years ago. Need other games, preferably on PC.

Naruto UNS games?

Senran Kagura would be the obvious suggestion

This upcoming masterpiece

dead or alive

there's also ibuki in street fighter but she's not a titty monster

That part in ninja gaiden where you play as ayane

Red Ninja

Thanks, niggers. I'm actually looking at SK now. Which game is the best one to start with on Steam?


Post more titty ninjas, and I think Nioh when you get to play as females later in the game.

postan best senran

hint: her suit comes from a censored porn VN

what about that soul calibur with character creator and dynasty warriors empires etc?

Soul Calibur 2 - Taki

This is a mod for the PC version, right?

Razor Edge is great if you want cute ninjas going full rip and tear

Ninja Gaidan?

sengoku basara


Fire Emblem Conquest got some kunoichi you can recruit


>homare kagerou
This pleases my dick.

Soul calibur 3 on pcsx2. If your pc isn't a toaster you can get it running fine enough.

Or Soul Calibur broken destiny if you are running on a toaster with PPSSPP

Some of the Tenchu games aswell.

Kenshi if you're willing to play a ninja in an EA(other bad kind) game.

Just do release order on pc as you do not have 3ds for original games. Also from the makers of these ninja titty lovers comes more titty lovin, but not really ninjas, Valkyrie Drive!


Too bad boob physics is still broken in the PC versino

Whoa her face really looks annoying in that pic,like I really want that guy to pull the trigger

Is it?

The video is Vita version vs PC. My guess is they fucked up when unlocking the framerate

Seriously, when is the new Taimanin game coming out?

Wtf this is unacceptable

>ust do release order
So I start with Shinovi and then go to Estival? OK, thanks.

PC looks better

>Kagero in Conquest


Yeah it's not that bad, they just became sentient

The ribbons on their shirts go fucking crazy during cutscenes. They start bouncing wildly as if their tits are still bouncing.

Its Birthright and Rev where kagerou is playable unless you do the card shop thing.

I avoided using outfits and accessories with the ribbons because of this. It's too fucking distracting!

Senran Kagura. The two Cersus games are on Steam.