Backlog fight

Its time to defeat our backlog one step at the time
Post your backlog in this thread. The first user that answer to you list decide which game you play and you MUST play it untill the end before you start another game.
I start

>Nier Automata
>Dishonored 2
>Darksiders 2
>Pillars of Eternity
>Infamous Second Son
>Dragon Age Inquisition
>Dying Light
>Tokyo Xanadu Ex+
>Trails of the Cold Steel
>Odin Sphere Leifhtrasis

>Dragon Age Inquisition

>Danganronpa V3
>Shiren the Wanderer Tower of Fortune
>Hollow Knight
>LoH Trails in the Sky
>Oddworld Stranger's Wrath

Play Odin Sphere Leifthrasir

Danganronpa V3

Pope fucked little children


wojtyla was the last good pope. I hope Francis burns in a vat of boiling shit

Wojylak is rotting in hell.

My backlog is too long to post but I've been fighting my way through all the ass creed games up to Black Flag and then finishing all my Star Wars games. Moral support appreciated.

ty kurwa janie pawele


>F.E.A.R. + 2 expacs (base game partially completed)
>Crysis 1 + Crysis 2 (1 partially completed)
>Witcher Enhanced Edition + Witcher 2 (1 partially completed)
>The Bureau XCOM Declassified
>XCOM 2 (partially completed)
>Red Alert 3
>Fallout 4 (only BoS storyline completed)
>Hell Yeah!
>Jet Set Radio
>Left 4 Dead 2
>Lords of the Fallen (recommend build, didn't have fun first time I tried it)
>MGR: Revengeance (played up to Monsoon)
>Payday 2
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (played just a bit, past the spooky anomaly tunnel and meeting the factions)

Jet set radio

Unity is pretty ok after patches but it has a ton of monotonous side quests
your map is literally covered with icons and it is overwhelming

nah John Paul was a good person. Francis is a Jesuit plant and I hope he gets beaten and raped by a pack of niggers

Take your pills Gail.

Every pope was a fascist/commie and a child fucker and has nothing to do with Christianity. Go eat kremówka you meme loving fuck.

>worshipping a robed man with a boatload of jewelry on him
So how can Catholics call themselves Christian they do this? How can they even swallow this warped and bizarre idea that the pope is anything but a false idol?

>Jesuit plant
>Catholic Church
>Jesuits are a Catholic Organization

That's like saying Pope Alexander IV or Clement V or Innocent III or Gregory IX or Leo X or John XXII or Martin V or Nicolas III or Sixtus V or Pius XI was a Franciscan plant.

Jesuits aren't Christian

*transforms God into a waffle*
Nothing personnel

>The Society of Jesus is a scholarly religious congregation of the Catholic Church which originated in sixteenth-century Spain.


if I named my secret jewy society "The Society of Allah", it doesn't make me muslim

chuj w dupe polakom

Każdy papierz to pedofil elo

>Gravity Rush
>Metal Gear Rising
>Dirt Rally
>Dragons Dogma
>Dark Souls 2
>Bloodborne DLC
>Saint's Row 2
>Black Ops
>The Last Remnant
>Hot Pursuit
>finally getting the 2hu 16 1cc lunatic
>Killer is Dead
>Dodonpachi Resurrection
>Tales of Zestiria

no chyba twoj stary ty dalnie jebany

Ale papiesza to wy szanujcie, koledzy.

Pope Paul III confirmed their order, therefore you cannot be Catholic if you refuse to recognize them. You aren't Christian.

Idź tam żryj wafelki i módl się na kulach analnych katokomuchu.

Przypominam tylko że cenzopapa jest już dawno memem fejsbukowych grupek dla oskarków z pędzlami na głowach

papiesz to i nawet w 2018 śmieszy

Dark Souls 2

Don't buy the memes, it has good weapon variety and the best covenants of any souls game. Just remember the basic tenants of DS1, take things slow and carefully read your environment, be ready to strike if you get swarmed.

I recommend playing it plain before playing Scholar of the First Sin though, SoftFS makes the game noticably harder imo, for instance adding a dragon in front of the church of the blue

spierdalaj zydzie a od wafelkow z biedry sie odpierdol tanie i chujowe ale duzo

metal gear rising
short and fun

>Divinity: Original Sin
>Sleeping Dogs
>Witcher 3
>Danganronpa 2
>Alan Wake
>Persona 5

Ksiądz dotykał cię w dzieciństwie?

no juz tak dawno ze im sie znudzil z dwa lata temu

Robiła to twoja matka, stara kurwiara.

Polish is probably the funniest sounding language in the world

t. Czech

Co tam guwniaki?

Danganronpa 2

Danish gives it a run for its money

a co tu się odpierdala

sram hooyem xD

Nier Automata
Witcher 3
Crash collection
Total War Attila
Sunless Sea
This is the Police
Pillars of Eternity

Do I need to play the extra mode and unlock all the leftover shit from 1 or can I just jump in having played through 1 once?

Taki wygląd katoli xD w niedzielę grzecznie kleczy przez pedałem w sukience a potem hulaj dusza piekła nie ma.

your mommas language on my dick sounds pretty funnier [cool]

you are good to go
nothing in the extra content matters its only to fuck around

>Metro 2033
>Alpha Protocol
>Dead Space


Short, fun, good music.

Szukam ci matkę xD

San Andreas

Jap papa walil duze dzieci

zupełnie jak twoja matka xD

czy kara to nadal gimbo central?

tak, bardzo straszny smród, proszę nie przychodzić i zostać na swoim forszambie

You Swedish or Norwegian? To me Polish sounds like Czech spoken by someone with a brain concussion


>t. Czech
Well, as I recall in Czech 'love' is 'laska', which in Polish means (also) blowjob. I think you win in this category.

sugerowando że poświeciłbym minute blokując latające papieże by postować z wami o kupie

kara to kurwidolek zarzadzany przez femki i gimbusow z uczucio, ktorzy trzymaja spierdoliny w klatce, bo czasem im dzieki temu wysraja jakas smiesza paste ktora potem sie mozna chwalic na grupkach

a ty tam wracaj bo nie fitujesz

he papieŻ

sklep - cz: basement, pl: shop
plyn: cz: gas, pl: liquid

polacks are retards

nasraj se do ryja

>normiki i uczuciopedały
>w sumie sul, ale łibusy, poza tym, awaryjny jak jakiś inny się wypierdoli
Trochę wyjebany jestem z polskiego przemysłu czanowego, nie wiem co jeszcze obecnie działa.

Axiom Verge
Yakuza 0
Super Mario Sunshine
Divinity 1
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
The Last of Us
Wolfenstein The New Order

no idz juz bo cie na wykop tez wolaja


tam się spierdonów szkaluje przecież

No to elo, wypierdalam na wilno

skąd w tobie tyle kwasu???

These pole posts must be stopped.

Why are poles so obsessed with this pope?

lori to idol dupowy

>RE Rev2
>Risen 2
>Giants Citizen Kabuto

I hate steam sales

Jest zasada by nie forsować spierdolenia, ale nawet putiego nie jebie się za bardzo, wilno jest jak pierwotne szambo - banda łibusów bez życia.

id*le to gówno

moze za duzo coli pije


it's a dead meme that's not used for anything else than raiding since like 2014 or 2015

More on so "finish the game" backlog:
Doom 4 (At third level)
Nier Automata (Al most done route B)
Bloodborne (At Yahargul)
Etrian Odyssey 4 (At first level/world or whatever it was)
Final Fantasy Tactics (Still need to figure out more of the basics)
Dead Space 2 (Somewhere in the middle of the game)
I mean I really like all of these games it's just that I'm actually lazy when it comes to commitment or that I get distracted by other shit.

Ys 1 & 2 are really short and really good. Play them

Back in the days when Sup Forums was doing things for the lulz it carried over to polish imageboards, and making fun of John Paul II was generating so much butthurt it became main way of messing with Poles, because for some people in here first polish pope is holier then God himself. Nowadays cenzopapa is just kind of reminder of better times, when chans weren't mainstream.

sam oceń

>polskie chany
zdechłem, na kara które jest największe gdy jest więcej niż 200 online to wybucha panika i zamieszki, fakt że duża część normictwa zdaje sobie sprawę z istnienia szonów ale tam nie wchodzą bo mają swoje grupki na fejsbuku

The supreme achievement and legacy of the Polish race.


Finish Nier Automata, my dude

Ale czanowe memiksy i czanmowa napierdala po wykopie jak pojebana, poza tym jakieś bazyliszki i inne chuje muje się obnoszą z moim sekretnym klubem. Nawet jeśli ludzie nie lurkują to korzystają ze zdobyczy kultury czanów.

no to odróżniaj w takim razie twory chanowe od samych chanów

Sleeping Dogs complete
The witcher: enhanced edition
Valkyria Chronicles
Saints Row 2
World of Final Fantasy
What remains of editch Finch

to jest kurwa internet zią rzeczy sie roznoszą
te cwele z SA też pewnie się wkurwiają że wszyscy praktycznie używają tego co stworzyli

Yakuza 4
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Resident Evil 3

Valkyria Chronicles

>Bravely Default
>The Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival
>Odin Sphere Leifhtrasis
>Persona 5
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>A link between worlds (3ds)
>Legend of Legacy
>Devil Survivor Overlocked
>Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse
>Fire Emblem Shadow of valentia.
>Metal Gear Solid 5
>Divinity Original sin 2
>Witcher 3

Nier Provided you mean Gestal/Replicant If not Drakengard.