He uses discord, chat for gamers by gamers™

>he uses discord, chat for gamers by gamers™

>Using the soy meme when 90% of the people that use it are Sup Forumstards
You're not an embarrassing Sup Forumstard, OP, are you?

That's impossible. Sup Forums has a discord of their own!

>90% of the people that use it are Sup Forumstards
where'd you get that figure and how do you define a Sup Forumstard?

i just want frogposting back at least sometimes they were funny

Once again, an alt-righter attacks opinions of those who actually profess a sincere belief in something other than white supremacy

Figures, without a target they tear each other apart

congratulations, you already ruined the soy meme. go back to r/Sup Forums or something.

I kind of feel like it's being intentionally driven into the ground by some people.

Telegram is superior

>Sup Forums are discord soyboys

It's funny, because most people wouldn't be triggered and just see it as a meme. You doing okay? Gotta keep up that soy intake!

>/leftypol/ projecting again
How many times did your faggot discord get infiltrated again?

GOOD for anime ERP!

I suppose you’re still using teamspeak OP?

redditors really fucking hate when you attack their discord. they take it personally. it's quite bizarre. discord is a cancer on vidya

>Sup Forums has a discord of their own

he uses ventrilo probably.

It's the meme that hits closest to home, they can't help but to screech about it

Get off Vent or I'll have you bent.

what is some essential soyware?

Sup Forums does not have a discord. it's a honeypot set up by lefty faggots to trap idiots into going to. no one worth anything goes there and the reality is it's just lefty faggots trolling lefty faggots trying to infiltrate

Anyone you disagree with.

Ventrilo is best though

That's what a self-hating soyboy would say!


>being in this much denial
I'm sorry your containmen board's also cucked, anons.


It's good for sharing gfur. I've never used it for Vidya.


get fucked you piece of shit
I hope you get hit by a truck

cp is against the rules

found the Sup Forumsboy/

To be fair discord servers are full of crossdressing shemales.

>immediately deflect to MUH POL
>all that roleplay and support
This is why the soy meme will ever die. It hits the soyboy right in the face.

the newfag redditors on Sup Forums would litrally cry if they went on Sup Forums

>not using mumble
>or IRC
Enjoy your botnet, everything is a botnet unless I like it.

Of course it is, it cuts deep so the people it describes are just flooding everywhere with it in hopes people start to hate it. Spout any meme ad nauseum and you'll turn everyone against it no matter how true or funny it is.

how does it cut deep when nobody actually drinks soymilk except some fringe hipsters?

>having internet
lmao enjoy being apart of the NSA honeypotnet

I'm aware of that. So what's your point?

or maybe it's not that funny

It cuts deep because it describes vast swathes of the pathetic noodle-armed manchildren that peruse this board.

>he doesn't use his company's Slack group for gaming
>he doesn't call his bro-op buddies faggots in the same channel his boss is using to plan the monthly meeting

omega permavirgin detected

For you.

soy boy = might boy

I mean it started on t/d so it's not like it's a quality meme. I do get a laugh out of the dumb gape expression though.

it's funny when it's used correctly. Sup Forums and reddit have this fantastic tendency to literally ruin everything remotely funny when they start projecting to things that have absolutely no correlation to the original meme/statement.

for further examples, see >>>cuck, nazi, commie etc.

>everything I don't like is soy now

you're so funny and savvy using 2 year reddit memes!

Soyboy is not funny. The nu-male face meme is though.

aw did it hit the little discord man babby to close to home? :(

>what is some essential soyware?
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

reddit leave

>get wounded by being called soy boy
>come up with/pol/boy as your line of attack
Holy fuck it's going to be a long 2018 for you faggots

kek, this

literal soyboys, not in a meme way

[X] Doubt

I see life in this man's eyes. He has thoughts, a soul, possibly his own hopes and dreams.
While he does have some of the traits of a soyboy, he is missing one of the most important ones.

Who is this man?

>not playing soydew valley on switch

>This thread is full of like 1-2 people constantly hammering home a meme.

Honestly? Whats the difference between a Soy manchild and the fatty manchildren who spread the meme?

Last I checked they're both impotent, balding and useless.


Discord has some pretty good gay servers, I like it.

>not full of traps


>can't take being called a soyboy so you have to strawman the people calling you it
kys familia

Mumble's a fucking botnet you troll.

>get wounded up by being called Sup Forumsboy
>come up with soyboy as your line of attack
Holy fuck, it's going to be a long 2018 for you faggots.

>he has online friends
i go online to escape from that shit


I hate the new "gamer culture" part of this is mostly because its becoming a trendy thing and the whorish aspect inherent with streaming. Mind you I don't mind streamers themselves its the atmosphere/nerd culture around them.

Discord seems to be the purveyor of it and twitch. Then I ask the million dollar question how the fuck does Discord make revenue?

You have my attention

>using kys in the year 2015+3
off yourself my man

>all these mad soy boys upset that they got sacrificed on the altar of the river soy


>every single guild uses this shit for EVERYTHING

i just want to use the chat pls

Soybois use telegram

>soydew valley
Really rustled my raspberries


have you ever expressed positive support for any position vis-a-vis negative support

>You're not an embarrassing Sup Forumstard, OP, are you?
No, he's a Sup Forums / Sup Forums crossposting shitposter. He tried to make this thread on Sup Forums earlier and got told to fuck off

I like this one.

literal reddit manchild. my fucking sides.

*gets shot

NSA Spyware that doesn't even work half the fucking time

Communications not secure but otherwise not a bad choice.

I only use Tox and Wickr.

holy fuck I just noticed this aswell, this man can be saved

Why are the loading messages so fucking awful? I like the site overall, but god damn.

It's the best way to organize matches for my dead weeb fighting games on PC.

Jesse Cox on YouTube I think

>NSA Spyware
get the tinfoil hats everybody! we /x/ now but unironically, non larping /x/

OP didnt even mention soy

Selling the information made to corporate interests and governments, read the terms of service and shit, then factor in that it was initially heavily invested in by tencent, a Chinese monopoly and isn't blocked there when usually things like that would be

I don't get it, why the gaping mouth? something cuck related?

But calling everyone a soyboy because they dislike your shitty Wojack memes is also a Strawman.

Why are you so defensive over a joke?

The meme with nu-male face is about soy.

Also, soy was disproved on numerous occasions that doesn't affect test at all

>inb4 soyboy
you have no scientific defence

both op and the soy meme accurately describe him so he sees them as one in the same(because they are)

Do you want a link?

>frogposters are ruining wojak posting too

you people can't leave anything alone can't you?

It's a weird trend where people open their mouths wide when being photographed holding a Switch.

When will there be a new Soylent Hill game, Sup Forums?

t. Australian

What does this wojak face meant to elicit? I don't get it.

don't give kikes a reason to reboot soylent green

Why are YOU so defensive of a joke?

I don't find the joke funny, because it's just another Wojack edited pasted in with some Sup Forums buzzwords.

It's just not funny and you're getting really fucking angry people don't find it funny.