ITT: Badly designed maps

ITT: Badly designed maps

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You first


He said YOU GO FIRST. Start your thread properly, faggot.

>inb4 some fucking retard posts the greatest map on TF2

alright fine then

I know you're just baiting for the (You)'s but blood gulch was the best map in the series.

dude snipers lmao

How can people even like that map?

Git gud faggot. Sniper rifle wasn't even the best weapon in the game.

I remember a 12v12 game on that map when I somehow managed to put a lvl3 sentry and a lvl3 dispenser up on one of the containers, got like 102 kills before some dude killed me

here's a shitty map. fun, but unbalanced.

What a shit show. I remember getting a kill streak at the front windows.

>it's a 2cp episode

>ruined the game within the first week
objectively the worst map


>The 8 shitty stock maps in Halo 3 until Foundry allowed customization
Why do people say this game had the best MP?

literally every map in this game.

cobblestone in CSGO, shit since introduced, shit after all the changes and patches

Because it was the best MP game around at the time, but you wouldn't know that being a youngfag such as yourself.
Inb4 Grandpa

>when the joke community maps are more fun than the official/official fan-made approves maps
Oh boy, I just love rocket jumping into a ceiling truss that didn’t need to be there. Oh boy, bottlenecks, and one at a 90 degree angle- let the projectile spam begin!
Oh boy, health kits everywhere, now i don’t have to have more skill than my opponent, I just have to pepper damage in and retreat , consequence free of needed to be a medic or protect my own medic.
Oh boy, open area starting spaces that devolve into corridors and then back into open areas, we got to make sure snipermains feel justified - fuck team play, lol!
Despite that, I still enjoy cp_steel and cp_mountainlab. Even pl_hightower isn’t bad.


Wasted potential tbqh

i litteraly had no problem with this other than the fact it wasn't played enough

It was terrible, but pretty damn fun in a clusterfuck kind of way.

look at what battlefield has become


Fuck this thing, only good for hatchling safe room runs

Pick any map and I'll tell you why it sucks dick.

Illios as a whole is the only tolerable map in the entire game and it still has serious flaws.


>Pick any map
fuck it just tell me whats wrong with all of them

bruhI herd u liek chokepoints

all overwatch maps are garbage

Factory has to be one of the worst and most terrifying maps ever made

Every map in this game is fucking terrifying, I'm still not over the "gear fear" phase

Fuck this map. Fuck Coastline as well, but that's because I play it every other map.

>hearing somebody open a door or cabinet in the motel when you're also inside

why hasn't it been removed yet?
It was never balanced for PvP and they haven't done shit to fix it

>Yacht and Favela removed
>Fartlett still in

The worst part is that it isn't even the same as the situation version.

Ground War on Shipment, faggot.

What's wrong with it?

What's right with it would be a better question.

>bomb site on a stairwell
Legit ruins the fucking game

What are you talking about? it's not in the ranked map pool.
>playing casual

Guardian and Construct were sick, fuck you

Every map on Overwatch

My friends are too scared to play ranked and I'm too scared to play ranked solo

How the fuck can I play this game?

>playing ranked
sorry I like to have fun and not find hackers in my matches because of poor anti-cheat

>memetic aberration

Why do devs think it looks good?

>playing ranked
The ranked pool doesn't even have house.

you buy it

Dropshotting Ela player detected. 4444

Fucking Copper IV's

Isn't this also in the newest CoD game WWII?

hell yea

Bitch I'm unranked.

>you're low ranked if you don't like playing my neutered version of the game

umm I was plat 2 last season thanks you right after placements never palyed ranked again lol

Ping abusing 3 speed actually
I peek everything :^)
>4 min timers
>can't pick bomb site or spawn
Realized how dumb you are now?

Map, not game, user

>Ping abusing
>im-fucking-plying it works after BO mid-seasons

I certainly hope you aren't one of those fags with something like 100+ ping.

Fuck those sweaty EU shield glitching fags, they come to NA and do it to me so I'm getting them back

So you're a glitch fag AND a high pinger.

speaking of shitty doom map...

in t-hunt it's full of caveira's fart which lowers the visibility to zero but terrorists are still able to see you perfectly and the fucking bombers sneak up on you.

it's not really that bad when there's no gas.

For CS standards, it's a bad map. But CS standards are pretty high when it comes to map design.

What about Theme Park? Just got the game recently and can already tell that it's a fucking awful map.



thankfully I've barely played it

Second floor is good, the first floor is kinda confusing and no one really plays down there.
I prefer to spawn peek then anchor down site, just try your best to stay way from drug lab or gargoyle bomb sites

More like
>it's not King's Row or KoTH

Take it back. TAKE IT BACK

Fuck this map, I always quit out of the current session when this one came up.

It's been so long since I've played but that farmyard map was best map



just bring in a suppressed smg of any kind and wait to be crowned king of the map

Actually the best CTF map in TF2, not that that's saying much.

>nearly every map starts with a big fucking chokepoint that only has one main entrance and then a secondary entrance for the more mobile heroes like Pharah/Winston/Shimadas
>the one map that tries to be different (Junkertown) ends up being complete shit

Landfall and Doublecross are better

That's not Doublecross faggot

Also West London. Maybe it was just overexposure, but fucking everybody only wanted to play these two maps.

Doublecross and Landfall

I probably have 2000 hours played on turbine alone.

it was sharpshooters
they have no risk so they kill everything that tries to walk at them for 100+ meters
West london's pretty cool when you hold the pitch black police station

Also applies to Op. Metro and Argonne Forest.

2Fort- All TF2 CTF is objectively bad because of how the flag works.

2Fort is literally however, the breeding ground for the worst play styles Players of TF2 have to offer, and is the home of the turtler Engineer, next to it's uneven team side duality in many areas. Uncle Dane covered it, but you should check out 2fort revival maps.

Turbine ssuffers the same issues, one for it either being an endless stalemate or two, co-ordinated teams just buttrushing and anhhilating oppposition only to be delayed to cat and mouse because their intel get's taken. In all honestly, it's closer to a freeform Payload race opposed to a CTF because of this.

>people dislike ctf_turbine

It was my favorite map to play as Engineer or Taut kill Snipers with any class.

One continuous meat grinder

Objectively shit taste.

Nuketown is fucking god tier for literally every play style. There is a reason it got into every single Black Ops game and was even made into a zombies map. Everyone except faggots who got their ass kicked since they didn't know how to play a basic as a fuck map loves it.

That's one of the best tdm maps though, you don't take ctf games seriously do you op?

Tell me it didn't ruin the game when it was the ONLY map anyone would play

It didn't because it was a FUN and GOOD map

Why the fuck do you think everyone immediately votes for it no matter the black ops? It's small and fast yet perfect for basically every play style.

Pic related is also complete garbage. Fuck Zavod 311 too, horrible ugly map that is only redeemed because of it's night version.

CTF was cool in TFC when it had all the grenades and shit, we even had competitive matches on 2fort. But since then I never saw a modern game get the ctf mode done right, besides Tribes Ascend