Forza Horizon 4 "accidentally" leaked by the head of Xbox games marketing. Whether this his Twitter header was made by someone internally or not is not known, so it may not be legit.
If it is legit, FH4 will be set in Japan like Playground Games have been teasing forever.
Forza Horizon 4 "accidentally" leaked by the head of Xbox games marketing...
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And no one cares.
Forza is on PC as well.
I hope it will be dx11 only.
Win10 Store + Xbox only.
>forza in japan
>new ori
>new ryse
what a brilliant year for xbox players. they're finally bringing some interesting games now. that ashen indie game looks really interesting.
windows store is dx12 only
This means the new Perfect Dark rumor is real
The picture of FH4 is fake but there is NO WAY he didn't notice Horizon 4 with the japshit being on there so it pretty much is confirmed.
Part of me is excited, part of me is scared and part of me thinks this is not real
Forza: Tokyo Drumpft
the picture doesn't show anything that says new Ryse, Fable or Ori
Sup Forums knows no boundaries
or or OR
I just like saying Drumpf
New ori already got announced:
Ryse isn't new either. Fable on the other hand...
as long as they don't try and turn it into some witcher tier action rpg then it should be fine. fable was never a game that took itself fully seriously and it should stay that way.
>ori will of the wisps
unveiled at e3 already so it is a new ori
quite clearly says fable on the bottom right, and since we haven't had a new fable for xbox this gen it seems logical. also that neofagger or whatever website he was from leaked that a new fable was in development by that UK studio a couple days ago.
there were some insider slide leaks about a year back for a game called ryse:the empire by epic games so i'd just assume it's that game
Crytek still owns Ryze and they rather go bankrupt then sell the rights over to MS.
>race ((game))
i don't get what your point is.
you do realize 3rd party developers can make platform exclusives, right? ryse is an xbox (and steam) title and MS can pay them to make a sequel or already have a partnership to make a few sequels. e.g. nier:automata on ps4/pc
hopefully this one doesn't run like ass on the pc
forza horizon is more game than all the sonymovies
Oh, it will.
what exactly is so great about ryse that they would go backrupt over it.
t. shitter
I hope it does. PC/poorfag filth have no right to the best open world series ever. Not to mention most of you scum will pirate it anyway.
Forza Horizon 3 is like one of the best optimized games rn
if its on steam its all smooth sailing (or driving lol) but if its windows store then its guaranteed shit performance. pic related, the 480 should have huge gains in dx12 over the steam dx11 version but as you can see there's no performance difference which means the dx12 winstore port is severely under performing. this is a good scenario as well, normally the win10 store version has massive stutters and lag spikes
I swear to god if Forza is their “big announcement” like it was last year I'm throwing my Xbox out the fucking window
definitely not. I can play pretty much any game at better visuals and higher framerate than horizon 3.
QB has shit performance even on Steam.
Gears 4, Alien Isolation and Horizon 3 are the best PC ports of this gen
their big announcement is a new perfect dark and mechassault
>QB has shit performance even on Steam.
maybe if you own amd. just look at that frame time graph. that's a crazy amount of stutter.
>maxed out with 8x MSAA = 120FPS
Even at 4k with 8x MSAA I still get 60FPS in some areas. Only drops in the forest area.
If it runs as well as Horizon 3 did, it may as well not be.
Thats the thing. MS already tried to deal Crytek to fully fund and make a sequel to Ryse if they hand over the rights to it. Crytek refused and MS buying Ryse outright doesnt seem likely (Until at least a THQ situation happens with Crytek).
>tested on upscaled 1080p
Try playing at native 4k fucker, enjoy your 25fps with a 1080 Ti
How is this surprising? It's the CoD of racing games.
I'm playing on the fucking low mate not everyone buys $1000 gpus
>comes out every 2 year
>its okay when from does it
Nice but it'll be basically uncrackable like FH3.
I have a 1070. And if you can't get 60fps in Horizon 3 then it's time for an upgrade. Not everything is badly optimized just because you can't run it on your gtx460.
Yes and?
nigga what? a 1080 can't play most games at native 4k 60 fps. try throwing something like ac:origins at it and you'll get the same results.
>muh meme res
i was playing a torrented version of fh3 just a week ago before i wiped my pc
I'm not sure I'll be able to buy it when my Win10 is not downloading updates
>Dude Motorsport and Horizon are totally different thing dude!
In that case COD WW2 is a totally new game too since it's different to Infinite Warfare, BLOPS 3 etc
I have a 1060, the game runs like ass. I played batman arkham knight which got shit on for being the fuck child of satan and it runs at 60 fps.
It was too hard to crack for me and you still need to create a microsoft account, something I'd rather not risk right now.
>for xbox players
You mean PC players? Don't forget we own all your shit now, faggot.
I'd be totally up for a Forza Horizon set in Japan.
>being this buttblasted
>"b-but Sony!" out of nowhere
Kek. Also:
2011 - Forza Motorsport 4
2012 - Forza Horizon
2013 - Forza Motorsport 5
2014 - Forza Horizon 2
2015 - Forza Motorsport 6
2016 - Forza Horizon 3
2017 - Forza Motorsport 7
NFS is the COD of racing games.
i don't remember ever having to do that. i just downloaded some developer version and started playing.
what? these are advertised as xbox games and if you own an xbox this is a good line up for you. i'm not even talking about the pc versions.
Forza h4 will be the same as h3 and h2... BORING
i can leak forza motorsports 8 and forza horizon 5 for you right now, as well as fifa 19 and other shit, fuck off
Horizon and Motorsports is for different audiences.
I personally never touch Motorsports, but always pick up Horizon games.
Kill me Pete
>board full of japan loving fans
>game that is critically acclaimed and one that most people who played it love
>getting this butthurt about people getting excited over a merger of those 2 things
simmer down bud
Uhm yes, Arcade open world racers and sim track racers AREN'T the same, you mongoloid.
I'm saying it can't even get 30FPS with a 1080 Ti you penisbrain, not 60. Holy fuck learn to read.
I can get 40FPS at 4k in AC:origins and I only have a 1070.
And despite that, it still is better than the shitshow of a game Polyphony took 5+ years in developing.
>B-but Sony?!
Notice how Sonylards never criticize the quality of it? Because they know they can't compete.
Soon 5 years and PS4 still hasn't got a good racing game nor a good FPS.
>Fat cunt marketer puts up a fan-made image on his Twitter
>Notices the made up game
>"Oh fuck"
>Deletes it