Disgaea 5 Complete sells 200,000 copies on Switch


Holy shit dood, that's a lot, especially considering the last official data we have on the PS4 version puts that at 172K (famitsu.com/news/201602/01097439.html). A curious turn of events considering Disgaea had almost never been on a Nintendo system, but really cool that it's found a new audience.

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it released at a time where the Switch had literally nothing besides Zelda. anything that came out in that timeframe would have sold just as much if not more

It's weird, Japan didn't give a fuck about the switch version but westernfags brought it but it's the reverse for PS4.

Anyways i gave up on this game, Killia can't solo anymore and need to actually grind my party

>200000 sales is a success for a Disgaea game.

Holy moly what happened? Has this series always been that niche? or it has just seen better times?

Nah, it was at 100K by August (nintendoeverything.com/disgaea-5-complete-has-sold-over-100000-copies-worldwide/) so it's sold an additional 100K since then. It wasn't simply frontloaded in a period with no games.

Well, it's just the sales of a port, it's actually 372K if you count the original version too.

Another one flopped the dust.

Not surprising, Switch is literally perfect for the game. Enjoy the story on your big screen and grind post-game on the go. Also, it has Laharl on disc, like he should be.

It's all I ever wanted from Disgaea. Glad I waited it out over the inferior PS4 version.

It offers literally nothing the PS4 version didn't already give me so I didn't bother buying it. If I wanted to play it off-screen that badly I'd just Remote Play it.

Stop fucking telling devs it's okay to charge $60 for handheld games.

>make a game and release like $200 worth of DLC
>sales are meh
>release same game on a shit console with all the DLC included
>sales are better
who would have guessed...

Only bought it last month myself, as second hand though.

Now I'm touching post game content and the DLCs and wonder why girl Laharl only gets a fraction of the equipment stats.

Nintendomination, baby!

Well, it's a good thing, the main reason why 3rd parties usually ended up shunning Nintendo was because games that weren't from them just sold badly on their consoles. If a game as niche as that can pull that number it's a good precedent for other niche japanese games.

It feels like the PSVita JRPG crowd emigrated to the Switch given how that game and the new Xenoblade sold better (at least the first two weeks for Xeno) on Switch than on their previous consoles despite the fact that the Switch has a smaller install base than those.

>You only have one good character in your party

How does one make time to give all your children the love and attention they deserve?

This looks mildly interesting. If I played it without playing earlier games in the series, would I be able to follow along or would I be lost?

I think D5's original release in Japan sold less than 50k, so yeah.

Just bought this game and activated all dlc from the start. Now I feel like I am cheating cuz those characters literally are op as fuck. Should I start a new game and leave dlc for endgame content or those characters are these powerful only for early chapters?

That has nothing to do with a supposed Vita JRPG crowd, I don't really understand why you even try to make such an argument.

that's pretty good

its probably the same person trying to claim the PS4 version has "$200 DLC"

I regret buying this game. I liked a lot of the sRPGs on the PS1 but could never get into Disgaea1. I bought 5 because I heard it was pretty good but never made it past like 10 hours.

>JRPG crowd
Vita had a weak as fuck JRPG support compared to PSP and 3ds

Just use who you like. If they are too strong then you can always even things out using the cheat shop to raise enemy level and nerf your experience gain.

> It offers literally nothing the PS4 version didn't
The Switch is portable too.

Yeah you should be ok, the stories are really related. If you like wacky Japanese strategy games this one is for you.

I ain't trying to play weebshit with normalfags around me

Bring me all Japanese support, the West in irrelevant, Sony ignored the market so just give it all to Nintendo.

If youre not obese and wear a fedora no one will look twice at you. Plus the Switch looks more like an adult tablet than a clam shaped kids toy.

>Adult tablet
>With bright red and blue neon handles

Portable is always the best for Disgaea

Nigga what?
Portables are to play in bed lol

Hasn't the portable version of Disgaea always sold better? Plus D5 was a cluster fuck of DLC, the DLC cost as much as the fucking game and unless you bought the DLC day1 you are locked out of Pleinair. It was a retarded move.

DD2 on Switch fucking when?

Its because the Switch is selling well in Japan while the PS4 isnt. If you like niche Japanese games, the Switch is your only option now that the Vita is dead.

Just get this version dumbass.

People thirsty for games will buy whatever comes out

>Vita had a weak as fuck JRPG support compared to PSP and 3ds
I don't think you really know what you're talking about, especially when you say it had a weaker support than the 3DS, which had fucking nothing in the way of JRPGs.

>what is remote play on a laptop or Vita

>Remote Play
I've tried that with One Piece Musou and it was fucking garbage

I got this as my second game for switch some time ago, I regret buying it. I like rpgs but the gameplay was just... boring and while some characters were funny it's way too weeb for me

Vita is dead. Even Sony doesnt recognise it.

>the system not getting games anymore means you can't use it to play PS4 games off-screen
bulletproof tangent there

Disgaea isnt for everyone. Its a good strategy game but people get turned off by its grindy nature and its too Japanese for some Westerner gamers.

>Having a vita
How does it feel to be scammed bro?

5 isn't exactly that grindy outside getting all subclasses for a unit and Asagi farming, it's just tedious if anything.

Id rather spend that money on a Switch (with tremendous 1st party support) than buying an expensive dead handheld to use as a controller.

So you have a portable then?

>If you like niche Japanese games, the Switch is your only option now that the Vita is dead.
What niche japanese games exactly?
SMT? It's hardly niche.
Metal Max? It almost died on the 3DS and migrated to Sony consoles with a new game coming out this spring on Vita/PS4
Atelier? The series is dead and also on PS4
SaGa? Yep, Vita, PS4 and possibly all other platforms when it comes to the recent remasters, and the mainline has always been on PS consoles since the PS1.
Elminage? Starfish is dead and they began porting like mad so that their stuff will also available on Steam if they ever come to life again.
Shiren? The 3DS had ZERO shiren games and the last game, a enhanced port of the original DS game, is on Vita.
Mystery Dungeon games are all available of Vita outside of the Nintendo branded ones like Pokemon dungeon.
Artdink titles? Yep, all on Sony consoles.
Summon Night? Sony consoles.
SRW? The Vita and PS4 had FOUR SRW while the 3DS had 2.
What exactly does the Switch have when it comes to exclusive and actually niche games again? Nothing, because japanese niche stuff, as in actual niche stuff, actually doesn't sell on Nintendo consoles since the DS.
Unless by niche stuff like mean kusoge like the 3DS Langrisser.

how do you powerlevel in 5 after beating the game? I looked some stuff up but I have no idea how this innocent farm shit works

So you're going to ignore every Japanese company that said they're going to support it?

From the demo of 5 on ps4 I gathered that it was a better game because it dropped the fanfic-tier weeb shit from 3 and 4.

Someone confirm?

>a no one will look twice at you
My friends will be like "the fuck you playing user?" Then when they hear Seraphina talk they'll make jokes about playing hentai games, not trying to hear any of that.

>Portables are to play in bed lol
Why? I can sit on my comfy bean bag and play on the big screen, if i go to bed i'm fucking sleeping

>so it's sold an additional 100K since then.
It was like $10 on Black Friday.

>SMT? It's hardly niche.

disgaea is a great series, they deserve it. hope they bring more of them to pc.

ps4 version is still 60yurops here

What would give disgaea more mass appeal?

People who play JRPGS will have heard of SMT thanks to Persona popularity. Heck IV sold like 600k , how the fuck is that niche at all? Niche are literal who games that are sub 100k

>a curious turn of events
>one of the few games on the system
Yeah, a true wonder

I dont think other niche titles will share the success of disgaea 5. It has a strong following that gained a reputation as a good srpg.

Do they sell a "disgaea 5 complete" for PS4?

I don't udnerstand how loyal users get so fucked by buying the "incomplete" version everytime. Like why would I buy it day one at full price with no DLC, I'll just wait fucking 6 months and get everything for cheap.

>10 millions consoles sold
>games sell max 200k each
Why is the attach rate for games so bad on the switch? What are they even playing?

I hope this means they'll bring over a package deal for 100 witch 1 and 2.

What Disgaea games are worth playing if I already played 1 and 2 but I don't really want to play every Disgaea game, just the best ones.

Disgaea has never sold incredibly well, no.
The PSP and Vita remakes did a lot better than any of the console releases but still wasn't really anything special.
DD2 and D5 both sold like utter dogshite originally and didn't even remotely make a profit.

>PS4 sold 69 billion unitis per second
>yet disgaea only sol 174k
What are they playing

The two biggest factors in raw stat growth are reincarnating with class experience and adding raw stats via shards.

You can change a units class and it'll fill that class experience on its profile up to a total of 6 (or was it 5, not sure) stars as you gain normal experience. The more of these stars, the more your stats will be boosted upon reincarnating. Fill all of them, and then reincarnate one last time and level to 9999 in the Elite 4 Group and this will net you a total of 10,000,000 raw stats.

You can also gain raw stats up to a further 10,000,000 through shards. The easiest way to do this is capture enemies and then them into those drinks that do the same shit as shards. If you have Metallia (DLC on PS4, included in the Switch version) she is extremely helpful for this as she can run a capture check on every single unit, so at high enough level you can throw her out in the 100 Asagis map and she'll catch 95 - 99 of them instantly.

Doing the above will net you 20,000,000 total raw stats, which can be boosted further by Evilities like Greedy Disposition and Heavy Stance to 40,000,000 raw stats.

A single unit at this point should be more than enough to beat every part of the game except Baal. For Baal you'll want a whole team like this probably.

D4's Vita remake is widely considered the best game in the franchise, so that.

>sell 80m PS4
>only 2m copies of Bloodborne sold
And Splatoon 2 already outsold Bloodborne too.

Just play the new one. That's always how it is. Every game makes huge QOL gameplay improvements over the last one. If you're playing these for story then you already played the two best.

The Wii U version of BotW already outsold Bloodborne

You mean like every japanese company that said they were going to support the Wii U?
Or the amazing offering of 3DS JRPGs? AKA fucking nothing outside of two SMT games, Waifu Emblem, one Metal Max, two SRW and Alliance Alive?
Unlike you people I actually play a lot of JRPGs among other things, you must be crazy if you think Nintendo ever got anything since the DS.
No games that sell over 500K units are niche in any sense of that word.
>What are they even playing?
First Party games and the odd popular third party franchise like Monster Hunter or SMT, nothing else sells on Nintendo consoles, if you check the sales number archives you'll see how there's powergaps in the range of multimillions from the top 20 to everything else.

Though to be fair, the Disgaea fatigue has hit pretty much everyone by now, I'm pretty surprised it sold at all on the Switch, though I suppose that's because the Nintendo userbase didn't really play Disgaea so it's mostly new stuff for them, good for them anyway.

>b-but sony

I don't even know if that's a high number BUT.
Japanese games doing well on the Switch means that publishers have options between the Switch and the PS4, and they don't have to risk their stuff by porting them to the Pirate Console. Japanese games for the sake of longevity and health of single player gaming must stop coming to PC where everything dies.

>Not even a year on the market and it already outsold the best PS4 game

People who own PS4 Don't play games.

>b-but Sony!
Every time.

Disgaea 5 failed in Japan. It mostly makes it's money by ports in the U.S. and Europe.

Didn't NISA say something about Disgaea being weirdly more popular in the west than it is in Japan?

Disgaea is on PS4 and sold less
No reason to complain about the Switch sales

The writing was awful in 1 and 2. So it's a series that improves with every game, didn't know this since I heard a lot of shit said about 3 and the sequel of DIsgaea 1.

because girl Laharl was a mistake

>You mean like every japanese company that said they were going to support the Wii U?
This never happened, actually. You only saw the biggest companies say that and only at E3. This time they only supported the Switch when it was a success.

>People who own PS4 Don't play games

This but unironically. I bought at least two dozen games on the PS4 but the only ones I actually put any time into were the modernized Wonder Boy port and SFV. I just don't enjoy using the system for some reason.

No reason to play Disgaea when Xcom exists, heck the rabbids games is objectively better than Disgaea

Story-wise D1 and D4 are the best ones. D2 has a solid storyline too. D3, DD2, and D5 are complete trash in that aspect.
Gameplay-wise it depends what you are looking for. Like 90% of the original Disgaea staff left before they started working on DD2 and D5 so those two games are drastically different from the first 4. You either like those changes or hate them. As far as original Disgaea goes D4's Vita version has the best mechanics and content all around, then for nu-Disgaea it's probably still DD2 for me since it's a bit closer to the original ones. D5 just said fuck it and completely remade everything, fucking a lot of things that made Disgaea great in the first place up in the process.

Only played 1 and was thinking about getting this. Remember it being grindy as fuck. Can anyone explain some ways around having to just grind over and over?

>Le Vita audience moved to Switch meme

>Vita multiplats still outselling Switch versions
>PS4 versions massively outsellibg Switch versions

Vita has been sharing nearly all of its weebshit with the PS4 for almost 2 years now. Vitafags in Japan can still get their weebshit on PS4 and play it on their Vita through remote play which actually works in Japan sonce their are about 10 billion wifi signals per square kilometer there

>>PS4 versions massively outsellibg Switch versions
Why did you enter a thread for a game where the opposite happened?

The main story doesn't require grinding, at least not intentional grinding. The core gameplay is about grinding though, it's undeniable and it's where the only real value of the game lies in as everything else is mediocre.

It's all about grinding to grind more efficiently. You could say you grind to reach certain milestones that allow greater possibilities for grinding.

Disgaea wishes it had 200k attachment rate back when it was on Sony. Series always pulled low numbers except the first 1 which was released on, like 6 platforms. 200k is a huge success for the Switch version.

Most people complain about 3 because of the story and setting; it's love or hate with pretty much no inbetween. D2 is direct sequel to 1 and a lot of people dislike the story, plus it had a horrible launch with tons of bugs in the western release. D2 started tweaking mechanics like removing item level, which not everyone likes. For a casual fan it's mostly improvements though Try 4 or 5 to be honest.

D5 is the least grindy Disgaea game period, it hands you everything on a silver platter and severely limits how far you can really go into it by putting in a ton of shitty hardcaps on basically everything.
It's a complete departure from what Disgaea was up until that point with basically limitless possibilities to make your character stronger even when there was no longer any reason to, instead you now hit pesky stat and modifier caps without even touching half the gameplay systems.

>Utawarerumono is a Sony exclusive

You niggers wanna talk about nitche? This is as nitche as you can get. In all the Sony bashing threads these two games never get brought up despite being all 4 games only on PlayStation

Im refering to games wherr they were all the versions were released at the same time.

>had fucking nothing
Well that's just not true, my dude.

>This never happened, actually.
Yeah, sure bro, if that makes you feel better.
>This time they only supported the Switch when it was a success.
What support exactly? Half assed Vita ports from literal years ago including kusoge nobody bought on any platform like Setsuna? Negative values budget games like Octopath Traveler? The only support Switch, and all Nintendo consoles, get is first party support, people buy Nintendo's stuff for that, all the actual third party support has always been in the competition, see how the Switch STILL didn't get the DQ11 port when even the 3DS of all things got one, its own special version to boot.

You people are completely deluded if you think the Switch will get any real third party support when mobile has eaten away at that and tablets are on the rise, the Vita third party support is going straight to the PS4, with some occasional port of low budget games that the Switch can handle and once the Vita dies for real you can bet Sony is going to keep those third parties for themselves as much as they can, since they can afford to do so.

Fuck off brainlet.

You talkin' 'bout me?

Disgaea sucks, it's shit that belongs on Vita trash.


>Switch STILL didn't get the DQ11 port

user, Square was just talking about the Switch version last week.

Also speaking as someone who bought the pstv for Ys, Golden, ZTD, Trails of cold steel, and other games. I’ve yet to see switch get the same amount of support as the vita or else I would already own more games than just zelda and Mario. I have the whole disgaea series platinumed on PlayStation.

I don’t see the same type of games on the switch.