What went wrong? Besides the fanboys defending it's design and further encouraging Nintendo to do gimmick consoles

What went wrong? Besides the fanboys defending it's design and further encouraging Nintendo to do gimmick consoles.

Nintendo did absolutely nothing to capitalize on its uniqueness game wise.

>Buy Wii U for $150
>Mod that shit with only an SD card
>download every exclusive I'm interested in
>Beat NSMBU it was 7/10
>Playing Tropical freeze right now 9/10

What else to play?

This, killing the thing off before they even had their next console lined up and ready to go, cutting the gamepad features from BOTW, and unceremoniously stopping Miiverse with no patches for games with miiverse integration or archival are my major complaints as a WiiU owner

>Do you call that a console launch?
>I'll show you how to do a console launch!
>No power!
>No games!
>Miis only!
>Final Destination.

Bayonetta 2 and Wonderful 101
3D World
Pikmin 3
Xenoblade Chronicles X

I bet there are still a good number of casual Wii owners who don't know the Wii U is a different console, considering how often Nintendo's done the hardware revision thing at least on the handheld side. I wouldn't blame someone for thinking the Wii U was to the Wii what the GBA SP was to the GBA and deciding they didn't need it

Their marketing team lost their minds and the reveal did unrepairable damage.

The reveal was so bad. I remember watching it all the way through and not knowing if it was an accessory for the Wii or what. Naming it Wii U was a terrible idea, especially since all they focused on was showing off the controller and you barely got a glimpse of the whole console together, and when you did the actual console looked like a rounded off Wii so you're still not sure if it's a new Wii version or an entire new console.

Switch takes the concept to the next logical level though and that's why it's doing well. It's almost the same shit but with the portability people expected out of the Wii U when they saw it

I imagine this was the general "casual" perspective

>wii u: Already got a wii so no need for that
>switch: Cool nintendo finally released a new console years after the wii

>Wii Motion+
>Wii Fit
>Wii U
>Wii Zapper
>Wii Wheel
One of these things is not like the others.

Having to look between the TV screen and the gamepad for certain gameplay aspects of games can get tiring on your head and neck. It worked with the DS and 3DS because the screens were close enough to not cause any strain, but for the Wii U, to achieve that effect with the gamepad requires you to constantly hold it up near the sight of the TV screen which also strains your arms.

didn't launch with a real system seller like botw. the switch gets released, botw is highly anticipated on top of the reviewers getting their nintendo bonus and bam! hardware is sold. unfortunately no one gives a shit about the switch and it will sell like crap after people stop caring about botw

the wii u fucking sucks

This. As someone in tune with vidya, even I was thinking it was a new cuntrroller

There was literally nothing wrong with its design though. It was basically just like the ds but on a console, dual screens are fucking great.

What went wrong was the marketing.


It's a plain scam.

>strains your arms
Soyboy, please

I think I read people posting about how you can play games from previous consoles on this.
Is it normal backward compatibility with old NIntendo consoles or some sort of console hack (and if so is it only for nintendo console games or others as well)?

>What went wrong?

Horrible marketing, since nobody knew it was a new console. I get that they wanted to keep the Wii in the name for brand recognition, but it backfired horribly.

Lack of games and the gimmick being shit didn't help, either.

The Switch does basically everything right that the Wii U did wrong to the point where it becomes almost comical, as it has games and a gimmick that's rather cool.

Hard to develop on, lack of third party support, few 1st party games, small harddrive that couldn't easily be expanded, high price point for Wii 2. It was dead and replaced by the time Breath of the Wild came out, and Nintendo only released it on Wii U because they had already finished the game for that system.

I liked the Wii U, a lot, but it had a lot of problems.

My story almost, but I got it as a gift.

I legitimately think it could have at least broken 20 mil if they had just given it an original name

>That feel when we never got an Eternal Darkness sequel on WiiU
>Seeing things move across your gamepad from the corner of your eye
>Game forcing you into mobile mode occasionally
Shit would have been cool.

Wii U had some great games. Desperate Nintendo was great

poor marketing
released just before real next gen started

>nintendo fucks up with gamecube marketing
>creates some of their best games on gamecube

>nintendo succeeds with wii marketing
>creates some of their worst games on wii

>nintendo fucks up with wiiu marketing
>creates some of their best games on wiiu

>nintendo succeeds with switch marketing
>creates some of their best games on switch

Can we all agree Nintendo is finally back on track to take the number 1 spot in gaming, both in sales and in games?

>encourage nintendo to do more gimmicky shit

Terrible marketing
Crappy Hardware as always
3rd party almost non existent
New Mario Games felt like just an upgrade from previous 3ds version
Not even a really new zelda game like every new console had (until BOTW)
It had some good exclusives and backward compatibiliry, but not really worth at full price

A home console without gimick nowadays is just a weak PC with shitty UI and controls overall.
What is good about it? Why would anyone want it?

>What is good about it?
>Why would anyone want it?
People are lazy building their own PC.

More than lazy building if feel like they are lazy to get informed about which components to buy or how to actually assemble them
Most console gamers think you need a rocket science phd to build a PC

They removed gamecube support when it actually natively supports due to being based off the Wii. You can make it work through hacking though.

>Most console gamers think you need a rocket science phd to build a PC
One has to be incredibly stupid for that.

>What is good about it? Why would anyone want it?

What exclusived? PS4 has literally one game worth playing. Xbox has all of it's games on PC does it not? And each end every nintendo console is a gimmick.

I think the biggest mistake was having "Wii" in the name.