"I like this game because it was made with love/soul/passion, etc."

>"I like this game because it was made with love/soul/passion, etc."

>ps4 is best console, becouse we have bloodborne

literally no one says this.

> posts mario image

>first reply is an immediate ass hurt post from a console war shitter
Welcome to soy-Sup Forums everyone. Sage.

>"Why would anybody play multiplats on consoles?"

Yea that's probably why a lot of people don't care for nintendo garbage anymore.

>the game is bad because it has "no soul"

>scruffy, unmade bed
>random grocery bag in background
>raggedy-ass ff7 poster on wall
Why are roody-poos such unsophisticated trash?

>buying physical copies of games
>in 2018
If you do this you are retarded

Any thread of pc vs ps4

but some of us can still walk, user

Whatever you say.

>this game is soulless

>buy game digitally
>you only get a game worth of enjoyment
>get a physical copy
>you get a game worth of enjoyment AND enjoyment from the physical product
Why enjoy something less when you can enjoy it more?

>I enjoy looking at boxes and pieces of plastic

So Mario games?

I do. That's why I buy physical.
>people buy what they enjoy
is not a hard concept to grasp.

>not buying CEs for the sweet sweet art books


>buying a Wii-U
That's even more retarded.

I like to own my games

>it's autism to like things

I know what people mean when they say this and I agree, but it sounds so fucking gay to say it out loud that I much rather just not say it at all when discussing the game.

>intentionally sidestepping the issue

So what's the issue with physical exactly?

>the game simply isnt comfy

And what exactly is the issue with owning physical?

Do people really believe a soulless corporation like Nintendo makes games with love and passion? These people are good at what they do but reality is they are chained to their desks making these games and suffering and probably hate Mario. Games made with love and passion are solo indie games that will probably get very little attention yet the creator keeps making it anyways.

>the game is clunky

>Game has no music
>Is an asset flip
>Has no story
>Only exists to sucker people into playing it and paying money for loot boxes

It's rare, but it happens.

Fucking based. Reminder that when you play Odyshit you're playing a soulless corporate product that might as well be made by machine learning algorithm. Ninty may have had a soul in the 90s and 2000s when they made real actual games, not anymore.

Word. There's a reason the only threads on recent Nintendo games have been negative.and why the Wii U and Switch tanked.

>posts the soulless piece of shit that is Smash 4 as an example
What did user mean by this?

> toddlers to scared to debate these facts

>no music
name literally one
>has no story
nothing wrong with this

Lack of soul is probably why we hate Nutendo trash.

>switch tanked
Where did you find these lies

I mean some games really do feel like there was a lot of heart put into it. It's hard to properly vocalize but I'd say a good example would be something like Hollow Knight or Cuphead. You can tell these games mean more to the people that developed them than just a simple paycheck.

>nintendo fanboy complaining about games made with soul
no surprise there, nintendo is the most soulless game company there is

Agreed. And the whole thread agrees too. Nintendo shit isn't games, it's products tested to appeal to focus groups that people only like to escape from mean old Donald Drumpfy.

that's a legitimate complaint
"clunky" usually just means "has shit unresponsive controls"

I mean that it tanked in reception. Just look at this thread, the mood against Nintendo is real.

Nintendo fags shilling every day on Sup Forums is real.
There is always 3 Odyssey, 5 BOTW, and 14 switch thread all the time and about tbe same fucking thing, now days v can't talk about anything else than fucking Nintendo.
I hope all soyboy nintentoddler will be banned from this side finally.

People who bought it hate it.
Under powered gimmick console thats not even as powerful as The Vita.

Imagine posting this unironically

One can hope, soldier.

This. I talked to a friend who has the system and he told me that it was underpowered gimmick shit. He sold it now, and that just shows you how the Switch's success is a meme.

>Can tell the game was made to be pushed out the door with as little effort as possible. No neat extra touches, no real thought went into the mechanics, no "I wonder if you can do that?" moments rewarded with learning that you can in fact do that, game in general is a total step down from prior games in the series mechanically even if it looks better due to being able to use better hardware.
>Somehow this sentiment can't be summed up as the game having no soul

>Sup Forums doesn't like it so that cancels out the 10 million sales
the delusion of sonygaf

You can say the game is uninspired or has no passion. "Soul" is a meaningless vague term.


Passion is similarly meaningless (And you can't really show that there is no passion involved unless it's basically obvious that the game is shit from the start and even then there might be people passionate about their figurative shit.) and given how derivative everything is I think it's fair to say that most games are inspired by something, even if it's crap like cover based TPS.

>I mean that it tanked in reception. Just look at this thread, the mood against Nintendo is real

There's a lot of people who get bootyblasted any time Nintendo's succeeds.


Says the tard drone of the most soulless gaming company of all time.

ded thred


I didn't realize EA made Mario. That's odd how EA lets Nintendo use him however they please.


Nice meme Nintendtard

whatever you say EA shareholder.

>bloodborne on top
literally that's all a ps4 is good for

Better than the complete pile of processed souless shit the Switch has. People who have owned a Switch hates it'

>buying digital games knowing that you can have them removed from you at any moment
If you do this you're retarded.

0.000005 rupees have been put into your nintendo shill account

Only soulless anons think this is a bad statement

>post picture of a game from a sweatshop company that only knows how to run their IPs to the ground


>nintendo shill
>nothing in his post remotely about Nintendo
0.0000000001 Gravity Rush gems have been put into your Sony shill account.
It just hit me that Sony has no real iconic video game currency like Nintendo has coins or rupees or Capcom with Zenny

>this game is bad because it's a western game where it's genre is dominated by japanese

Who is this girl?

I was going to ask you why you have a problem with people liking games that the developers clearly put the effort into as a passion project but I can't imagine you giving me a satisfying answer.


>Work at Nintendo Sweatshop
>work for hours on end manufacturing shitty fisher price tablets
>accidentaly give them all faulty chips because you were too busy with your other job of being a tutorial designer for Super Mario Rehash 478262936

How is that cockroach trap treating you pal?



>b-but soneh
Hows your FotM fad console that's already getting wide pushback kid?

A nigger?

... and nothing else

who is he

>wide pushback
Oh Sup Forums I'd think you would learn your lesson after PUBG
Guess not.

please try with your shitposts

>he prefers his games souless

This, but unironically
