Have you ever bought a game purely because of fanservice?

Have you ever bought a game purely because of fanservice?

99.9% of Automata's fanbase.

that's the only reason I buy games

My dick buys my games for me, so yes.

Yep, Lollipop Chainsaw. That one was a big mistake.


I bought it for the story
Stay mad

I probably wouldn't have even noticed Automata if it wasn't for the ass memes. It's not the sole reason, but I definitely wouldn't have bought the game if not for fanservice.

I got into League and spent $1775 on skins because of cute girls. I will regret this until my death.
Nier Automata but I don't regret it.
Street Fighter 5.
I literally am never falling for the cute girls in games meme again, I'll just fap to its porn and not try the source material.

Bought it because it was made by Platinum.

I liked the demo
I wasn’t disappointed

>bought Dead or alive volleyboll, expecting volleyboll gameplay focus, get fanservice the game instead
atleast my little sister loved it

Yeah sure, now go back to your "le 2b thiccc xd!!!" threads you sub humans.

I don't buy games.

Aside from literal porn games, no. I enjoyed Automata but I really didn't see anything special about the sex appeal until I was introduced to A2's hips

The list of games Sup Forums only likes because of fanservice and tricked me into buying is probably longer.

I bought Overwatch so I could enjoy the porn more
I got about 20 hours of enjoyment out of Overwatch, then 30 hours of boredom, then 50 hours of muted playing with podcasts running until I found another podcast game.

I'd say more like 80%. There are still DoD/Nierfags who knew what they were buying, but the retarded memes definitely introduced cockroaches to the franchise that aren't wanted.

>atleast my little sister loved it
W-what you mean, what s-specifically did she like about it?


I wanna bury my face deep in Ciri's ass

>To answer your question
No,but it don't hurt as a added bonus

No, because if it was fanservice, I would have had to have been a fan to be serviced by it, first, which would have made me buy the game regardless of fanservice.

I have bought games for their cheescake, though.


>Have you ever bought a game purely because of fanservice
Yup and proud of it

Jesus user, porn is free you don't need to pay for fanservice, should of just walked away

Ciri is a good girl. You shouldn't have such thoughts about her.

Pure, unadulterated autism right here.

Yes, but not the kind of fanservice youre thinking of.

Super Smash Bros.

I bought for the setting and kickass looking gameplay, stayed for the above, story and fanservice.

Purely? No. But there have been many cases where the fanservice was the primary reason and all the other shit was secondary.

Indeed, your post is a perfect example.

minigames, the dressup and gifting things the girls specifically liked
>tfw she asks what the strip tease ticket does
>tfw when she gets salty when its a one use only item

I bought an Xbox huge and two 360s just to play Dead or Alive, I still have them. I miss Itagaki's Team Ninja.

>You shouldn't have such thoughts about her
I want my face to smell like Ciri's ass as if it was a perfume


no problem, the leather will keep the stink trapped in her pants

Nope, probably because I'm not a permavirgin weeaboo whyfoo faggot. Gameplay is the only factor to consider when buying a game.

Sad that retards on Sup Forums bought into trash like Automata just because of a PS3 graphic ass.

Not really

Then don't post here.

>the leather will keep the stink trapped in her pants
Imagine the smell

he means he uses lending links

>The Post

Bought it for fanservice but the gameplay is actually pretty solid.

I want her big leather ass on my face!

How much did that cost?

She wipes the shit with her hand

Nope. Closest I got to that is buying panties for my Evie in Vindictus.

no, most of automata's fanbase bought it knowing it was a yoko taro game. 2B cosplayers and waifufags haven't played the game

Yes. Can I still refund overwatch after few hundreads hours played?

Wrong, the ass was just a bonus

>the only good work and Unconventional
>the rest creepy to fap

yes, many times. 80 percent of the time the game is decent, and i get some good mileage out of it.

Lies,Ciri is too pure

not purely, but it does catch my attention

I've come to find that a game with pretty girls is generally more fun to play. Is this my penis creating bias or is there a correlation?

your penis, user. Playing girl char have more mechanics, therefore more engaging

Bias. Gas yourself, weeaboo.

She is a Mary sue, Alvin was a better character

Alvin did nothing wrong

Holy shit look at this fag

>Asks a question
>Gets the hard truth
>Can't handle it like the little bitch he is
You fucking asked, don't ask if you don't want the answer. You're I'll equipped to handle this world. An hero immediately.

>Have you ever bought a game purely because of fanservice?
No,but it NEVER hurts!

>She is a Mary sue
>Implying it is a fault

>being a insecure soyboy that cant enjoy things because what would people thing about him
>trying to shame people for liking things you dont like
get a load of this faggot

shes a cutie sue

The fagboi is still at it

Is this game fun to play atleast?

Or it's because video games need to have good gameplay. If you're actively buying shit games just because you can't jerk off to porn means you're advocating a market of games that don't feature the most important aspect, and subsequently are the cancer killing video games.

Keep lying to yourself, you fucking faggot.

>all these nu-Taro soyboys trying to save face like they didn't buy Automata because of fan-service


>every powerful character is a Mary Sue

But why tho? I'd first expect to hear she's a copy of Geralt than a Mary Sue.

Yeah its fun,don't listen to the faggot Sup Forums contrarians and Old Lara fags who live in the past.

>soyboy trying to talk down on others for liking fat robot butts
Holy shit


why not both?
you fucking scrub

>buying porn

PedoGaffer here is right. Only soy boys are attracted to the female sex.

N...No,Why I'd never.

Because no game has both as retards like you proved to developers that you'd brainlessly and predictably buy into trash as long as it had fanservice. This is the future you made for yourself, and you have no one else to blame.

You permavirgins are more cancerous than CoD kiddies.

R....Right,liking girls is ultra gay my fellow gaming enthusiast.

Why is this RetardEra poster so triggered? People buy games for things they like. Learn to cope you triggered whore.

Nu-lara is honestly much more attractive than old conetits Lara.

I confess I bought Undernight In-birth because of Yuzuriha.

I still like her, but I switched to hyde until I can actually gitgud at playing her. Which judging by things will likely be never.

I don't dislike Alvin, but I think he's a bit of a contrivance for you to paint a new character for Geralt.

He's just some generic stupid kid, which is admitedly faithful to how a kid should act. But I dislike how extreme he's change was and later they tried to kinda retcon him to be more reasonable character in W3.

Imagine if in the end of W1 you could reason with him based on your previous conversations with Alvin, and ultimately join forces with him to defeat the projection of the King of the Wild Hunt, which would become the true last boss or do something else to make him look less of an asshole and make you sympathize more with his point of view.
That would have made him a much better character imo and make his reference in W3 much more powerful.

I bought it because of great reviews and the story looked interesting


>Nu-lara is honestly much more attractive than old cone-tits Lara.
Truer words have NEVER been spoken.

Street Fighter V for Juri

Turns out she is the least viable character.

guranteed replies

I couldn't understand this character's popularity if my life depended on it.

She looks grumpy, her outfit is something between silly and unremarkable and her idiotic hair makes her look like the villain from power rangers.

Then again, I never played her games so maybe it's similar to what happens with that cat girl form guilty gear where people like the way she looks and talks and their sympathy for her design comes as a consequence of that.

No because I get it every other day, I don't need to cope by playing shitty games with fanservice

>Have you ever bought a game purely because of fanservice?
No because that's sexist and I would never offend the female population by suggesting or hinting I like their bodies.

Why buy games with fanservice when I can play better games like Persona,BloodBorne,and Overwatch while eat my soy-based chicken tendies?

Latex fetish Juri was better

the witcher 'girls' are so fucking unappealing
that manjaw and the bitch face on all of them

If you lower the standards that low, even the average strong female protagonist from modern western games can compete.

Legend Lara (including Anniversary and Underworld) is where it's at. Even the gameplay is probably the best, aside from the bugs and general lack of polish.

>Liking ugly and boring Juri


But persona literally has girls in fetish gear as the main characters

If anything the game is actually sexist


>not being an incel that buys senran kagura is now equivalent to a soyboy

>jew nose

no thanks, even devs had to fix that mug

And I'm not even wrong. The large majority of Automata """fans""" are degenerate porn fetishists, attention whore cosplayers, and "thiccc xD" memers who have no idea what NieR or Drakengard was.

I got pic related cause of the art, specially the cute ladies. Turned out to be a great game anyway