Thoughts on this game?

"Wanna join my young socialists chatterbox group?"

i liked the game to bad the artist is a shit lord

Never before have I seen a game with such an unlikable main cast.

What do you mean? Haven´t heard much about it.
The art style was the only thing I actually really liked, I didn´t like the characters nor did the story "capture" me in a way.

I liked the first hour and hated the minigames so much I just read the plot on wikipedia and let me say...i am fucking glad i did not waste my time on this trash.

Yeah, literally consists of "reddit fedora bear", "liberal manchild" "gay anarchist fox"" and "look leftist work hard too!"

Ill buy it when its 10 dollars in steam, for now Im just playing doom and rayman legends better games that cost less money to buy

Strong characters, writing, and music, but certain parts of the gameplay don't hold up (e.g. the dream sequences) and the final act isn't up to the same standard as the rest of the game.

I literally got stuck for half an hour on finding one of those towers in the dream sequence because they thought adding an invisible layer to it was a good idea. Also only the train one was good soundtrack wise.

he's one of thoses far left people that hates capitalism and the likes

Exploring became such a fucking chore as the world opened up. 2 minutes of running across the bridge every day to make sure you’re not missing anything and nobody ever shows up there.

Had pretty much the same experience as Ding Dong

Mae is a cute

Yeah he made that pretty clear, 90% of the game has something to do with "workers" and how they´re exploited.
It´s a giant liberal shitfest, gay characters (also interracial, you see all married adults having a partner of the same species except for them), "look how shit working is!!!", a pathetic eternal child as a main character that just made me cringe and socialist bullshit everywhere.

They actually thought having the main characters opening some random dudes grave wouldn´t make the audience hate them...
I´m surprised it wasn´t the main writer that is the massive libshit on the team.

It captures the feeling of being in a fly-over town/state pretty well. I feel if you actually lived in a town like the town the game takes place in you'll feel a little more for it. Mae's a total piece of shit though.

I only got that Mae was a girl halfway through the game because she sounds like a dude when jumping.

Who was the liberal manchild?

At least she wasn´t so political like the rest of the cast.

The main character talked in the same quirky tumblr way my ex did and I got so furious I uninstalled it and never looked back.

Well obviously the 20-year old child refusing to grow up that you get to play as. It´s obvious she doesn´t even see whats wrong with her behaviour and I´m pretty sure neither do the writers.

First hours is actually fun, but as the game goes on you realize it's just a boring shitfest with bad characters, a reddit-tier writing and good music. Dropped by the halloween party... shit game

I really wanted to like this game but Mea is a massive cunt and the worst protagonist that I have seen in a long while. Why did the creator think that people will enjoy a crying cunt that blames other for her mistakes and also steals shit and after that cry that cops are opressing her.

Also forced politics for some reason in a animal game

Womanchild then

The dialogues were complete trash, honestly who talks like that?

That might be so, but she still is completely emotionally unstable and most likely low key psychotic. Completely wasting her parents money by just leaving college after she just didn't like it anymore.

Yeah whatever, not a native speaker obviously.

yeah, it would have been different if the game was self aware about how much of a piece of shit mae is but it seems to be all written off under the guise of mental illness. which is a shame, because this idea that people with mental illness is an excuse to be a piece of shit, or that mental illness means you can act freely without consequence, is more damaging than anything. i say this as a borderline personality case. this game doesn't help our cause at all. just makes us look more insufferable than we already are

I cant picture someone talking like that. Could you give an example?

Prime example of style over substance.


in text form, not so much in daily conversation. this was a year or so ago so i don't have any evidence. just imagine texting mae and that's essentially what talking to 80% of tumblr girls is like.


Pretty much everyone calls her out on her behavior. Bea immediately makes her return what she stole and Aunt Molly (the cop) tells her to stop climbing on power lines for her own safety.

Mae is probably most comparable to Katia from Prequel without the can-do attitude. She's an entertaining fuckup who's acknowledged within the story to be a fuckup largely because they act like a video game protagonist instead of a normal person.

I really hated the way she treated her aunt. What the fuck did she even do to upset her? Prime example for the shitty writing in this game.

>hates capitalism whilst comfortably living in the lap of global capitalism

As an economics post grad who used to live in the eastern bloc, this communist resurgence needs to die. They're unironically worse than nazis - persecuting their neighbours along with ethnic groups. Fucking disgusting.

But it doesn´t matter since the game never shows any consequences for her behaviour thus implying this would somehow be acceptable and the bad bad conservative assholes should just stop caring while you live irresponsibly.

>What the fuck did she even do to upset her?

Nothing, and thats what I hated about Mea. The cop (her aunt) just took care of her and wanted to make sure that she is ok and hell she could just throw her into the jail for what she did but nope she only wanted to make sure that she is ok, and what did Mea did? She cries how everybody is opressing her and how she hates cops.

It would be a otherwise fun game but ruined by the main character and forced politics that have nothing to do in animal society, I would not care that much if they were humans insted but yeah

This is the new wave of artsy devs who played Mother.
They have no idea about the gameplay or actually making the game feel good to play.
They just want to make their own version of Earthbound with their self insert and humor.
But because most of them are self deprecating hipsters this is not relatable for most people.

>90% of the game has something to do with "workers" and how they´re exploited
>It´s a giant liberal shitfest

Yeah it´s ridiculous how communiggers need some fictional exampel of worker exploitation for their politics. I first thought it was satire when I saw how much it fullfills stereotypes because of the retarded developers trying to put their opinions on it.
The womanchild refusing to work wants to abolish capitalism, who would´ve expected that? I´m sure they wouldn´t just throw her into gulag, no no, she will be allowed to sit on her ass all day long smashing other peoples property...

>Communism isn't to the left of th epolitical spectrum

>liberalism is

Because of her actions she's a college dropout who's destroying her relationships with her friends and family.

Did you even play the game?

Not american so I don´t have a clue what liberals describe themselves as now, as far as I know it´s another word for leftist so I use it like that.

>the game never shows any consequences for her behaviour

Doesn't she repeatedly fall out with her friends and almost die until she acknowledges her self destructive behavior?

liberalism is like centrist at most my dude

Destroying her relationships with her family? Uhm nope, the parents don´t say a word about how she should maybe get her ass up and look for a job, only the fedora bear starts hating her because she puts a pile of garbage into his living room.
At the end nothing implies that she will change her ways.

Putting the Sup Forumsshit aside, this game is bad. I hate you fucking retard Sup Forumslocks shitting up this board and every thread with your forced political opinions - but the game just isn't good. It constantly wastes your time and pads length with stupid mini games and dream sequences. The pacing is some of the worst I've ever seen in a story game like this. The characters are obnoxious. The dialogue is so forced millennial it hurts.

The only thing this game has going for it is the artstyle but that wears thin quick. I like the themes of a run down industrial town gasping its final breaths of life. It's relatable for people who've ever lived in a small town that's obviously past its prime, but still filled with inhabitants with no other choice but to hang on. There's a genuine critique of capitalism to be made here, but the game would rather just circle jerk how much better they are instead of making any actual points to get someone to consider alternatives.

It's a waste of time. Next.

Is this game actually any good? I remember following the kickstarter for years but when the game came out I just suddenly lost all interest in it.

i had fun with it
even if i hated the whole capitalism bad shit
really chill comfy game loved the town people

>There's a genuine critique of capitalism to be made here

Which is?

Bearing in mind my family has lived under communism for half a century, I'll slap you silly

A lot of them don't really like to say they were inspired by Mother.
Only Toby and Dingaling will fully admit to it

>lived under communism for half a century
*state capitalism

You know I can be in support of a economic system and still believe it has flaws right? Just because I think capitalism has some flaws doesn't mean I'm a communist, jesus christ.

desu I can't see Gregg and Angus' relationship working out in the long run
The moment Mae shows up in town, Gregg almost IMMEDIATELY breaks his good boy streak to go commit vandalism and other petty crimes
Moving to a bigger beach city?
The moment he sees a bunch of hooligans spraypainting a wall he's gonna fall in with bad elements because he seems unable to control himself, and as long as he's around them it'll probably just get worse - the best 'cure' for Gregg is literally where is right now, because lol if anyone uses therapy in this world

Sup Forums calls every game with women or black people as leads a SJW propaganda piece. This game is actually about socialist ideology. I don't mind it because I'm a socialist but if you're a conservative it'll probably just make you mad.

>I hate you fucking retard Sup Forums locks shitting up this board and every thread with your forced political opinions

Go back to R*ddit then you moron, no reason to use this website otherwise, pol ist the most famous board here and I don´t see why anyone would use some taiwanese cupmaker site if it wasn´t to discuss controversial opinions that will get censored on every other platform.
Also I wasn´t the one making this political the entire shitty game consists of the nu-male devs trying to get their shitty anit-capitalism opinions across.

This implies there's a center in American politics. I'd say there are four main poles: Establishment opposed to Leftist, and Identity Liberal opposed to Identity Conservative. You see mixing between non-opposing poles but very few people occupy the center.

What the fuck are you talking about? Holy shit you pollocks are literally insane. You're talking nonsense. I literally just said that I separate the politics from a game before determining if it's good or not, is this so bad? Please step into the real world for a few minutes.

>be a socialist/communist
>make a game that didn't take too much time or money to make that capitalizes on people's ability to buy games that appeal to their niches
>engage actively in capitalism as a result

Generally yes, it's a comfy little adventure game with some good writing and solid characters.
A lot of people (especially around here) get their panties in a twist over the game's capitalist critiques and mentions of socialism, but they're just being reactionary idiots.
If anything, the game embraces the capitalism of old. Where workers were unionized, had rights, and good wages that allowed them to support families and actually live.

The current trend of corrupt crony-capitalism and globalism that's destroying the American working & middle class.

communist...resurgence? lmao

what planet do you live on?

Her parents, like most of the people in the town, are deep in denial and severely depressed. Nobody in town really has a future, so the idea of chastising a disaffected youth harshly for wasting her's is pointless. Emotionally, they're all circling the drain together, and acknowledging Mae's shitty situation would mean acknowledging their own, so they avoid the topic.

This is unhealthy behavior. The game is a portrait of an unhealthy community.

He never leaves Sup Forums and thinks everything he sees on the internet is real life.

>He still doesn´t get that there is a reason why most people would call politicized entertainment targeted at younger audiences "propaganda"

Technically someone could potentially relate to Mae, but
>Ridicolously lightweight when it comes to alcohol

>Everything that doesn't confirm to my extreme right-wing politics is propaganda!


>Go back to R*ddit then you moron, no reason to use this website otherwise, pol ist the most famous board here and I don´t see why anyone would use some taiwanese cupmaker site if it wasn´t to discuss controversial opinions that will get censored on every other platform.
Fucking kill yourself. Go to Stormfront. This site is for weebs to discuss nerd shit while being funny edgelords. Take your goddamn chanology shit elsewhere.

How are they in a shitty situation? The dad doesn´t like his job, all the mother does is sitting around at the church and gets paid for it.

TIL how rightwingers understand socialism

Because they barely make enough money to make things work, despite being two people working full-time jobs.
In the past, Mae's dad worked as a miner and later a glazier, and made enough money to support everybody and send his kid off to college.

Her mom talks about trying to make the family's budget work, and half-seriously jokes about losing the house.

The dad went from having a breadwinning job at the mine and later the glass factory to working minimum wage at walmart, and they're in danger of losing their house because they aren't making enough and the mortgage is underwater.

It's a theme of the game that the house buying jobs became rent paying jobs became living on your parent's couch jobs, which is fairly true given how real wages have fallen in America.

Holy shit you are legitimately rerarded dude, you really want to deny that a game that drops some line about how good socialism might be every five seconds directed at young people with naive world views isn´t propaganda?

Go back to leftypol you absolute subhuman. Just read the fucking thread ffs.

Did you pay attention? They're behind on their bills and in danger of losing their house. The mother had to get a job but could only find minimum wage part time at a church, a job essentially given to her out of charity. The father is in a complete dead end career in a dying industry with little to no transferable skills for when he eventually gets laid off.

This isn't a shitty situation in an objective sense, in fact their living situation is quite comfortable, but this sort of long term economic contraction has a negative emotional impact on people.

At this point it's obvious that you haven't played the game, believing a false-narrative by frothing-at-the-mouth right-wingers have crafted because a game dared have a character mention socialism.

>This site is for degenerate manbabies and totally didn´t become the headquarter of far right-wing internet trolls!

You can discuss anime and make some unfunny school shooter jokes at every other fucking website on the internet.

Nigga this is reality. Have you spoken to a young adult recently? People, young people especially, are desperate for a solution to wage stagnation.

Kek, you´re retarded I just finished the game like an hour ago, but I honestly stopped reading every single fucking side dialog after the devs were to retarded to actually seperate the important story parts from the trash talk that makes up 90% of the game.
As someone else already mentioned it takes an eternity to walk to every single location every day and you just loose motivation at some point because the game won´t tell you how long it is so you just assume that since the last 10 days didn´t change shit you can just skip the side dialogs and not sit down five times every morning to listen to the moms trashtalk about eels and stuff.
Nonetheless I got most of the story but never got the impression that there was something wrong with the family until the end where the dad states how much he hates his job.

A bunch of retards coming here from reddit doesn't make it their site you fuckwit. We get a new influx of uncultured foreigners who think they own the place every summer. They eventually get bored of le sekrit internet hate machine tree house and leave.

He's a Sup Forumsack, he's about as delusional as the far-leftists are, just on the opposite end of the spectrum.
They create their own reality, their own narratives in intensely isolated bubbles.

You're just making it even more clear that you haven't played the game, and are being a reactionary moron who can't stand anything that doesn't adhere to your right-wing circlejerk.
Go back to Sup Forums or stormfront you fucking idiot.

You're a moron.

State capitalism was required to prop up eastern bloc communism.

Divining anything about communism from the USSR is fairly difficult given the extensive embargoes placed on it by the West. If free interstate trade was allowed things might've worked out differently.

why do people who hate work want communism? when you're a communist all you do is work

Life is strange, although to be fair the step dad was pretty cool and religious girl were alright.

dialogue makes me want to kill myself

This tbqh.
t. lazy fucking socialist who wants BIG

>Nonetheless I got most of the story but never got the impression that there was something wrong with the family until the end

Jesus Christ are you braindead, literally your first interaction with Mae's family is them forgetting to pick you up and giving you a lukewarm reception when you arrive. Dad doesn't even get up off the couch.

Can you find corpses of japs who hung themselves?

I am a young adult and at least in my country I don´t get the impresssion that wages are somehow worse than 20 years ago, I only see a weak generation of massive crybabies that would rather spend their entire day whining on twitter and buying pumpkin spiced lattes while picking on the only working economic system which has gone to shit because this type of people are overloading the average citizen with taxes to pay for their mommy state, insstead of actually working, while simultaniously inviting hordes of fucking immigrants that compete with the native population for THE FUCKING WAGE THEY CRY OVER.

They blame capitalism because they are so immensly stupid that they don´t get the economic factors that are lowering their wages. The game shows just that, stupid millenial imbeciles crying about "muh low wages" while getting angry at the secret society in the mines for mentioning that immigrants compete with them for jobs.

>the step dad was pretty cool

He has an unlicensed surveillance setup that he uses to record people without their knowledge or consent

>I am a young adult and at least in my country I don´t get the impresssion that wages are somehow worse than 20 years ago

Then you're either underage or an old faggot that needs to GTFO this site. Quit tyring to get brownie points off random user posters, faggot.

I feel like if "mankind" encompasses women, then "manchild" can describe a woman
also she's a qt

So you're a NEET who has never encountered economic reality, judging people from the comfort of his tendies-fueled life as he's radicalized into a racist puppet by foreign psyops?

>literally your first interaction with Mae's family is them forgetting to pick you up and giving you a lukewarm reception when you arrive
>This somehow implies that theres something wrong with them and isn´t just the cheap way of the game to give you a tutorial on the controls.

Also I was expecting more of a ghost story since the game constantly shoved some hint about it in your face so I paid less attention to potential family drama.

Also it's baffling how so little people notice that the left and the right are both the hands of the same people pushing the two sides to benefit from the turmoil. Sionist capitalists that finance war and hunger to create needs.

I liked it, wished they fleshed out the cult stuff though

>young adult
>underaged or old

>I am a young adult and at least in my country I don´t get the impresssion that wages are somehow worse than 20 years ago, I only see a weak generation of massive crybabies

Translation: I am a shut-in that still lives with my parents, and never had to pay bills & living expenses.

Are you supposed to strictly "like" the characters? I got the impression they were supposed to elicit mixed emotions. Like, they're not bad people, just young, confused, and misguided.

No you moron, I didn´t waste my entire money to study some useless degree or expected to get enough money to buy myself a house by working at fucking McDonalds.