PUBG Corp CEO: "The final goal [is] to launch the title on every platform"

>"[W]e’d like to focus on completing the Xbox One PUBG for now. If we have the opportunity, the final goal would be to launch the title on every platform. Early Access on Steam and Game Preview on Xbox One are like pre-release, so they don’t have a restriction on quality. However, PS is very strict about this. There were cases where a game took 6 months more to launch even when it was already completed. We are still in the stage of learning the console development environment and console gamers’ taste. We need to think about other platforms after evaluating and completing the Xbox One version first."

Are you ready for PUBG on Switch?

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lfmao PC has no exclusives

where were you when you realized the pubg team will literally never fix the glitchy mess because they are using borrowed assets.

N-No! It's an Xbox exclusive! Th-The One X neeeeeeds it! B-B-B-B-But MS helped get it running at a smooth 20fps on console!! How could they do this?! I bought a One X for this! This was the big holiday console seller!

Are you telling me Xbox One is actually the beta console version?! Wait NOOOOOO

>final goal [is] to
What did they mean by this?

>However, PS is very strict about this
"""""""""VERY STRICT"""""""

>Making fun of the XboneX version when it's going to be the best version on consoles

The PC has more exclusives than any other platform. Wtf are you talking about?


If they put it on switch I hope its absolute shit graphics, but 60 fps.

I'm making fun of the fact that PUBG was being touted as a reason to drop $500 on a One X, with the Xbox having no real exclusives, and now the polished version will come out on PS4 anyway.

It was being claimed that PS4 would never get it because MS had had a hand in helping with the porting process. They've done a marvelous job, of course, getting the game to run with PC's "very low" settings at sub-30fps. Wouldn't want Sony to benefit from such groundbreaking optimization techniques.

*Switch excluded


Yeah you're right, all those shitty steam titles with no quality control

no hes already said hes wanted to see it on the switch

I'm sure all those ports will be every bit as good as PUBG on Xbone!

>with the Xbox having no real exclusives, and now the polished version will come out on PS4 anyway.
It's Rise of the Tomb Raider all over again.

nobody plays on pc for the exclusives thats a console owner thing to justify wasting money

no problem
>PS4 Pro runs PUBG in 280p with 15 fps

Will it be negative fps on switch?

So better than the 1x? Sweet

>so they don’t have a restriction on quality
Lmao even the CEO knows the game is a hot pile of garbage.

>When it was already completed

These fucking tools don't know what completed means. The PC version is still a bug ridden piece of shit and the Xbox version is even worse and can't even maintain 30 fps. Of course Sony doesn't want dog shit on their ecosystem that runs at 15 fps. Trash game devs.

PUBG is incredibly CPU intensive, and while the XBOX's GPU is better than the PS4 Pro's, the CPU is about the same.

It's a lot of the reason that game runs like total ass right now. Microsoft should have ponied up for a better CPU.

When they're saying that, they were referring to cases separate from PUBG.

So it would perform like the One X version?

>pubg ever being polished

do you literally beleive this man knows how to code or even run a business

>Can't optimise on a single platform
>Planning to launch on all of them

Star citizen

All the consoles are running Jaguars. They couldn't change the CPU because that would fuck compatibility between the One and One X. Like I've been saying since the One X since it was announced, it would always be held back by its CPU. You're paying $500 for a console with a 4-year-old netbook CPU in it. That's why you can get games running at 4k that can't maintain even 30fps. These iterative consoles are fucking retarded. They should have just gone all-in and commenced the next generation if they wanted to capitalize on 4k, not take a half-step.

Black Tiger is still promoted on the official Playstation Youtube channel

>wants to port game onto every device
>will run like dogshit on each and every one of them

how about finishing your early access game and optimizing it for PC, you scamming faggot.

Ouya PUBG when

i wouldnt either. take the money and run

Bluehole need to rename themselves. This game is tarnishing their future reputation more than TERA online ever will.

>pre patched

So this calls into question Microsoft's deal with them. Is this going to lead to Player Unknown's Hole getting hard fucked by MS?

That screenshot I posted is from the most recent DF video, which was posted 2 days ago. The frame rate is still abysmal after the most recent patch.

ready to experience the 10fps of battlegrounds, guys ?

Nice way of saying we want that PS4 money because only Americans buy Xbone.

BRs are terrible. Literally mobas are a better trend.


This is plain wrong, mobas are worse

>They want to port this shit again after how awful the Xbone port is
Four days in and i'm still wishing I had died in my sleep on new years

Not true game runs in 30fps in 4k on my X. Maybe DF has the wrong version?

Wow is it 2013?

>it works on my machine :)

lfmao FPS games on console

>crashes literally every match on xbox
>less than 15 fps in certain areas like mansion
glad i didn't spend any money on it, otherwise i might feel ripped off.

Mobas are garbage but at least they are playable and aren't rng fests

I can't wait for PUBG on Linux

>playing games with a point and click device patented in the forties and a typewriter interface

I would play this game if it was only in first person

Why do you they not to kick a man when he's down. it feels great.

there is a mode (on pc) that forces first person

>CEO forgot is
>journalist fixed his mistake
It alright

Well first of all, it's still a big if. If they feel that the porting and optimization process takes too long to get it working on the xbox, they might say it isn't worth the time.

Secondly, because of the game preview option on xbox, and the quality flood gates on the ps store, it could be a few years before pubg even gets to go to playstation. They literally said they want to wait until the Xbox version is fully working and realized, with little to no hiccups before they even think about porting to ps4. And once they do that, it's not like they can just pick up the Xbox port, plop it into the ps4, and ship it. That's gonna take a lot of time, at which point xbox players will have already played and enjoyed the game they won't even care, plus the ideal version would still be on the x (excluding PC obviously).

quick question. other than this game how many other xbox games have this early access shit on the cover.

It's sad that they can't get a UE4 game on Linux by now


Good point

>point and click device invented in the forties is better than the controller

As if PUBG devs were competent enough to do that.

It's given for Free wit the Xbox one X

with ROTR being the best on Xbox one X on consoles

By the time it arrives on others console, the hype would be gone and it won't even be the best version on consoles.

>PUBG on a controller
How about fucking no sounds awful

>quick question. other than this game how many other xbox games have this early access shit on the cover.

All platforms, huh?