Enemy can decrease your level

>Enemy can decrease your level

>You can decrease or increase the enemy's level

>enemy can decrease your max level permanently

Welcome to Wizardry motherfucker. Hope you don't mind grinding for a few hours to get those levels back.

Name seven

Only game allowed to do this is MGQ, and even then you kinda win.

I want to drink her pee

Good taste

>enemies can delete other save files

>enemies can delete your game

Those fucking XP reapers in Gauntlet
Being without magic and running into one, scariest shit in video games and the only thing that has caused me to immediately turn the game off in pure fear.

>enemy takes hp away permanently every hit

thanks diablo

>levelling up can decrease your characters stats
>party members can die of old age
wizardry 4 doesn't have levels though

>Enemy levels up while you're fighting it
>By more than one level

Fuckin' 'ell

I remember an old game where dying costs you EXP and if you lose enough, you actually level down. I think it was Diablo 2.

Wizardry games, Megami Tensei I.

>You can loot the enemies and wear their armor
What games do this?

Doesn't Pokemon Mystery Dungeon do that, with the Doom seeds? Annoying as fuck when enemies throw it at you

>>Enemy can decrease your level
This is primary reason we need a classic D&D revival, the Undead would actually be a problem. RPGs need to go back to the source material, danmit.

how far is the manga now?
last i've read was they shown kyoshi's dick in some contest

It ended before christmas. In fact that specific page is from the last chapter.
Go read it. Author fucked all shipfaggots over so hard, he became the new Kubo, the master madman

Is it worth reading in it's entirety?

this. you also need magical aging.

I thought scraping people was the most fun you could have in pvp in Demon's Souls. I was wrong.

wait did he end up with hana????

Watch the anime and then read manga at the point where anime ends.

Literally every enemy in Cave Story

Go find out yourself you nigger, Im not gonna spoil anything. I simply said author is a madman. Thats all

>dying decreases experience, and if it's go down to below zero, you de-level
>it's a pvp-based mmo

>Enemy can stun you, paralyze you, knock you down and then just keep bashing you until yer ded.

That used to be how banned games work in general.

monster girl quest

>game developers ruin pvp by introducing pvp exp loss on death reduction for """unfair""" fight

Fucking madman, more than Kubo

>enemy can unequip your gear in a gear-heavy game at all times in the final boss rush

This reminds me of MUDs

>enemy can stole your macca

False King Allant

>Enemy can permanently kill your party members

>enemy gains experience for killing you and levels up

Does Cave Story count?

>you can hit your teammates to gain exp


What's wizardry? What's FFV?

I dont know. What are they?

This can make the game much more exciting/stressful

>enemy causes your friends to all go crazy and then deletes them

Oblivion, possibly Skyrim and maybe Morrowind, but I never tried.

baldurs gate had it too

I think you misunderstood my post, "allowed" is the key word.

fuck off Monika

loved that ogre battle/tactics ogre did stuff like this

Final in April.

>Enemy can break your equipment

I wonder how many players got fucked over by level draining vampires in BG2.

You underestimate how much this affects the risks you're willing to take because "all in or nothing" becomes a lot less of default choice when you know you have hours of grinding if you fuck up.

>enemy can delete your save

Allowed, as in it's fine if this game does it.

>Enemy can decrease your HP
>If your HP reaches zero you die and have to reload to your last saved game

>enemy can cut your defense in half
>enemy can prevent you from healing

Oh there will be an epilogue? Thanks god, the ending left two characters unresolved...

>Enemy can teleport you to a random location in the game world

>somebody has a weapon that disintegrates weapon and armor on hit
>you have glass armor and weapons

That's my fetish

>enemies can open doors

Permadeath and semi-permadeath (What you described was done a few times, with death occurring if you hit level 0 or -1) MMOs need to be a thing again. Permadeath was par for the course in MUDs, then MMOs had exp debts, and now we have this no penalty BS.

>Dying decreases experience in a pvp based mmo
>Only if you attack first in pvp or are killed in pve
>If you're at 0 experience nothing happens

>Enemy is a random file on your PC

>you can eat enemies

Demons souls

>enemies can decrease your level down to 0
>you die

>theyre the same size/bigger than you

>Enemy flees at low HP
>You get 0 experience points

>you gain more loot if you are close to PM

Has this been kiked off sad panda?

Sims 2 PSP

>Enemies can steal literally any item from your inventory
>If they flee or use it, it's gone for good
>This can include unique items or key quest items

>Enemy can cut your max HP by half and this effect persists after death

>endgame boss has an attack that resets the entire game and all of your progress
>it autosaves immediately after it hits

>Enemy can kill you in the real world

>Enemy can steal your equipment

>enemy can increase your age

>Enemies level up if you die to them enough
>You can abuse this to hit the level cap in the first area of the game

Nigga, that's nothing.

>have to run from non-evil enemies
>have to let non-evil enemies surrender

Ultima virtues were a bitch put against common RPG staples.

Digital Devil Saga.

>Enemy can throw your party members at you

This is gonna be the shit in VR.
Imagine the heartattacks.


Guild Wars 1?

>enemy drains your HP

>enemy drains your semen

>enemy can decrease your fingerless glove meter

You know it
I miss it so much

>team levels evenly, more or less
>almost at level up, ~100xp away
>member 1 levels
>member 2 gets hit by a doom seed and drops a level

>enemies can equip your armor and weapons if you die

yes please

I mean permadeath (even if your corpse is fully lootable, as it should be) helps with economy issues in games.
It also helps with the current issue in MMOs, where they are designed for you to hit cap super fast but then new players have no one they can play with while they level.
I mean providing other sources of entertainment mitigate this as well. However do you see any AAA MMO company bothering to implement player politics on city and country scale like MUDs?

>>wizardry 4 doesn't have levels though
except you level up every time you step on a new level's summoning circle. Also enemies still have a level and if your monsters use a level-down power they lose insane amounts of power. Like going from 200+ hp to 30 hp.

>that reloading


Good enought for a horse-man.