What killed Sup Forums and when? Was it console war babbies?
What killed Sup Forums and when? Was it console war babbies?
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no it was
Whenever redditors such as yourself came over here because 4chainz was the "cool" place to be and you just had to come fag it up you fucking jew nigger
When the kids started coming over here who are all brainwashed by their schools and liberal education. Can't even call someone a fag or a nigger now without some little liberal shit freaking out and talking about tolerance like this is reddit or something.
Sup Forums getting popular killed Sup Forums, it's that simple.
E-celebs killed Sup Forums
its litterally discussed and glorified by people who do not play games and just orbit them for the illusion of friendship.
it was DOA from day 1 ya dumb fuck
The faGGotry made Sup Forumstards feel at home here.
Every kid who's slightly nerdy and a little edgy comes on Sup Forums these days.
gamergate was the nail in the coffin.
now Sup Forums is just SJWs from both sides shilling and falseflagging as hard as they can
When Redditors made the vectorized images of memes. Peope completely lost their shit and became obsessed with the site and even now it's still a plague long after.
e-celbs fags like yourself is waht killed this site
>Let oldfag like me I like shoving things up my ass
I've been here since 2011 you fucking like, not that it's an accomplishment to lurk on this shit board for so long
Why does everyone hold Sup Forums as the end all be all, gold standard for internet infamy still? b/ died years ago when moot put that sticky up and sold the site, I guess/pol/ took over as the "main" board but it's still trash
Gamergate and shitposters
2011 is arguably when browsing Sup Forums became mainstream
That was 2008 after Chanology you newfag
what happened in march 2014?
oh wait that's gamergate happening
It's the fappening. I seriously doubt gamergate brought many people to Sup Forums, that's just the narrative that Sup Forums likes to use. It was only here for like two weeks before being banned and I can't think of any reason as to why it would attract a large number of people.
>your sister's steamy balls
uhhhhh, guys? I don't think that's how this works
admin abuse
competitive gaming
indie games
>Was it console war babbies?
Pretty much.
Soniggggers are the worst. I don't understand why there's still no seperate containment board for them.
>its those damn redditors
>a-am i doing it right guys?
Been on Sup Forums since 2009 and it's still fine. People complaining about it being dead or reddit are worse than whatever those people complain about. Though the election somehow infected all boards.
Le vee culture killed vee.
Been here since 2007 and it's definitely not fine. There's no more discussion, no more Sup Forums servers, no more anything but memes and politics. It's fine if you only ever came here to shitpost, but Sup Forums used to have some semblance of community.
Three things.
The PS4
Sup Forums won
Anything after 2006 is newfag territory, mein friendo.
t. Japan Time newfag
Redditors that came in with the american presidential elections
Look at all these retards talking seriously about soy, soylent and whatever the fuck that is. If you're here for the video games you don't care about that shit, but the redditors are just here for the epic memes and screencaps.
Though Sup Forums was still pretty shit before they came, redditors dealt the killing blow.
The election
Thank Sup Forums for welcoming in untold amounts of redditfugees
>Went to bed early the night Sonic got revealed
That was such bullshit.
>thinking he is a valuable member of Sup Forums
fuck off newfaggot
Sup Forums was cancer-infested way before that. Gamergate was pretty bad already, but the election finally killed Sup Forums.
4chink = ded
In short, Descartes was right.
about the dick?