Reminder that this place is just an edgy version of Reddit. Reminder that you're still Reddit no matter what

Reminder that this place is just an edgy version of Reddit. Reminder that you're still Reddit no matter what


Sorry you missed the boat on when Sup Forums was fun

Reddits really not that bad

Reddit is younger than Sup Forums, so even if you want to argue that the two are not much different, you'd say Reddit is a less edgy version of Sup Forums.

But Reddit is good

>01/05/18(Fri)11:15:17 No.402280175 [Reply]

sooooooy haha :D

But reddit has more users and more cross over users so this place would just have redditors but redditors that are more edgy and cynical than typical Reddit

Childhood is idolizing Sup Forums. Adulthood is realizing reddit makes more sense.

If you give a shit about stuff like this you obviously spend too much time on the internet instead of playing a video game and probably are unemployed.


That's cool but can you take de wey posters back with you when you return to Reddit? Thanks.


>no memes that aren't variations of wojak allowed!

if you take upvoting and namefagging out of Reddit you would be left with the actual non-cancer community. Sup Forums is that plus a bunch of people who can't really fit in social media outside of anonymity.

Holy shit, what a time to be alive!



yeah, uhhh sauce?

sorry user! reddit memes on edgy reddit are still ok

Why is everyone on this board obsessed with reddit?


>social pancake reject

This pic always gets a good chuckle out of me.

Thanks, I almost forgot.

I'm not Reddit, OP
you are

because sjws took over the site and talking shit about resetera is problematic

Why do you wanna talk about resetera?
What's so interesting about it?

It's full of teenagers that lack their own identity, which is ok for a teen
Every meme on Sup Forums since it jumped popularity in the fappening has been about creating a sense of other-ness in the community. Soyboy, cuck, autist, normalfag are all just a bunch of barely defined tags with which you can identify what you don't like
They will never be a part of something great but at least they are not part of "the others"

You are

>implying I have ever visited Reddit
>implying I haven't been here when Reddit didn't even exist

I hate you newfaggots.and normalfags

*flashes card*

I don't think so kiddo

t. typical redditor

>Soyboy, cuck, autist, normalfag are all just a bunch of barely defined tags with which you can identify what you don't like

are you literally retarded, newfaggot?
You probably reply to every retarded baitpost you see, faggot.

"normalfag" is older than you are, and it's not even a goddamn meme you fucking nu-Sup Forumsedditor

Disgusting. If you love fat, go fuck a pig.

I just post here and I've been influencing this place for over a decade, only newfags and idiots allow themselves to be changed by anything.

Isn't reddit just a neutered version of Sup Forums?

I swear to god, the only time I get sjw shit in my face is when you faggots make thread to complain about them.

Why do you know what Reddit is like?



That's because SJWs don't post on Sup Forums. They just moderate and janitor it.

>what are screenshots


I am Reddit

why do ppl use that shit?

oh no you le didn't