Sup Forums WILL defend this

Sup Forums WILL defend this.

They'll defend anything anime

what's the problem

look at those glorious hips. oh lord

Yes, I most certainly will.

I won't, I hate overdesigned stuff like that.
It doesn't appeal to my dick at all.

muh dick


This is the kinda shit that makes me wanna play more after final boss.

She's cute.

>put nia as party leader
>spend 2 hours running around with the camera un low angle to see her butt, hips and pocket moving
The pocket bouncing in her ass is hypnotizing

I want to defend those thighs.


We clearly live on the best age. I fucking love how we are living on the THICC era. Loli, flat, thin, everything is trash now. THICC is the new fashion, THICC is the new moƩ.

Sure, Impossible-to-wear-rave-attire is patrician taste. Kill yourself, I bet you like meme clothing like the virgin killer sweater too.

>not thicc loli
>not chubbi loli
What else user? Let me guess, you are a NTRfag dont you?

You don't? What a faggot

The only thing I want to defend is this smile.

Defeeeeend thiiiiissss

Whats wrong with it?


God damn right I will

She looks like she'd give good head

>you are a NTRfag dont you
I want ruskis to leave. Don't you guys have your own chan?

Like you would know.

Sup Forums is a bunch of underaged virgins and manchilds

And soyboys

Fuck off with you soyshitmeme thing retardation

t. soyboy

This character is stupid sexy where is all the fucking fanart?

And soyboys

Not from a free gacha game or a main character my dude, it's the suffering for lots of characters

>Upset by the fact that he moved the camera to check out a characters ass

>This thread

Nubladefags are worse than NuFEfags ever were.

With my life

are you gay?
but i agree the face is ugly


Nigger were you ever in OG Xeno threads with Melia cuckspam or Fiora asshot images?
Or in X threads with shitty Elma and CHECK OUT MY QT OC?
Or in any fire emblem thread on Sup Forums at any given time in history?

Too many sexy characters in this game. Not enough artists. Pyra, Mythra, and Nia are hogging all the art.

>Nubladefags are now a thing
Xenobladefags are already Nuxenofags, pal. You're talking trash among trash.

Have you?

>still haven't gotten her
>missing 4 rare blades
>180+ hours

>uh stop liking anime girls they're so problematic

More like

>Stop liking shit games, they're so problematic

>using problematic unironically
>unironically thinking xb2 is shit

>unironically using soyboy


I just can't comprehend how you can be so upset over a game. It has been out long enough that you would think the shitposting would fade out

Like with any exclusive not on their preferred platform, faggots get mad over it and get even madder when it sells good.

I just imagine her pressing out a huge shit onto my face with it pushing around my cheeks. Little pockets of air bubbling out the sides of it as she lets out a moan of pleasure.

>Owned Xenogears legit as a kid because I heard "dude it's like FF7 but anime"
>Owned all of the Xenosaga trilogy and beat the shit out of all of them
>Pirated Xenoblade back in the day when Sup Forums first discovered it
>Put over 300 hours into Xenoblade X despite all the censored horseshit (remember kids, horrific alien genocide is okay as long as you can't see a titty)
>All of these honest to christ soyboys and tumblrites discovering Xenoblade for the first time with 2 acting like it's suddenly anime and that it never fucking has been before

It's honestly infuriating how blatantly fucking obvious it is, but they outnumber the genuine fans on here so they get drowned out.

Reminder it's fucking canon that KOS-MOS's creator made her top bust off for no fucking reason other than he liked it for her super attack.

>Gears/Saga/Blade wasn't anime because they were anime stereotypes I LIKE!!

It was so fucking infuriating listening to my friend bitch about the most nonsensical shit trying to complain about Xenoblade 2 when he got so fed up with Xenoblade 1 around Makna Forest that he used invincibility cheats for the rest of the game.

>soyboying the soyboy

ignore smash secondaries and soynybros

Honestly my only complaint about XB2 are Field Skills and that it takes a while to actually get good.

Field skills are just annoying menu busy work and it unironically takes like 20 hours for the combat to get fun

>that dance
>her valley girl voice that never shuts up
>Her specials animations
I thought she looked like some GAL type character at first but she really grew on me.
>My love's a million volts!

Dude, at least half of the stupid niggers you speak about will actively deny how pleb they are just to attack a game that's not on their platform of choice. Forget about them, they'll never understand any of the xeno games.

>Gears/Saga/Blade wasn't anime because they were anime stereotypes I LIKE!!

This was a true statement, considering they were release in an era where anime wasn't complete garbage.

Also, did anyone of those games do the sweatdrops or B-Baka! slap scene?

The field skills is a legit complaint, and I'm sure the 20 hrs till combat was fun was because of the fags who cried out XCX was too complicated

I'd rather attack it.
With my dick.

I don't want to believe it but I am starting to think that there's some truth to XC and X2 being Nintenbabbies first jrpg.

Autistic, Masochistic Perun needs more art
Newt needs more art
Kora needs more art

>Anime back then was so much better.
>Look at these cherrypicked ova's.

Try defending why you are a flaming homosexual instead of asking us why we are straight.

Also I guess back then being the late 90's and 00's ?????? fucking k

>Smash secondaries


>Anime was totally different back then, guys
As someone who has been watching anime since my dad would come home with garage subs of Slayers and I saw the harmony gold dub of Dragon Ball on ABC cartoon morning where it was Zero and Penny instead of Goku and Bulma, you people make me roll my eyes so hard you could power a small city.

Anime has always been batshit fucking stupid.

Imagine her twerking

>sweatdrops or B-Baka! slap scene?

I just cant believe people are actually mad about these scenes. They were both funny and one was a great transition to a fight

your friend deserves a beating, but seriously it's fucking hilarious watching those soyboys get mad over fictional characters, sexy drawings and been called soyboys.

I hope before the blade series die we get a proper sequel to X2
>more city
>more races to use
>more skells
>elma pregnant by the lvl 90 gorilla in primordia
>lao fucking lin
>tatsu is lin's buttplug
>better ost
These sounds fine for a sequel

>Also, did anyone of those games do the sweatdrops or B-Baka! slap scene
Nigger did you even play Xenoblade 1?

>Anime has always been batshit fucking stupid

Clearest sign of ironic weeb right here.

I'm just glad this game seems to be getting more doujins. 1 and X had precious few.

Remember way back then? So long ago. Very very long ago in the old days of 2005?

Keep the battle system from XC2 and nerf chain attacks and I'm in

If anything this is closest to the style change halfway through gears/saga since the style has significantly changed.

Also the designer of Expelled from Paradise they got to do this one IS a hack.

Apparently you didn't either, since you don't seem to understand the context of that screenshot.

Anime has always had a lot of trash with some so bad it's goods and some really good shit. Whenever someone posts a retarded "Remember when anime was good?" picture it's always of an ova with a way better budget than a televised show.

Based Tora

He woke her up and she slapped him for no reason when she had plenty of time to assess the situation and he wasn't even doing anything. Got it.

The problem comes from the fact it's more anime than the Xeno series ever was, but it's defended by ironic weebs who cry it was always that way.

Yo I can do even worse
>Have two friends I was talking to about the game
>One starts complaining about the dub and how bad it was
>"Dude I didn't want to switch to subs because of all the sick THINK YOU CAN TAKE US MEMES I saw on twitch"
>The other friend agrees the dub is awful but the streamer he was watching play the game had it set to it so he was stuck with it
So one friend despite being a huge weeb not switching to subs and hating the dub because he wants to be able to tell sick meme jokes.
And another who despite owning a switch just watched other people play it on youtube.

Like what the fuck is wrong with people?
Does no one enjoy playing videogames anymore?

Not because Shulk was a baka hentai that touched her oppai, she just got scared.

Of course I'll defend this, Kora is a Healer, not a Tank, she needs defending

They're finally on the verge of expelling all unwanted trash from the fanbase. Please let's hope the next game pushes the Smash-fags and Nintenkiddies away for good.

Sup Forums will defend anything as long as it's anime

I'll defend it with my life

God it was so fucking infuriating. I've had to listen to his resetera/kotaku/whatever copy pasted opinions since launch day, and when I went over for New Years I brought my Switch so I could show him the game for what it's really like.

>The part where Nia reveals she's a blade

I've been watching anime since the late 80's/early 90's, you goddamn soyboy faggots. Anime has always been trash tier animation with only the good shit saved for either the same canned animation of a super attack used once an episode or an OVA.

Slayers is one of my favorite animes of all time, and it's like 60% dumb anime shenanigans, 30% actual fight scenes, and 10% actually good animation that isn't sweat drops and huge exaggerated screaming heads.

The dub is good though.

Several characters lose all their personality if you switch to Jap. Nia and Pyro are the worst offenders, they are a hundred times better in english
The only one that really sucks ass is Rex


Post discarded.

you posted the wrong pic friend
let me help you

>Pyra having a personality with her bored sounding fat chick in the dub
You cant type this with a straight face.

And you are ignoring the post you dumb nigger. Neither said they liked the dub.

I want to marry and impregnate Rin

t. Soy enthusiast

Thank you.


I dont care about your friends. I just wanted to let a weeb degenerate know that the dub is better than the sub

>The dub is good though
>The dub is good though.
>The dub is good though.

Dub is trash, actors are shit, cant convey emotion in their lines. You honestly dont know shit.

like you discarded your dick soyboy

>he saided da word that hurted muh feefees
Good, faggot. You're not welcome here if you're gonna be a spineless puss about it.


Post a picture of yourself, if you weigh more than 160 pounds and are less than 25% bodyfat, I'll livestream my suicide. If you aren't, you have no business calling anyone a soyboy.

Over a month later and people that are done or didn't even play the game in the first place are still mad about a dub they don't have to use if they don't want to.