Outsells the Vita in under a year

>Outsells the Vita in under a year

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Good thread

Even my girlfriend likes super mario odyssey and she never plays games. What a good console.

Doubles the amount of the Switch and Bone within twelve months.

Spotted the soyny pony

>Still gets games in 2018

>a home console that has a lot of first party support massively outsells a handheld that had very little first party support
You don't say

>hey we are selling ps4 at 200$ when switch is out of stock! buy our console!!!

The vita never had a game like BotW or Mario Odyssey, it also had that horribly expensive memory card.

Sony just fucked up, the market for portable gaming experience wasn't the problem.

Found the ass hurt Nintendo fat.

Tell me only one good game between dec 7 2016 and dec 7 2017 that have the goty award for ps4

>comparing a handheld to a console

Switch was out of stock in November? Lol.

>having a switch
>using the soycons

You say that like it's an accomplishment.



>Nintendo Console just barely manages to outsell Sony portable.

Yeah, sounds about right.


count how many months are between dec 2016 and dec 2017

also, remember switch releases on march

>Comparing a handheld to a console

The genius thing is that it is both.

I only have a n3DS, never had a WII or WIIU.

If they make a truly portable switch without the dock and I can play it on the go, I'll buy it. It absorbs both markets.

Why lie on the internet?

Okay, I want to buy Switch. Do they really have problems like in a video or it was just the launch?

PS4 wasn't $199 discounted during March, or any of those low supply months.

Crowbcat is a cherrypicker. Its normal for anything to have 10%failure rate when mass manufacturing a device. Unless youre name is xbox360

No one has pointed out that this is false. This board is filled with idiots that just take whatever statement they see first as the truth. "Well he presented it as a statement so it must be true!"

>gets one port from a 7 year old game
wow so alive


Fox and Grapes

>a home console with only first party support

I would like to point out that the Switch has some of the highest price accessories we've seen for a console to date. The price of a Sony memory card is a drop in the pan compared to the greed of Nintendo.

But its still a console and consoles have high price for everything.

I said I'd buy it when it comes in a trully portable form like the 3DS.

It's a console in marketing only. This discussion always degrades into one of two directions. 1. But it's a console. 2. But it's a handheld. It's circular thinking at best.

>Outsells the Wii U lifetime sales

You could start with some for Switch.
>inb4 900 pieces of shit scattered throughout map filled with 3 kinds of goblins is a world class masterpiece

>normalfags buy things that pander to them

None of the Switch accessories are as necessary as the Vita memory card, but you’re right about them being overpriced.



Hahaha fucking seething lmao

Ninten dumbs BTFO
Reminder that Nintendo blew all of their ammo this first year too

The thing I worry about is that this will influence the price of accessories next generation. It wouldn't surprise me if the PS5 has $90 dollar controllers as the base model next gen. In any case, I don't think I'll be a console gamer much longer. They're really trying hard to squeeze every last dime out of the hobby that they can.

>$90 controllers
God I wouldn’t be surprised, $10 gets added to the price tags every generation, with Nintendo being the only holdout, and now theirs are more expensive than anyone’s.


Nier Automata? I don't have PS4, playing it on PC now. Did not watch any award shows.

In Bizarro world:

>Nintendo stops supporting 3DS, to focus on the blazingly successful WiiU
>Sony releases the ReVita even though everyone says handheld is dead
>Blazing success due to widely acclaimed launch title open-world Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot vs. the World)
>Bolstered by similarly widely acclaimed september title God Of War: The Odyssey

>Reminder that Nintendo blew all of their ammo this first year too
It's hilarious how one person can be so wrong en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_highest-grossing_media_franchises

and the vita outlived the Wii u


No one will care for Pokemon now that it's on mobile

>>Outsells the Vita in under a year
It didn't though.

>also coming to the ps4
was this guy just looking to insult the vita? and are you telling me that he skipped on buying a ps4(a system with literally thousands of games) to buy a switch? if he cared about getting the latest games, why would he buy a console from a company that's known for struggling with 3rd party support?

Sun and Moon sold 15 million AFTER pokemon go (which is a one time fade that no cares about now) you mouth breathing moron

>A system with 2 worthwhile exclusives beats a system with 1 worthwhile exclusive

Double the exclusives, double the sales user.

Good luck coming anywhere close a second time user.

and outsold

>stop supporting the 3DS
this never made sense to me. both attract different markets, and likely have different development groups. why would anyone think the two are unable to coexist, or that one steals games from the other?

Look at this guy proud of his 2 games machine.

It's not about markets, its about resources.

Sony didn't kill the Vita cause it thought Vita was stealing share from PS4, but because it wanted to put more resources into developing PS4 games rather than throw money away into Vita dev

The argument was that switch was out of ammo, but anyone with half a brain realizes that Pokemon Switch will skyrocket the switch's already booming sales, and bring even more third party support. Sun and Moon was the second 3DS gen released late into the system's life cycle.

I have TOO many games to play on my switch rn

Yeah I'm sure 20,000,000 people bought PS4s just because they weren't able to get a Switch.

>bring even more third party support.
that's where you're wrong. All the little kids buying a switch for pokemon won't give a fuck about anything else.
The 3DS had a worse 3rd party support than the fucking Vita

I wish I could go back to loving every shitty game being released. It was a nice couple of years. It must be nice to have shit taste.

Name them.

Indie shit and port shit don't count.

"Should be bring our new game to the Switch sir? "it's sold millions more this year"
"No, those sales were kids who only play pokemon."

Alright then. I guess I should've brought my ps4 that flight I was on two weeks ago where I got to play rocket league with my brother and stardew valley. It was a very short 3 hour flight

It's good that you understand.
You think publishers are stupid? They know better than any of us how well the Switch was going to sell much earlier than any of us. Yet why do you think the Vita still get games? Why is the Switch support still bad?
Also you seems to think any games can run on the Switch and that's laughably deluded.

"heh, you like those games but I DON'T. Checkmate me"

>The 3DS had a worse 3rd party support than the fucking Vita
No it didn't kek.
3DS crucified the vita in every single way, including 3rd party support.

I don't care what sort of gay shit you do with your brother. It didn't count for Vita back in the day, it doesn't count for Switch now.

Name actually good 3rd party exclusives that aren't ports.

>Yet why do you think the Vita still get games?
TIL the vita still gets games
"b-but obscure JRPG!"
ya okay kiddo
>Why is the Switch support still bad?
Except it's not
>Also you seems to think any games can run on the Switch and that's laughably deluded.
When did I say that? Although playable Doom 16 is a pretty high watermark. Publishers will get the games on there. there's a reason Activison made COD games for the fucking DS

1* games

Only one game on the Switch is exclusive and worthwhile.

>people rebuying consoles after the dock scratches the screen to shit

Woaaaaah look at these sales!!!!!!

Get this into your thick head: Even ports are given new value on the switch because of it's value proposition. No one's bitching about VR ports either

What the fuck is this?
Japan only?

How did Doom do on Switch sales wise? Any numbers yet?

The Vita still get games the Switch won't have. That's own bad the Shit 3rd party support is. Bethesda are doing an effort yes, what about the rest?
COD kids won't care about a Switch version.

>3DS crucified the vita in every single way, including 3rd party support.
I own both, and 3DS had the luxury of better marketing, monhun, popular 1st party titles and a catchy new gimmick.

the vita never got going in the west, and the price of memory really held it back. it's a better system, that has great 3rd party support, but one that ultimately became a niche system for japanese devs to develop for. if you look at some of the early 3rd party titles, they had the dudebro games and yearly ubisoft titles.

sony just did an awful job of selling it to west.

I can tell you that Skyrim and Rocket league sold like hotcakes, And there's the indie gold rush

>Ninty fans are defending ports now

This is a new low for you guys. Either go full exclusive like 3DS or fuck off.

PS4 is super fucking redundant if you have a PC.

Hey moron, that's a year worth of sales. The Switch sold 15 million in 2017(usatoday.com/story/tech/talkingtech/2017/12/29/iphone-once-again-top-tech-best-selling-product-2017/987850001/) and the year isn't over for the Switch until March. The Switch is expected to sell in the 17 million range. That's less than the PS4, yes, because the Switch sells poorly in Europe and the PS4's sales are inflated by people upgrading their PS4 to a PS4 Pro. However, Europeans don't buy as much software as the Japanese and Americans, so Nintendo is winning where it counts.

>some guy sitting on the toilet just joined my rocket league match
>doesn't bother to rotate and whiffs everything

>3DS crucified the vita in every single way, including 3rd party support.
Outside of the massive difference in specs, no, the 3DS had horrible third party support and attach rates compared to the Vita, nobody bought anything that wasn't first party stuff, MH and Dragon Quest games, and outside of the rare games like SMT that got decent sales anything else struggled to even get a minimum of 75K units out.

>people comparing the Switch's year ONE to ps4/xone's year FOUR.
Ya because knack was such a great launch year. The ps4's launch lineup was ALL ports basically

Bravely Default / Second
Monster Hunter
Etrian Odyssey

I own both too, in fact I have two Vita 1000's, both hacked.
As somebody who is into JRPGs mostly, the 3DS has the Vita well and truly beat.
Vita beats the 3DS in some genres like rhythm games and VNs but that's about all.

Even more recently, before I got my Switch, I was still using my 3DS more than my Vita, despite both being hacked. Vita has a ton of games of questionable quality.
I'll even be going back to my 3DS to play some of the Atlus JRPG's that are coming to it, including Radiant Historia even though I've already played it.

And our next ingredient, the nintendonion

Oh, put you down? Say no more F@M *clicks on blender*



>The ps4's launch lineup was ALL ports basically
>Says that when the Switch' holy grail, BoTW, is a port

Ya except the Switch got two 97 metacritic games, Xenoblade, and Splatoon this year for exclusives.It's one of the best launch years in gaming history, maybe even THE best

Switch exploded the way it was because of a port.

it's funny to me how he releases these videos around launch, they get millions of views and are used as shitposting console war fodder, and then a few months later all the issues are ironed out and nobody even remembers them anymore

It'll never catch on, user. Give up.

Umm, no sweetie, vita games sold like literal shit. Constantly. Bravely Default, a new IP, moved far more copies than the vast majority of vita games outside of persona 4.

I really wanted the vita but Sony fucked it up. Switch fufills that role really well.

As someone who owns both.
The Switch is better. It feels better to hold, the larger screen is more comfortable to play on. It docks into the TV too.
And the carts and nice and chunky vs. Vita's thin little cards, so switching games is quick and easy.
And the exclusive games are already better. They don't feel as restrained in design as the launch Vita games did.

No one had a wii u, and the ps4 can't make ps3 games portable. Don't compare BOTW to assassin's creed 4 and madden. That's like saying "oh well Ocarina of Time was already on the Nitendo Playstation..." no one fucking owned a nitnedo playstation, no one owned a fucking wii u