Have you ever thought how you may have dodged a bullet keeping vidya as a hobby and not a career choice?
Have you ever thought how you may have dodged a bullet keeping vidya as a hobby and not a career choice?
no. I have never once thought of choosing vidya as a "career choice." I have never once thought "hmm I should make a youtube channel! Because the internet definitely needs ANOTHER youtube gamer!"
Yes. Looking at people like DSP, it seems that it sucked all the fun out of games for him. If it's not fun, what's the point?
Hasn't the youtube "market" become saturated at this point?
it is my career, its good to enjoy your career
how the fuck is video games a career choice
Usually not. But then again maybe if I chose video games as my career my wife wouldn't be fucking other guys "behind my back".
Absolutely. I get by fairly well on a part time gubbmint job. I could use my free time to start a let's play channel but I'd only play games that I'm interested in so I definitely wouldn't make a living off of it.
I dodged it and realized I wanted that bullet badly, so I went back and got shot anyway.
I'm still hoping to get shot more as I go along. I really, REALLY have to make this dream game of mine. My normal job is not enough.
If your job is to work on video games that's your career.
Not OP but for example I work as a game designer for a mobile games studio.
>all these absolute underage retards who think the only careers in vidya involve youtube
do you doubleniggers realize someone has to actually make the games, or are your brains so infested with consumerism you've totally forgotten about the production side?
i got interested in computers and ultimately studied comp engineering because i thought Doom was cool as fuck as a kid, and wanted to make games. By the time I graduated I realized I'd have to be an absolute mongoloid to go into that industry with the degree i had. it would be a conscious choice to work more for less pay, vs. an easy, stable, very high paid job writing general business software for a fortune 500
stay cucked non-stem fags
I feel similar. I really love my work in healthcare and it gives me a strong sense of pride. I wouldn't get the same satisfaction from making entertainment.
that's alot of projection for one post
are you that dense?
Not me nigger, I was just curious if the youtube community has too many LPers because i dont fucking watch youtube all day. You can get all kinds of work within the video game industry for a multitude of professions it encompasses.
I never chose the gamer life.
The gamer life chose me.
>be STEM
>literally getting cucked
Where did I go wrong?
I work in entertainment and I'm so fucking glad I don't work in healthcare and have to see sick, injured and dying people every day
I'm actually behind 2000 monitors in the laboratory.
>being a wagecuck who doesn't enjoy his career
Did so with art.
Funnily enough, it's seriously monetiseable. But you're making yourself a slave to commissioners just to pay your rent, barely ever drawing what you want - and if you want a day off, you can't have it while there are still deadlines to meet. Truly horrifying.
I guess it'd be better if you were a talentless youtuber. I see "artist" animators or gamers on there rake in the bucks just for being creative or having fun. Problem is it usually starts to spiral out of control with obligations - but if you can somehow avoid all that, you're golden.
>he doesn't realize that most STEMfags get literally cucked by better looking, better paid men with 4 years business degrees that make far more while doing far less work because they're not social retards
This is solid. I totally agree with you. It takes a lot of drive and self control to not let the easy bucks fuck you over in the long run.
>wanted to play video games for a living as a kid
>parents told me to get serious
>look at youtube celebs making ten times what I do just sitting around playing video games.
People should be executed when they reach 50, they are a detriment to society at that point
Joke's on you, I don't even have a career since I dropped out of compsci college. God programming is boring.
I'm still trying to get a code monkey job though since it's better than customer care, I wish I had actual passion for something in my life.
But when you work in entertainment that's what your are, withering away in a desk chair with the added bonus of shit pay
You know that youtubers aren't getting paid for the content of the game and moreso for their own shit personality.
>enjoying things
What the fuck are you doing here then?
I make Vidya for a living. It's fine, I enjoy coding and the money is decent. I could do some other kind of software and make more money I imagine but the benefits of being at a game studio (no dress code, free snacks and food, gym access, work from home when I want, etc) is worth it's weight in gold.
No regrets yet.
>have stem degree
>and also social skills
it's a meme to think the two are mutually exclusive
i stopped browsing Sup Forums because that board is probably more out of touch with reality than any on this godforsaken website
>go to /k/
>it's basically the same shit people discuss at the range
>go to Sup Forums
>it's basically the same shit my non-shitposter vidya friends discuss
>go to Sup Forums
>it's a bunch of trash about meme languages, useless obscure operating systems, and sjwism that doesn't reflect what happens in the industry at all
I've worked for smaller IT companies and they have the same kind of environment and benefits. Honestly, it's just a culture shift.
Yup. And at least with art, self discipline is at odds with creativity. You can't explore whilst sticking to a structure.
Probably applies to games too. You've got to stick to the formula of laughing at every joke, doing funny voices, pretending to be someone else for your fans... there's barely any room to let loose. Kripp is a good example of how to do this right, but you'd have to have a serious addiction to a shit game.
If that was the case silent walk through would be the order of the day
t. things that aren't happening
Back in 2009 when I was 15 I tried cashing in on the MW2 hype by posting gameplay videos recorded off my TV with a camcorder
My highest viewed video was around 5000 views with maybe 100 comments calling me a squeaking faggot
>no dress code
>work from home
Genuine nightmare, which leads me to believe this isn't true. I've "worked" like this, and the days just blend into one. You're at home, so you might as well be lazy, and you get no social interaction. What a shit show.
Anyone who cares about money goes for a business degree.
The thing is the majority of people only want to survive. Unless you live in consumerist hell Muttistan.
yeah being able to socialize whenever and do whatever you want is just too much freedom for some people
not that user but if you don't believe it's true you must not have worked much in software. he said he has the option to work from home. most places will let you do it once every 1-2 weeks or whatever. like if you have a plumber coming by or something. very standard
same with the lack of dress code. pretty standard for small IT shops, gaming or not
>Cant live without social interaction
I will never understand a normalfag
I am a bit social though. I have a girlfriend. Also I am pretty sure the guy she doesn't even make more money than me, since I am pretty sure I saw his vehicle.
>anyone who cares about money goes for a business degree
Fuck off. This is not true. If you really care about money you get an engineering degree and then maybe get your MBA. Most people who get a business degree end up just being managers at Walgreens or some shit.
NEETs have all the freedom in the world. They tend to be unproductive, fat, lazy, and "socialize" over the internet.
I work in finance. I have the option to work from home. It's shit.
I've worked in tech support, with no dress code. I didn't have a good grip on which days I was working, which days I was. Felt like I could turn up without eating breakfast, or washing properly. No sense of pride whatsoever - once you can take liberties, you take them. See the NEET comment above.
Meanwhile I love rolling up in a suit and pants to my office. I don't have the personality to bag the gril of my choice, but fuck me if I don't look and feel good.
having a job and working from home is basically the worst of both worlds, being self-employed and working whenever you want is great though
I couldn't code for shit, all my classmates almost instantly picked up how everything worked and was doing all sorts of neat shit. Meanwhile I was heavily leaning on tutorials and copypasta to barely eke out a pass.
That's because you live with your mother, who provides you with the minimum amount of social interaction that humans need.
When she dies, you'll be beside yourself, and hopelessly lonely.
Seriously, don't learn the hard way.
Make a friend or two
The world is made up of businesses friend, and they're perpetually functioning. Engineers are needed to innovate, and there'll be periods where none is needed, or there isn't the land available to make use of the engineers in your country. It's a massive sector don't get me wrong, but it ain't got shit on business.
Tfw could have done engineering since it's fucking braindead
Tfw I'd rather neck myself than do that
Tfw even working with pde's for mathematical modelling makes me want to kill myself with boredom
Tfw the area of mathematics I'm interested in has nojobs unless I go for doctorate then academic position.
Video games don't create themselves. Anyways you only dodged one bullet if you didn't make vidya your career. Making it a big hobby is still a bullet.
Your parents did you a favor you fucking sub-human leech
Getting a job in the industry is a tough humbling experience
And if you manage to get a job, expect it to last less than 2 years
I could be in the street any moment, and I doubt I'll be able to fund a successful game myself anytime soon - it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to make a mediocre game these days
Sometimes I think I should have gotten into another field but I'm too old to try anything new, destined to die poor like my ancestors
Is coding hard to learn? I'm a brainlet regarding math.
see If you're getting paid dividends or running the stock market, sure. I still think a good routine is necessary for a fulfilling life. I sat around stressing or doing nothing while self employed. A lesson in psychology - when you have an important task to do, it'll stretch to fill the time available. If you've got all the time in the world on your hands...
intelligence pretty much directly equates to programming ability, math isn't required but helpful
I am and I agree with you on this. In moderation it's good but from my own experience it's made people fucking lazy.
based user is right. i've seen so many retards get business degrees and be shocked when they aren't being inundated with 6 figure offers right out of school. (that's only true if you went to a top 10 school) most will end up at car dealerships or the like.
if you only care about money the correct choice is finance or STEM
How old are you, and what's your sexuality? I'll take you in.
That's just completely untrue. There are complete idiots better at coding than me. Coding is impossible and I'm better at mathematical proofs than code. Coding makes me want to bang my head on a wall
So it's basically learning a different language?
I think women can do it, but they tend to stress the fuck out and ruin their day regardless.
Only like this, they're lonely and have no incentive or break from their mind.
maybe you don't understand intelligence as well as you think you do
no, it's not really like human language at all, it's about logical thought, once you know one programming language well you pretty much know them all
Programming is just miserable. Why did you have to be a hero for no reason though
Coding and mathematical proof basically work off the same mental principles.
Personally I disliked coding just because I found it boring as fuck. I enjoy doing proofs though. Especially graph theory.
Alright thanks, I'm just a bit intimidated by the math part.
>once you can take liberties, you take them
Where the hell do you get this shit? I've gone on 2-3 month hiatuses where I didn't do shit, And I didn't suddenly become some fat slob shut in. My weekly routine didn't change except for not grinding it out at work.
I saw in a YouTube video how this guy said he hates the advice "do what you love". It makes you feel shitty about your job and sets unrealistic expectations (example: being a rock star). He said better advice is find what you are good at and develop that skill
you have to either be able to put yourself into an autistic zen like state and work at peak efficiency for your ritalin riddled brain or you have to be able to just buckle down and learn shit quickly and the proper way. brainlets can program but they'll just NEVER be as good as the autistic geniuses you hear about. also, you'll deal with a lot of snobs and people who think they're superior to you.you'll also hear people say programming is fun. it isn't, not on an enterprise / professional level.
Why is programming so hard
>Todd gives most of his money to charity.
if you understand basic equations, like middle school math you know enough math for 90% of programming
But I'm not good at anything
It's not. It's basic logic and then learning the syntax to get the computer to do what you want to. If you are having issues, I'd suggest moving to a more low level language.
I personally always found C++ and Assembly infinitely easier to learn than bullshit like Java or Python.
if you don't like it, quit
Yeah. The game industry is awful to work in, they basically abuse the fact that most code monkeys who want to work in video games are too autistic to fight terrible working conditions and low pay.
Depends on if he wants to do vidya. Vidya you should have a grasp on linear algebra and calculus at the very least. ODE's, PDE's, coding theory, graph theory, and shit like that is useful as well.
Working from home is a gift from God. I do it about 90% of the time. I'm doing it right now. Fuck waking up early (I sleep in and start working around 11 at home but have to be at the office by 8 when I go in), fuck getting dressed, fuck going outside in shitty weather, fuck the commute, fuck dealing with normies at the office. As added bonuses I can use my lunch break to go buy groceries or anything else I need when the stores are less crowded in the middle of a weekday and I spend my downtime at home playing vidya or funposting. You have to be an uber-normie to prefer going to work over working at home.
I programmed a 3D engine from scratch and I have no idea what half that shit is
I have neither
I agree. Finance here also and I enjoy dressing nice to work because it mentally feels like you are there to get stuff done.
>$17 billion dollar market
>not getting a slice of that pie
>if the industry ever crashes, I'll have my programming skills and countless shipped projects on my portfolio to fall back on
But it's not though. I have to work with all these limitations of the machine and know all these awful structures . There's no logic.if it was majority logic I'd be able to do it because I am primarily an algebraist and logician.
I took the intro to python course and the was easy money. I tried java and dropped it after wanting to kill myself . I tried C and dropped it after wanting to kill myself.
Same goes for engineering desu. Yeah you have to take shit like calculus and Diff Eq. But I have literally never used that shit outside of those classes.
Don't take good as "the best around".
Take good as you are capable in a certain area. You can grow once you find that spot.
Almost no one who is the best in anything was the best day 1 of their path
Todd gives most of his money to a little people charity... himself
I'm not capable in anything
then do what you love
I know that miserable feel. Try amphetamines, they're the only thing that helps in my experience.
Yeah, engineering is pretty braindead. To quote my ex who was in it.
>Ask an engineer, physicist and mathematician to solve something
>The mathematician derives a generalised model for physics and then uses parameters of our real world to derive an answer
>Physicist uses equations he has learned to work out the answer
>Engineer looks up in a book what the answer is, preferably one with a nice table.
People who can code think it's the easiest shit ever and that people who don't get it are drooling retards. People who can't basically pull out their hair doing even the most basic shit and will have to learn things the grindy study-heavy hard way.
You won't know which one you are until you try.
Yeah. Tbh wanting to work from home is something normies would prefer too. Idk why there are anons itt claiming that it's awful. I'm assuming they don't actually work and always stay at home. Grass is always greener type shit. Everyone I know takes every chance they can get to work from home
I don't love anything
>STEM jokes
You need linear algebra for camera rotations though.
I can't imagine doing AI without at least some basic knowledge of graph theory. Although the basics of CA can be grasped by retards, you really want it for a bunch of optimisation.
perhaps you should get to work on that then
Hey, I cropped that frame too!
I've already tried, see :
How's the working market for programmers anyway? Is it oversaturared or are they in constant demand?
You are capable enough to post in a portugese wall art appreciation echo chamber
the thing is, you learn it as you go, I'm sure the physics and AI has alot of things that can be described with mathmatical concepts, but I figured them out from my own point of view without knowing what the formal theories were
I did copy and paste my matrix and quaternion functions though