

I thought guys said Cuphead was hard

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=dark souls speedrun world record

>Didn't 100%

You said the same about youre mom

It's only hard for people that haven't touched a Contra or Metal Slug game in their lives.

It's honestly not a hard game in general. Definitely one of the most fun games I played in 2017.

I thought you said you weren't a faggot.

>taking that long just to beat cuphead
>not even 100%

those games aren't hard either. it's just trial and error memorization.

Where are your 1ccs then?

wtf are "1ccs", huh?

Beating the game without continuing, according to Urban Dictionary

1 coin clear

So judging by the achievements, you beat all the levels, beat the game, and got one S-rank? Within 10 hours? That's not especially impressive

Beating the games using 1 credit instead of using extra coins as life support so you literally can't not finish the games

I did that within seven

This guy knows what’s up. 1st question on touhou threads.

Congratulations, no game ever is hard. Now fuck off.

It's hard, but also very short

>barely played the game (if at all) and doesn't know a damn thing about it
>it's fucking easy guys
Oh Sup Forums

was that suppose to be difficult?

Sadly true. I hope they add in a DLC featuring popular characters like Popeye, Betty Boop and such.

>10.8 hours
>not even at 100%
>claims the game was easy before doing what are clearly the harder achievements

Simply epic my friend :^)

Which game? First MS is infamously easy

If we're talking characters from actual old cartoons, I'd personally like to see a Koo-Koo-Ma-Hatcha fight

Really? Play some Dodonpachi see if you maintain that opinion.

why do gamer fetishize difficulty so much

Isn't hard mode unlocked after you s clear it?


I'm tired, Sup Forums

Because challenge is a huge part of video games and things like bragging about beating something which is considered hard are as old as the medium itself

Yeah, Expert mode unlocks after beating all bosses on Regular mode.

The concept of boasting about beating something difficult is not exclusive to video games.

It's hard for nu-Sup Forums

They have no other difficulty in their life and they want to feel like they accomplished something


Because they lack the attention span and dedication for tackling actually challenging tasks in real life, so it's all they can be proud of. That's why they always sperg out when you call out the fact that most of the video games proclaimed as "difficult" are actually not. It would make their entire world collapse if they had to face that realization.

It's not hard. There's no penalty for losing.

I fucking hate videogamers so much

jesus christ, this better be b8.

I only found it hard because it wouldn't read my controller so I had to play with a keyboard.

the absolute state of modern gaymers

>Unplug lan/turn off wifi
>Practice for 2 weeks
>Turn internet connection back on
>U see, it's so easy lmao

Starting a boss/level from the beginning isn't a penalty for losing?

no, fuck off casual

It's not like you lose any progress.

The only reason cuphead was difficult was because of poor hitboxes, and somewhat cheap timing - with "GOTCHA" attacks. Otherwise it was easy.

Fights last like a minute, it's the bare minimum to have a functional game

>asterisk action asterisk

Get out.

>Boss battle takes 2 minutes
Yeah, no its not.

I mean, I do stuff that is "kinda" 1cc (Hollow Knight - Steel Soul Mode), but I don't actually attempt 1cc on Arcade games. I guess I should eventually do it.

then what should've been done instead?

It's not. Kids don't even know what an arcade looks like, much less what a credit is, or what it meant to 1 credit clear a game.

>samefagging this hard

3 lives and your restart the game from the beginning if you lose them all

Most people who play Cuphead have never played a run and gun in their lives. Just look at the youtube videos, you have people who think it's a platformer and try to jump on enemies. They had to add platforming levels because people were actually weirded out at a game with nothing but boss fights.

that's retarded. this isn't a fucking arcade game.

Unfortunately not but it should have been desu senpai

Not my fault there were never arcades in my town.

should dark souls have lives?

That game's like 20 hrs long even if you don't die, Cuphead is about the same length as Metal Slug

No because Dark Souls isn't a game that takes an hour to beat

I got this on Metal Slug 3

You can't really blame people for that. Boss rush games are basically dead and a niche genre.

youtube.com/results?search_query=dark souls speedrun world record

git gud casual

Harder than Cuphead.

>it's just trial and error memorization.
That's what difficulty is based on in action games.

The world record times are still longer than most arcade game 2 loops

That sounds like bullshit, unless the game was made sort of like Megaman, with a menu indicating the bosses, and then you have 3 chances at them. I think the demo was something like that?


That's pretty good then user, good job

Underrated post.
Best thread of 2017.


hard ≠ unforgiving

I thought you said you'd inhale?

Having my full aprty attack mercilessly a midget and him not only is not going down, but is also slowly approaching my team(which is kinda unique in the game) scared me a lot.

The what the fuck it's hard for you, memelord?


mario 1 and sonic 1 send you back to the beginning if you lose all your lives. that doesn't make them hard games.

I would've prefered a couple more boss fights instead of run and gun. Funfair and Ridge were the only good ones

Wat. Forgiveness is a subset of difficulty, making games more punishing always makes them harder. It's not the entirety of game difficulty but saying that a game isn't hard because it's forgiving is perfectly valid.

It's so overrated... I pirated it and never even got to finish it out of boredom since I couldn't even earn achievements from it.

I think the run and gun stages are harder than the bosses

If you don't like the run and guns, I think you're both casuals.

my dick

Unless you lived in fucking Kansas you definitely had arcades in your town before you were born.

>making games more punishing always makes them harder
no it doesn't. making the level/boss design harder makes a game harder.

>tfw can't beat the dragon
Fuck that three headed shit

I don't like them because they're not as fun as fighting bosses. Not because of the difficulty. I'm also this faglord.

This is the part of the thread where you show your gay webms.

What did the deleted post say?

The deleted post was from me. I replied to some user about how Run n Guns were only added in to please the casual audience. However, I seen the post that user replied to said the exact same thing as mines, so I deleted it.

Lurk moar

You literally said nothing in your post. Making things harder makes them harder? Interesting insight. Do you think Cuphead bosses wouldn't be easier if you had a checkpoint at the start of every pattern they do? Really nigger? How about having 50 hp so you can tank damage?

Lob shit at him

if you want a good platformer released in 2017

Get the Lobber.

The fucking robot is the only boss I haven't beaten yet.

So I know Lobber's good for Grim and Rumor, but what's Roundabout's purpose?

Certainly not, lived in Florida, my town didn't get a mall until I was 12.

You're alright.

>10.8 hours

I had a ton of deaths especially to robot and Dice and I beat your time by 3.8 hours. Get it together normie.

Don't live in a meth town then. My Florida beach had several arcades.

Is there even a fight that lasts longer than 5 minutes that wasn't king Dice? how the hell did you spend 10 hours playing this?