So this game is pretty much a failure compared to Dota 2 and League, right?

So this game is pretty much a failure compared to Dota 2 and League, right?

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I enjoy it casually with my friends.

It's the most fun moba out there.

It's the Burger King of MOBAs. McDonald's has the raw numbers and Wendy's has the clout. It's just kind of there as the also-ran that happens to have the largest video game publisher backing it.

>games only 20 minutes long
>no boring ass farming
>teamfights and objectives all game

Everything ispretty much a failure compared to Dota and League.

Yeah and they do cross promotion with their other games.
Word on the street the promotions with Overwatch brought in ungodly amounts of money
A lot of people play it for a few month then 'move on' but they drop tons of money in the process- way more than a boxed game

Turbo mode in dota is pretty much this, there is no real reason to play this shitty game anymore except for the characters

It's fun but it's hard to get autistic about it.

You and your friends are probably not old enough to be here

Dumb dotard. It's nothing like that and Turbo is just plain garbage.

>Simply enjoying a game with friends mean you are underage

Yep, it's pretty bad compared to the former two. It's mainly played by Blizz drones and people too old to play more than 1 hour in one sitting.

It's the most 'fun' to you though. Fun is subjective, what you define as fun gameplay might be boring to me.

Problem with it is that it came late in the market

>Blizzard was late to the party making a game based on a fucking MOD on warcraft 3


having all abilities unlocked at level 1 should be the standard desu

it's casual as shit and gets more casual with every update
in-game notification, for the idiots literally too stupid to play the game

And that it was really, REALLY bad on release.

Like shit tier.

Like... like MEGA shit tier.

It was the Shit tier among shit tiers.

But it's a lot better now. They just changed things that's shaking up the meta and even if it's a bit repetitive, it's currently my go-to online game.

Will you play this tank?

>20 minutes games. Not short, but don't drag on
>Different maps with unique objectives keep the gameplay fresh.
>Talent system more straightforward than items. Tailor your talents to your playstyle, but also have good variety to counter team comps.
>2 ultimates per hero
>Play as heros you know and love from established universes with deep lore instead of general characters like "Morphling" and "Batrider"
>team leveling stops one hero from carrying yours or the enemy team, derailing the game.
>no last hitting for exp
>jungle camps provide super minions instead of just bonus xp and gold
>constant objectives force teamfights from the start of the game to the end.
>Core armor prevents one hero from sneaking past the enemy team and one-maning the game
>Fighting under turret is dangerous, but not deadly. High risk, high reward
>Death timers scale very well, very low in the beginning to 1min at endgame

Hots has plenty of problems, but Blizz did a great job cutting out all the bullshit of mobas.

>Completely ignored the mod since they thought it was a niche gameplay that wont overthrow the RTS genre and then tried to snatch it away from Valve and failed after they realised what sort of goldmine was lying right under their noses
Happy now, faggot ?

I enjoy it as a side game, when Dota becomes too grating for me to put up with.

I don't know why anyone would play HotS, intensely, as their sole competitive game. Those are the people I don't understand.

>pick blizzard hero you like
>pick talents that sound interesting
>play as a team to complete objectives
>20 mins you win or lose

Meanwhile DoTA 2 is about looking up a tier list to see which 5 heroes you are allowed to play, buying only the items that the "meta" allows and hoping you have 500 APM to get to the inevitable 50 minute team fight that will determine the entire game.

Oh and if you miss a single deny at minute 13 your hero is crippled but cannot surrender.

i tried turbo mode and it's trash
>late game carries get 6 slotted 5 min in
>they curbstomp everyone else
playing anything other than a carry is hell in that mode

>Fighting under turret is dangerous, but not deadly. High risk, high reward
No longer the case, tower/fort/keep are a joke right now.

too bad the game is plague with terrible design and a massive amount of the roster is just plain terrible.

My number one issue with this game is the fucking boring supports, every fucking support has to be a heal bot, no questions asked.

>which 5 heroes you are allowed to play
I'll push it to 39-45
>Buying only the items that the "meta" allows
No, you buy items that counters the enemy's strat. I've seen shit like 5 man blademail and/or pipe rush in order to counter furion/zeus/spectre/silencer combo
>get to the inevitable 50 min team fight that will determine the entire game
What are buybacks ?

are you sure?
because if i remember correctly some supports can go more on a damage build.
Specially useful when your team happen to be full of other supports....

or you mean it in other way?


That's why they have Specialists. Specialists are just supports that don't heal.

>p-please shut up, shill
>t.subhuman LoLfag

Icefrog approached them before Valve. They're beyond incompetent. It's not 'ignored' it's 'turned down' which takes active effort to do.

we could say the same about your initial post lol

No no, he's right. There are a significant number of supports whose primary job is to keep the health of your allies up.

There are, however, secondary supports whose role is to provide utility and supplement some damage. Medivh and Tassadar come to mind.

none of the supports are healbots, you're just trash

if being in 3rd place is a failure, sure.

Those supports still include and heal in their kit and those supports are also currently garbage. Aggressive supports don't belong in the current meta at all
.Specialists aren't supports and you can't remove a support from your line up to supplement it with a specialist, you NEED a supporting heal bot on your team or you're greatly weaker than the enemy.

Tassadar brings mitigation and Medivh isn't a support.

>not OP or an Lol player
>dota bois come out of the woodwork to shill even further

lol sad

classic dota elitist community thinking their favorite game is the video game.

>Mitigates damage on allies
>Provides escape for allies
>Ultimate designed to combo with others
>Not a support


Medhiv and Tassadar have no heal, or at least no point and click heal. Tyrande is better of using her heal on herself to keep fighting, Abathur has no heal too unless he decide to take a talent for it. Stop talking out of your ass.

Specialist. Same as Abathur.

Medivh is a support, even if he's labeled a specialist. That being said I would never take him as a solo support.

Tassadar used to be much better but he's fallen off and now his main job is to be a shield bot for your diving carries, how exciting.

Not really, he is in a hidden class with Tassadar, Zarya, Tyrande and Abathur. You are assured to have one of them in the enemy team if you pick Medhiv.

I prefer current hots over dota. It has nothing to do with elitism. It's just that LoL is the dumbed down version and the community is ape tier

>Influx of new players who try to shot call in QM despite it being the casual mode
>Influx of new players who try to shot call in HL while picking garbage heroes and calling bad strats
>Rage and feed because they think there aren't consequences for being a little shit
The problem with online games is you have to play with people.

>I'm going to pick Abathur on as my team solo support!
>Medhiv is never picked as a solo support
>tassadar is never picked as a solo support
>tyrande is never picked as a solo support and is currently one of the worst heroes in the game

you're making me think bud.

On release it was shitastic. Last year during 2.0 it was great. Right now it's pretty shitty because of a new patch they dropped and won't get around to fixing until after the holiday period next week

I agree, you need both a support and a specialist on your team. But, specialists are supports, they just don't heal.

Medivh creates portals, CCs, and provides shields
Sylvanas stuns turrets, CCs, and can push lanes with ease
Gazlowe makes turrets
Abathur buffs teammates and makes super minions.

THey provide support to the team, but don't heal. That is why Blizz made the distinction so you don't have people like Symmetra in OW who is a "support" character but can't heal.

Never said you should take them as solo support user.

It's braindead as fuck but it is the only Blizzard product with actual effort put into it.

but supports shouldn't be heal bots, and having a heal bot in every game makes the game fucking boring and creates stale design. Look at fucking Dota's supports or look at fucking League which originally was healbot supports before they realized it was a fucking mistake.

Medivh is played as a support. He isn't listed as one for fuck all reasons. Tassadar is a support. Morales is a healer.

It's like saying Sonya and ETC are just warriors. One is a tank, the other is a bruiser. If you pick Sonya when someone says "we need a warrior" you're gonna have a bad time.

Every game is a failure compared to LoL

Then you still have a healer on your team, which should be an option, you shouldn't have to take a healer, especially since every fucking healer in this game is boring as piss. To top things off in Diamond/Master no one plays fucking double support so you rarely see any of these heroes outside of specific maps/

You're retarded.
>Sylvanas stuns turrets, CCs, and can push lanes with ease
>Gazlowe makes turrets
>THey provide support to the team, but don't heal.
You know who else has CC, pushes and can 'provide support to the team'?
90% of assassins.

You're talking about stale design and citing League as avoiding stale design?

League's meta has been the same, FORCED to be the same, for 4-5 years now IIRC.

I think having a healer is acceptable comparably.

you never see double support anymore user, you may be trapped in a time portal from a year ago, seek immediate help.

That being said, specialists are not a replacement for a healer and citing pushing and stunning as a source of support is fucking stupid.

It's pretty fun

I'm citing League because League originally had nothing but healers as supports and it was a boring fucking design. Someone at Riot realized it was a bad idea and did away with it. At least League has some interesting supports that have neat gimmicks. HoTS doesn't have a single solo support that does anything greatly unique

>stun is the same thing as mind control
>he doez lotz uf dmg so he cun clear lans fest!

good job ignoring her trait/aoe which renders all enemy minions and turrets useless, keeping your minions at full health, increasing your pushing power.

2 hour mobas suck.

Heroes is a 20 minute moba

So its flat out better. I have a feeling that people would look down on Dota 2 and league if heroes came down first, because they "take too long"

why does he look like a midget

All character models in hots looks shorter and larger, dev team said it's for them to be easier to spot in game.

The current meta is hot garbage though, you either play a team of early game heroes or you lose.
Structures are made of paper now and the only proper way to play is with a bunch of early game pushers.

List some good "non heal" supports from dota and league.

There isn't a single healbot support except Morales.

Malfurion does damage comparable with assassins. Which makes you wrong and stupid. Besides is that any more cucked than "stand here and watch me last hit using your mediocre amount of gold to buy wards so I don't die"? Getting slapped by Stukovs massive dick for the hardest hitting aa in game is hardly comparable to a ward vending machine.

>this entire post
No user. Specialists are simply non conventional characters. That's it

Lich, Doom, Windrunner, Lion, Tiny

its actually FUN unlike dota and lol
i dont want to farm gold and deny creeps like its fucking 2005

Earth spirit, earth shaker, undying, Lina, vengeful spirit... The are more "non heal" supports in DotA than there are healers.

Bard (despite his one heal he's not kitted towards it)
Tahm Kench

>Dota 2

The AA is probably the least interesting part of stukov too. Nothing like landing a 3 man pustule in a silence with the root talent

Because league's one map meant healing supports eventually pushed the Meta to a state it could not shift from; long range harass.

Long range harassment simply isn't the end all-be all for hots because of how many maps it simply doesn't give you an advantage on.

my favorite part of HoTS is when people whine about how LoL and DOTA are better constantly, then go back to bitching non-stop to the people they play with that they aren't metagaming hard enough.

Funny, because the people here act like children.

>Specialists are simply non conventional characters

I guess thats why the hero that takes too fucking people to control is classified as a specialist. Oh wait...

>Malfurion does damage comparable with assassins
Yeah, okay friend I'd like to know what rank you play in.

Also Stukov's ults are both interesting but his heal is uninspired and his slow is also uninspired.

Stop acting like a faggot

Just about anyone in dota can be a support if they itemize for it (i.e. give someone else the farm) and ward bitch.

Neither Cho nor Gall are hugely non-conventional and Cho'Gall doesn't have a class period.

Abathur CAN heal, and pretty damned well, considering he can do it to any of his teammates at any time. It may not be a massive or instant one, but i've logged a few games where as abathur i've outhealed morales (mostly to morales being gibbed constantly, but i digress).

nice comeback
Thanks for not pointing out I used the wrong version of "two"

Most warriors can log more healing done than Abathur, citing some shitter you beat doesn't mean anything.

Blizzard confirmed buffs to structures and nerfs to mercs (Mostly the op bruiser camp).

You have massive misunderstandings about what supports do in both League and Dota. I haven't play League in about a year but changes to the game turned bottom into a battle lane that most teams were attempting to dodge and farm which resulted in lane supports constantly moving and fighting. It wasn't super exciting but it wasn't just sitting their watching someone last hit.

Supporting in Dota literally hasn't been watching someone farm for about four years. ever since the change to the exp and gold formulas and the drop in price of all support items early rotation and smoke ganks have dominated supporting in Dota. It's very rare to become a dedicated support unless facing an offensive tri-lane, in which case that lane turns into a battle lane.

You should be on par with Tyrande's healing with Aba and it has it's situational uses.

But Cho has a class and Gall has a class


I like it. I don't pay any money into it, so it's a fine time-waster.

Warlock, what?

>It may not be a massive or instant one

Pretty well implies that poster was talking about the talent that gives some hps when Abathur shields, and not the shield itself. That value in a vacuum doesn't measure up to any healer.

It's almost like that's exactly what he was implying.

Probably one of the best character(s) I've played in a Moba so far. Cho'Gall played right is loads of laughs

what's hilarious about people claiming that HoTS is more faced paced than dota is the fact that the two games have literally the exact same Kills Per Minute on average in 'professional' games.

It's like people who play HoTS are just shit at every other MOBA and decided to latch on to whatever game they could get into easiest without ever understanding the other games they constantly trash.

Game pace is kills per minutes, wut?


Hey pal, did you just blow in from stupid town?