How are normies are able to find gamer gfs so easily...

how are normies are able to find gamer gfs so easily? whenever i bring up the topic of video games people think i'm immature and that "i should grow up". why do normies never receive reactions like this? its not fucking fair Sup Forums. its not fucking fair.

That reddit post and many others like it are all fake. Otherwise, their gf’s would want to cover the pics with their faces

it's easier when you have other interests and don't creep people out when you talk to them

i hope you don't think you're special for playing video games, it's one of the most common pastimes after sports and drinking

Probably because you sperg out about it and don't know how to socialize with people properly. The fact that you unironically call people "normies" is a good indicator of you social retardation.

My gf isn't great at videogames, but she tries her best and doesn't mind that i play them.

because you're ugly, workout or fuck off to >>>/r9k

>tfw you will NEVER experience the joy of having parents who like video games

She’s probably fat and/or ugly.

post tits or GTFO

My father enjoyed video games... he just isn't a sperg.

>She’s probably fat and/or ugly.

She probably doesn't even let that guy defecate into her vagina.

>introduce dad to Witcher
>calls it shit
>5years later
>Hey user do you know the Witcher? I am already at the third game!


inb4 those "I married an asian banker for money but don't find him sexually attractive anymore" leddit posts

He didn't immediately drop everything & play the video game you suggested? It's the least he could of done after molesting you as a child.

She is pretty by british standars

That's pretty cool actually

I thought that game said "Coal Burners".

I'm a robot with a wife

She's neurotypical

The answer to your question:

You can be as emotionally and mentally unsuited for a relationship as you want as long as you're attractive and make good money

He literally bought the game again because someone else recommended it to him, the copy I gave him was still wrapped in plastic.
He didn't even remember I bought it for him

That's only because he doesn't love you or care about you whatsoever.

That's her instagram

because they can hide their power level and you don't even bother

Nigga everyone played video games in our generation. My wife uses to play GameCube and Nintendo 64 casually. Her little sister's friends have a Wii U. Casuals are easy to find, they're usually Nintendo. If you're looking for a Sup Forumstier grill, you're basically going to be stuck with fat ugly chicks, literally insane chicks, or huge sluts. Looking for a grill that's into gaming as you are is like a girl looking for a guy who's into shopping as much as she is: there's something wrong.


Despite the gender stereotypes, this guy gets it

In this world, there's a concept called "compromise."

Now your wish list is likely

-vidya enthusiast
-willing to accept you

You can have, at maximum, 3 of the 4

Please post them, comments too, I like to see people legitly mad

I'd drink vodka and start a fight with my dad if he did this to me

Stop talking like that nigger. No gives a fuck that you're black.

>tfw you gave your ps1 away


My dad just blames video games for any thing he doesnt like about us. He honest to god believes we would have been better off if we had a childhood like him even though he and most of his 6 siblings ended up on meth.

at least those meth addicts don't sit in a dark room playing vidya

>and drinking
Sucking an adult sized pacifier is not a hobby.

>having a gf

>Has cucking gone too far?
How is this even a thing?

>at her parent's
is "parent's" code for "black friend tyrone's"?

No.... they’re just sitting in a dark room shooting meth. That’s... that’s better... ya

>tfw always running into girls who have the same interest as I do and we can talk for ages and laugh
>already has BF
The fuck do I gotta do to find one that isn't already taken?

I did and now my dads literally stopped playing full stop as its for kids but hes been playing since ps2 days and loved bashing bf3 and 4

Why the fuck do you want a gamer gf? Gamers are smelly and vile creatures and when they nest together, the results are accordingly disgusting. If you have the gamer gene you probably shouldn't hope to escape it, but you should fill your life with stuff that balances it out instead of enabling and amplifying it.

>her """"""""parents""""""""

It is quite simple
Because unlike you they do not go into an autistic rage if the gf doesnt like some anime character
video games are a pass time not the cornerstone of life and personality

My mom and dad played NES era stuff. My dad loved Kickle Cubicle and my Mom liked to play Lolo.

Literally a downsyndrome left wing money thot and the adian guy only has her as a gf because he pays her to be his gf

>Only the first disc of FFVII

t. child

Not be ugly neet liar on internet greesey cheeto cunt

>trying this hard to look hard edgy and a chad when a ugly cock cancer that fucks kids.

Friends do this too.
>tfw no friends

just admit you have a cuck fetish, faggot


Haha, your dad hates you.

Mine hates me too.


My father only plays WoW and Minecraft.

Attractive people will find interest in any situations. That's how it works, user. Don't get hung up on all the redditors who need to mention their gf in every second post they make, that's obviously out of insecurity and I don't think you'll find many that are actually attractive couples.

>being this much of an autistic virgin
Bet you think everyone who likes going out on a fri night is your feared Chad stereotype and anyone who tries drugs is instantly a degenerate junkie too, huh?


It's because they're normalfags.

CLEARLY you've never met a white person in your entire life.

They're usually shit tier girls with estronaut soyboy bfs. 2bh playing games with a gf is pretty shit, so you're not missing out on much.

Why is Sup Forums constantly obsessed with specific non-vidya subjects like tipping, god damnit I have seen tipping threads in Sup Forums forever and every once in a while one pops up

>my girlfriend participated in this hobby that 90% of all children born after 1990 participated in
lol how is it so hard to find a consumerist girl that lived a normal life over the past 20 years?

Whoops wrong thread

this, most of you fucks on this board are the dregs of society.

>y-you're just a kid, you virgin


Last time I did that somebody screencapped it and publicly shamed me for posting in the wrong tab so I just decided to be honest now and not hide my mistakes

i mean, yeah

Why not get a qt gamer bf instead?

you are a useless moron and should never feel anything that closely resembles the faintest hints of happiness due to your refusal to throw away your garbage posts.

depends on what you're playing
there's a universe of difference between playing some wacky shit with your bros and playing some chill shit with your grill
if we're being completely real though vidya with your grill is generally shit because there's a gorillion other things you could be doing with an actual other human than burning your minutes away in minecraft or some shit

Fair enough, it's a different experience. But as you say, there's a million other things I'd rather do with my girl. My current gf loves playing mario with me but I swear it's impossible for me to play more than 10 minutes with her.

>posting Gigguk and Sydsnap
what did you mean by this?

This, it’s fucking great

>these girlfriends do not really exist
>they want to brag about "retro" shit
>they are probably fat soyboys

Because you're fat and ugly so anyone will see you as a weirdo regardless of whatever your hobby is. The average normie Chad can be a raging weeaboo that watches moeshit but still gets women and have them unironically enjoy their hobby as well.

>literal fucking redditors


This, it all boils down to looks
>be ugly
>"ew, what a nerd"

>be handsome
>"omg he's such a nerd :3"

winky face

>Bought gf Persona 5 for Christmas

Will I ever see here again bros?

best combination inb4 butthurt numales

>mom only likes 2D mario games and tetris
>dad only likes GTA

theyre basic as fuck with games

My dad does, but he's as normie as you could possibly get. All he plays anymore is Ass Creed and whatever GTA clone comes out.

>lists celebrities
>lists mass murderers

wow that's not biased at all

let people drink, eases pain. most people aren't fortunate.


uh, yeah...


That's what they said, yes.

welcome to Sup Forums

Because they look otherwise respectable or like they have their shit together.

This shit is fake.
The standard format for harvesting likes/upboats/whatever is "My ____ just ____" with an image.

It blows my mind that someone pulled the word "hapa" out of their ass and so many people go with it thinking it's Japanese or something.

Sup Forums - threads from reddit. What the fuck happened to this place

>tfw you bond with your father-in-law over vidya

>kelly baltazar
she's that one that got throat fucked a bunch right? I forget the porn series name. Something abuse

Nobody would ever lie on Reddit, surely!

Jokes on you my dad was a game dev in the 80s-90s and is big into ww2 sims and grand strategy games

Facial abuse. basically being hit and humiliated and covered in cum. I think after that her family found out and she dropped that shit hard

Why would she even star in porn, did she even need the money?