Dragon Quest

while we wait for XI we could discuss if this thing is actually a good remake
should you play this one over the original, maybe both if you are an absolute madman?

If you buy my game a Dragon Quest thread will never die!

We should talk about how 7 is so much better than 8 instead

play them both back to back that is to say do one island in the original and then the same one in the remake

that actually sounds like a good idea

Absolute madmen.

>nottagen twelve times

so how long is the remake compared to the original? is it still 100+?

I finished at around 80hours.

Just like Dragon Quest in the west.

It's a little shorter. It was streamlined here and there, for example the intro section is much shorter than the original.

Outside Nostalgiafaggotry and Consolefaggotry there's no reason to play the original over this, it improves it on almost every department.

>sneaks behind an enemy
>they get the advantage

I'm playing it. 50 hours in and still having fun. What do you guys make of monster vocations? How many characters should I use the hearts on?

this isn't earthbound, mate

Game is too short to truly get the most out of the job and monster job system imo.
Like sure, the game is mega long, but the vocation leveling process is pretty slow. you'll have to grind even if you battle every single enemy on the way.

Or rather, the game isnt too short, you simply unlock vocations WAY too late into it.

is this a problem with the PS1 version?

I heard PS1 version was grindier in that regard. No actual clue though, I've only played the 3DS version.

I also think I made Ruff a healslime to get heals. But later I gave him a heal vocation anyways.

>Western version of the VII remake replaces the orchestral music with synth

This this a case of an objective downgrade done by the localizers? Why the fuck does anyone think this is acceptable?

Is this a case*

wast that the case with VIII instead of VII?

They did it for both.

I agree. And when you finally get to the Abey you get cockblocked into oblivion.

Never played a Dragon Quest Monsters game before and just downloaded this. What am I in for?

that sucks man, at least they patched it back in for VIII
dunno if this one is going to get the same treatment

I only played 8. How does this compare?

why dont you play terrys wonderland first

Because I want to play this new one and not a remake of a 20 year old game.

Then don't ask and just jump in if you are playing to try.

that sounds pretty gay user

I wanted to try a Monster Vocations Only run, but I was worried about availability of the monster hearts, especially early on.
What do you guys think?

What's everyone's favourite Dragon Quest to replay? Mine is VI for class combinations.

>DQB Switch localization announced
>later, new info for DQB Switch comes out
>Nintendo news sources report on it
>not a peep from any of the official DQ social media accounts
I don't understand it and it's driving me insane.

IX but not at completion

You should play the original. Still the best Monsters game.

V for me. I play it every year and a half or so. Having it available on many different platforms helps.

Do you pick the same wife every time?

didnt know about this. though ill probably never get it, as the DS version is the only one id be able to play, and costs like $100.

idk why the others are so cheap compared to 6.

dude just emulate it, you can probably run a DS emulator on toaster
and the SFC original is fan patched

I was thinking of playing IV on my phone since it has the party chat, any reasons I shouldnt?

I have a DS so I could go for that one, the NES original doesnt look that bad but console RPGs pre SNES are too clunky for me

I'm trying to make it through this game but fuck, this is some piece of trash.

Don't get me wrong I love side plot and story in a jrpg but the pacing is horrible. Not to mention the fact that you are just left standing there half of the time having to check your log on what to do next with vague context clues. And it takes forever to get to the meat of the game.

I'm enjoying the combat, what little there is so far, but it seems this game has the same flaw as FF13 where it takes too long to get anywhere gameplay and story wise.

I'm on the revisiting shrines bit and kinda lost interest. I've maxed out the jobs I want everyone to have and the combats boringly easy now.

The recycled content has robbed me of any real motivation to finish.

Playing VIII currently, I've saved all of the MC and Yangus' skill points up to level 30. Is there an optimal skills to get for these two or what? I'm at Argonia after just killing lizards for prince Charmles, I like Jessica on whips/her base magic without staves and Angelo on bows with his base magic with both having their special stats. Currently got MC with boomerangs since I liked those in V and Yangus has a scythe but just haven't dedicated points for either. Should I even worry about optimal builds or just play my way?

The only problem with it is literally the Android controls. I personally hate touchscreen controls on things that weren't made for touch screens.

There'll be plenty to go around.

>Not to mention the fact that you are just left standing there half of the time having to check your log on what to do next with vague context clues.
There is a single moment in the game where you don't have clear direction and most people get stuck, but you're not even close to it.
And the self contained stories ARE the plot of the game for 90% of it, just drop it if they bore you.

MC is best with Spears or Swords, pick one. Also dump points into the "other" category since it gives you half MP cost on everything. You can still use boomerangs, just don't put points into them
Yangus is best with axes and unarmed. Unarmed has a non-elemental hit-all hysical attack that's great throughout the entire game.
Jessica is good with whips and staves but not both. Staves gives MP regen and great support spells. But whips have the best DPS. I'd say staves are better since Jessica has REALLY good support spells.
ANgelo is broken with the bow skill that lets you steal MP that also damages. It scales with damage so use tension and you can get a full refill. Swords are also good if MC is using spears.

What about Morrie and Red?

who are they?

Morrie is best with claws and Red is best with fans and maybe whips if Jessica didn't. By the time you get these two, they'll be able to max out on a skill so just dump what's left into the "other" category

I haven't played the original but the reduced encounters required to level classes is very nice. I cannot imagine grinding classes in the original, I would've given up for sure.

Side characters that were made into party members in the 3DS version.

I've never played the original, so while I can't say how good of a remaster it is, I can say that the game drags on for far too long with far too much filler.

The whole game might as well be filler. There's barely an overarching plot and every island is it's own self contained story.

should I emulate the PS2 version of VIII or the 3DS one


3ds has more stuff. Play that unless you're a graphics fag, ps2 balance or want old actress Jessica

PS2 looks and sounds significantly better. It was quite a magnificent console experience at the time. 3DS version has QOL improvements and slightly more content. Both have their merits; I'm inclined to say PS2 but that might be because I played and loved the PS2 version first.

Nah, I tend to cycle through em if I can.

So I was thinking Spears/Other, Axes/Other, Staves/Other, and ... I dunno, Swords/Other?

Does anyone else feel a certain happiness with Dragon Quest that they don't feel with any any game series?

Yes. It's literally the comfiest series I play, as a person who tends to focus on comfy games. It beats out Tales, Bokumono, and Animal Crossing in providing me exactly what I expect and desire while still managing to engage and reward me.

maybe if the job system was introduced earlier... but it's introduced in the middle of the game or so, what a joke

>game streamlines parts and makes the game not as drawn out
>the port is so poorly optimized that the speedrun is 24 hours instead of 16

I find this funny, the game is clearly shorter casually but it runs so damn slow that it loses close to 10 hours to menus and shit

Why do you think it's called Nottagen

>it's introduced in the middle of the game
15 hours in an 80 hours game (at least) is not the middle.

you pass through many cities already before you reach the place where you can get the jobs

*leaves your party for girl I just met*

Good luck saving the world, my dude.

Artepiazza are terrible developers.
I had to reload an old save after defeating Orgodemir because my character got stuck inside a NPC during the endgame world tour, I shit you not.

>*dies of Gypsy AIDS*

Good riddance faggot.

How is DQ heroes on switch?

Well at least he got to slam some pussy since in the end he ended up working for Satan all along.

Because the localizers love their stupid puns.

its better, but the least worth playing
there being only 8 models makes it hard to really feel connected to any of the towns, the story has no tension until the 50th hour, you don't get classes until 20 hours later, and the gameplay is just a grind

So there is no overarching plot to connect it all? Kinda sad. Makes it feel just cobbled together. I'm going to stick with it because I did genuinely like a few of the stories but I'm keeping my expectations low from here