I think i'm in love

I think i'm in love

I love Reisen!








And all of you guys!






Nia a shit and Xenoblade 2 is the worst JRPG in years.

Fuck right off.




is she having a stroke?

I love Fuuka!

I guess the kitty is going down, all the way to chinatown.


how did this fucking cat take over Sup Forums in less then a month

Smug loli cat with welsh accent

she is not a loli you dunce


XB2 fags are autistic

She's from the only game on the switch right now.


It sure has lots of only games.

Nia has a hime cut!

What the fuck is wrong with her left leg?



My grandma sounds just like nia, make it stop

Change voices to Japanese.


That's why in the end she's not even mad. She'd hit it too.

>catgirl getting snubbed

Zelda, Mario, and Puyo Puyo Tetris are the only games I have on the switch, I'm not desperate enough for this weeb trash though.


>Zelda, Mario
So you like big games? Then you'd like Xenoblade as well. Once you get past the weebiness, it's pretty damn great.

>Weeb trash
>owns Puyo Puyo Tetris

This game needs an extra chapter or two of lighthearted character building shenanigans. After this it's pretty much one frantic race to the finish.

I think the people who are mad at the whole "cuck" thing with Nia either haven't played the game and are just looking at the picture out of context or are just idiots/blind Nia fans.

She wasn't expecting Rex to say yes, that's why she says "that's all I could ask for" after Rex responds to her later in that scene. She just wanted to get everything off of her chest at that point. Rex doesn't think of Nia as anything other than a close friend because he has Pyra, a girl he's connected to in more ways than one. Hell part of this is Nia's fault as she spends a lot of the game before that point pushing him towards Pyra.

So let me get this straight: I'm really only basing this off of my 6-hour experience with the game, but despite Rex and Nia having a good dynamic and their relationship receiving actual development, Rex only harbors feelings for his other two Blades and Nia willingly gets friend-zoned?

Nah, it's an insult to the series.

It's cute little puzzle game, not waifufaggotry or fanservice in sight.

Anime-writing was a mistake

But Xenoblade 1 was weeb as fuck?
>waifufaggotry or fanservice in sight.
You're severely mistaken. The actual game is pretty tame overall, you're just seeing cherry-picked content over and over.

Ok quick guys, we can do this now.



people say that rex and pyra/mythra's relationship is one of the weakest parts of the game, and i'd agree. his growing friendship with nia is both much more interesting and believable to start a relationship with than pyra/mythra is.

>But Xenoblade 1 was weeb as fuck?

It didn't have shit like anime effects on characters, like where they eyes go completely white, or they get giant sweatdrops on their head, it looked anime, but not like this.

I also hear the areas are smaller, and the game is more linear, which turns me off, because I liked X the best, and no skells, no visible armor on the characters, it all sounds like a step down, and not worth the money.


It's not even that, he likes Pyra, he lives for Pyra, everything he does to the air he breathes to the shits he takes are all for Pyra, Pyra, Pyra,Pyra, He's a bland motherfucker and I despise him for it, especially because I had just gotten off from Xenoblade 1 for this.

It looked anime but not alot of anime and the main character despite being a waifufag at least had things to do and talk about beisdes how much he wanted to plow his waifu, it's insane how much of a downgrade Rex is to Shulk. I can't think of a single nice thing to say about Rex other than congratulating him for getting a threesome ending.

>t. Nia

Go away, furball.

Except it totally did, you fool. Riki had wacky animu eyes in several cutscenes.

>I also hear the areas are smaller
The areas are big enough. I don't want to suffer something like fucking Alcamoth ever again, thank you.

>the game is more linear,
Like 1, yes.

>I liked X the best, and no skells
X2 will eventually happen, don't worry. Till then this is the best next thing.

>no visible armor on the characters
That was pretty bad back in 1 though. They improved it quite a lot on X, and by that I mean your party didn't look like a bunch of clowns half of the time, but the designs in 2 are good enough.

That's why I felt her love for Rex was too sudden. She even teased him about Haze. Then all of the sudden we're supposed to believe she's jealous of Pyra?

>like where they eyes go completely white, or they get giant sweatdrops on their head, it looked anime, but not like this.
That happens only in chapter 2 and a single time in chapter 4 and nowhere else in the game whatsoever. It's weird that they even included it at all.

why does here other design even exist? The design in the OP is so much fucking better.

Except Shulk only wanted to get revenge for his waifu, and then protect his waifu, and save the world just so he could proceed to bang his waifu.

Riki was a joke character.

>Like 1, yes

That's the thing, I don't want to go back to a game like 1 when X was superior in everyway.

>X2 will eventually happen, don't worry. Till then this is the best next thing

Okay, I'll just wait for X2 then, I have big enough backlog as it is.

Because plot point. Rex also looks a lot better on his 2nd outfit.

They shouldn't have included it in the trailers then, it give me a very bad first impression.