These are the top downloaded games of 2017 on PS4

These are the top downloaded games of 2017 on PS4.
Let's all laugh.

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Now post the other consoles.



Sounds about right. Nothing wrong with these.

Where is the Persona 5?

>console exclusives matter
>m-muh Bloodborne that nobody bought or played and which was outsold by DS2

Huh, so nothing has changed then. Still multiplats as far as the eye can see.

To be fair Madden and NBA had some pretty big digital price cuts during the holidays, leading many normans to buy them


Got news for you buddy

>a multiplat outsold an exclusive

>Multiple CoDs
>Todd's game

He said consoles, not handhelds.

Post Xbox, and Switch.

No need posting PC, we all know its indie garbage because PC has no games.

What awful taste.
Something something normies ruining gaming

>"worst game in the franchise" outsold the "platform defining best game in the franchise"

>a game on PC, Xbox and Playstation vs a game on Playstation
>game on Playstation only loses on sales

lad get a brain.

Helps keeping in mind most people only own one platform and people can buy multiple games.

All being said, exclusives will rarely outsell multiplats, on any platform, see CSGO is the only game that isn't multiplay and its behind five multiplats.

>there are still people here who think the target gaming audience only cares about exclusives

lol, why are there so many retards? cant you guys just die already?

>no star wars

genuinely surprised. good job sonyfucks

That's wrong.

>"platform flagship" outsold by a game that was shat on by the entirety of the fanbase

3 with a well known and popular IP vs 1 brand new name newcomer

gee I wonder who wins

lad get a brain.

>Adventure Time game
>I bought it only because it's like $3 and looks like it may not be shit
>Apparently that's a common mind set

>Mainstream normie games sell the most

But it has been that way user. Why can others post out of date sales if i cannot?

>"the main reason to own a PS4" outsold by a game that was retconned out of the series

No where near enough.
Persona 5 only gets bought by fans and some new people.
Call of duty is always top selling on all consoles because it's trash that anyone can play.

Someone was actually upset by that box art edit enough to further edit it into that?

You're posting data from certain region and from certain time, not the whole year.

Bloodborne is the best souls game yes :)

but it didn't stand a chance against Dark Souls, let alone on 3 consoles.

lad get a brain.

I love how weebcucks pretend their shallow waifu simulators with no gameplay take more skill to play than a competitive online multiplayer shooter.

>it's all 3rd party games
it's almost as if 3rd parties are actually successful on PS4 unlike on nintendo consoles

>"the most Kino game in existence" outsold by a game with the worst art design in the series

makes sense why the xb1x will shit on the pro. they dont even like their own games

>A Microsoft game outsold the majority of PS4 exclusives

people are idiots, I agree. is why CoD still continues to dominate sales. people see "Dark Souls" and the " II ", they eat it up. on 3 consoles, vs the 1 new rookie on one console. gg ez

lad get a brain.

Not as upset as the guy who took time making it from scratch because he was asshurt by other platforms

>mfw I own and enjoy exactly one of these games

which microsoft game?

>3. Friday the 13th
>Dead by Daylight not on the list at all

Get cucked inferior asymmetrical multiplayer survival horror!

It's so bizarre to think that I play games on PS4 that the normie-ass people have never even heard of. And we're on the same system.

Currently: Persona 5, Okami, Dragon Quest Builders and Danganronpa 3 are all games I finished recently. Bet the average guy that is "into games" has no clue about those titles.

>no fifa because Mexicans can't get credit cards


People paid money for Friday the 13th early access?

>"muh Bloodborne"
>"muh Persona"
>"muh weebshit"
>top sellers are always the trashiest of the available multiplats
>nobody actually buys the "good" PS4 exclusives
What did Sonygros mean by this?

That they “exclusives” are just boasting points to yell about on Sup Forums

Friday the 13th that high up? huh?...

I thought Destiny 2 was shit?

Bloodborne came out in 2015 bud lol

>e-exclusives m-matter

>Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wild Lands

Who's playing this game because no one talks about this game at all.

All multiplats

You know what else came out in 2015? The Witcher 3 What is your excuse?

1. Shit
2. Shit
3. Shit
4. Shit
5. Old
6. Niggers
7. Good
8. Autism
9. White trash
10. Shit

It looks like this fanbase consists entirely of fuccbois, chads, rednecks, and niggers.

>ds2 bandwagoning haters
truly pathetic

yeah, but even shit sells on hype.

>Early PS4 Playroom threads

Those were goldmines of fuckery.

>rocket league good

. Autism

4 & 5 make sense.... the rest is bullshit!

Have sex.

It's like the majority of the console are owners are kids and mainstream people.

Most people buy Xbox and PlayStation to use them as general gaming consoles because they don't know how to build a PC. Exclusives have a higher attach rate on Nintendo consoles because they're used as a selling point. This is nothing new.
Basically this.