No jumping in the sequel to one of the most popular hack-n-slash platforming series ever made

>no jumping in the sequel to one of the most popular hack-n-slash platforming series ever made

>switch perspectives from gigantic, action-packed set pieces to shitty forced over-the-shoulder third-person gameplay

>replace the iconic VA of your main character with some "literally who?"

I can't take this bros. I'm a huge God of War fan, but what the FUCK is Santa Monica Studios thinking?!?! This isn't a shitpost or flamewar. No false-flagging here either. I'm an actual genuinely upset and concerned fan of the franchise. Please help me rationalize these fucking retarded decisions they're making.

Other urls found in this thread:

the game is not for god of war fans it's for the last of us fans

I'm not sure why are you complaining about it
The old God of War formula was good for mid 2000s but they released 5 games with the same exact mechanic
A third person game without too many QTE will be a good thing

Buy acsencion


>nioh has no jump button
>nioh has over the shoulder third person gameplay


When is it coming out?


Jesus, since when did Kratos become the God of Soy?

Once the game was over-the-shoulder, you should have known it'd be shit and not meant for fans of the series.

It's dead, Jim.

But it looks like TLoU now! People liked that game a lot!

>bring Kratos back only to rape him further

I’m glad the pre-orders are low for this shit, it isn’t even going to have the sex minigame. DMCV will show these cucked westerners how it’s done.

>it isn’t even going to have the sex minigame.
When did everything go so fucking wrong?

The franchise got stale and some genius decided to turn it into a TLOU clone. Probably will get good grades from journalists but will be ignored by most gamers.
Just play the original games user. This franchise is dead

This is garbage bring back the sex minigames

F p b p

You me DMC mobile edition? Yeah, that'll really show them

Someone photoshop his eyes soo he can look at the câmera.

The old God of War ended with Ghost of Sparta and got buried with Ascension. I am interested to see what Santa Monica will do to make the new direction of GoW interesting. This is Santa Monica we are talking about. And we all know what happens to once good series when they try to pander to the nostalgiafags with Halo 4 and Gears of War 4.

pretty sure the dev or shawn layden outright said at PSX that the game is moving on from its roots and becoming more cinematic

There's no jump button in Bloodborne, if it works like that I don't have a problem with it. Unfortunately it's probably for this reason instead

Yea GoW4 also flopped


my wife's son of War, 4.5/5 ign too much toxic masculinity, why can't Kratos be a black woman?

Haven't played a single God of War game, but have seen the gameplay of the old and the new stuff.

Does Halo 4 - 5 Duke Nukem Forever, Command and Conquer 4, ring any bells?
Titles which all massively changed their gameplay formula, with a not too pretty result.

New GoW doesn't look all too similar to previous game so I'm going out on thin ice saying it's a drastic change in the likes of previously mentioned games. History says it doesn't bode well for the series.

Dark souls didn't have jump either

Good, maybe no more stupid jumping puzzles or mashing jump to scale walls quicker. Any attack combo that used a 'jump' was part of its launcher hit anyways.

Resident evil 4 and 7 say hi

RE4 literally changed the formula retard


Mass Effect Andromeda all over again.

>Dark Souls had no jump
This fuckin guy.

>reduce the gameplay of the game in exchange of stupid story
i don't even like GoW that much but holy fuck that i feel bad for any GoWfag

oh baby girl

The difference being that the Souls-series is established with that type of gameplay in mind. It's always been that way.

God of War (the series) is a hack and slash action-platformer that is suddenly ditching its iconic gameplay in favor of over-the-shoulder TLOU shit for no reason other than MUH CINEMATIC REALISM & TIGHT, PERSONAL NARRATIVE. It'd be like XCOM turning into a FPS.


>tfw the GOW costumer base grew up and now le mature and dad setting is needed

I hate it, just end it forever

DMCV was stated for E3 2018, everyone who thought it would show at PSX or TGA were morons. It will most likely release in January 2019 given Capcom’s track record.

Nailed it. This is DmC all over again.

the kid that he's around with already kinda pisses me off

The difference is that 4 set trends, while 7 followed trends

DmC is still fundamentally a DMC game though. just simplified

Resident Evil 6?
Few games pulled it off compared to many others, GoW chasing another audience will surely succeed, Halo 4 topped the charts and got all the CoD Players over, right?

Dude, this was the Last of Us: God of War edition from the moment it was revealed, why are you surprised? You should have disavowed it immediately.

This is exactly what I said when I saw the first trailer, back when I thought people were excited for it. was a sure sign that Sony want every game to be the Last of Us now.

It seems Sonic Unleashed will be better God of War game than the newest GoW.

Nah, DmC was closer to Ascension.

>DMCV was stated for E3 2018
>still believing this

I will be in those threads at E3 but I won't be gloating I'll simply be watching the suicides. I really want to be wrong but I have no hope left


>meanwhile BoTW actually has a jump button and Link is right handed
We've all stepped through the Twilight Zone

Sonic Unleashed is aging like a fine wine, isn't it?

>switch perspectives from gigantic, action-packed set pieces to shitty forced over-the-shoulder third-person gameplay

The year is 20XX.
Every Sony exclusive has turned into a reskin of Uncharted.

Well perhaps not in genre change but certainly in intent. DmC was created for a new audience while alienating the old one and that's what God of Wife's Son feels like.

It has marketing and pretty graphics behind it. Casuals and sony negros will lap this shit up. It can still be good though, we won't know until release(I enjoyed the gow3, I even got the remaster, fuck the puzzles though, they break the flow and only are there to waste your time, same with the uncharted fucking retarded slow jog with exposition sections)/

I heard that sony didnt want to fund gow that played like classics but wanted something generic like tlou style

>in before it ends up being open world

the platforming always filler and you can't prove me wrong. God of War 2 is my favorite game in the series, btw
it's made by Cory Barlog. It will be 10x the game TLOU ever was

The removal of jumping possibly means no airborne combos and attacks, doesn't it?
So it limits the gameplay and cuhrazzyyy or however you call it.
Given the camera is shit for action battles and the norse mythology overused as fuck at this point (why not byzantium, egypt, fucking whatever anything is better than that boring crap)

Who gives a shit? You know how many hardcore (even though GoW was on the most casual end of the spectrum) action games are still around? Fucking nothing. And GoW always had great production values, even if the gameplay was on the simpler side, you got a fucking spectacle of images and sound.

You know what we have plenty of? Third person, over the should slow paced action games.
So you're switching up the formula to turn GoW from something (comparatively) unique into something generic


this was confirmed a long time ago. he enters an area in a trailer and it says "______ discovered"

GoW series had jumps baked into some of its attack combos, and you had the ability to chain enemies in the air and slam them to the ground. You won't need a dedicated jump button.

how many of you retards even played the other games

It would have aged a hell of a lot better if the level progression wasn't tied to collecting sun and moon medals and a shitty hub world. Having a different fight theme would have been a nice change, too.

it was *actually* confirmed not open world by the game director himself, so you can stop worrying


I can prove you wrong - platforming is important to make breaks in combat, otherwise the combat will become boring.

>shitting on DmC's quality
>unironically thinking God of War was worth preserving as it was

come on asshole if you ever had a ps3 or ps2 you can't have missed the games. What kind of question is that?

Real GOW would be too hard for the nu-reviewer to handle.


This meme needs to die.

>he actually thinks people who owned a PS2 or PS3 didn't at some time play a GoW


that doesnt really restore any of my confidence or interest in the game, though. not being able to jump in an action game is just inexcusably stupid

It needed improvements, not a downgrade to an even more braindead type of game

He is the Goy of Soy

Great reading there, I like how you translated everything I said into a different form, and aimed it at me like I was saying the complete opposite of what you're saying.


>shitty forced over-the-shoulder third-person gameplay
This is what bothers me most.

Look I know the older GoW games weren't all that great anything. But at least they knew they were trying to be. And it wasn't some shitty last off us clone

>shitting on DmC's quality

What part did you enjoy most? the bigger dick or the Shakespearian writing? Personally I enjoyed Kat's obsession with semen.

kek saved


holy shit I forgot about the squirrel semen
what the fuck is this game, man

I liked bigger dick most desu


who's worrying? open world god of war could be pretty good

>everyone WILL ignore this
Everyone complaining doesn't even own a ps4 or have any interest in the game, but just want to ant-market the game with shitposting.

Have they explained the game play a bit more. From the trailers and what little I've seen the combat seems eerily similar to Asura's Wrath with fighting through hordes of scrub enemies until getting to a more set piece enemy where instead of a defined health bar you have to wale on the boss until you fill up a meter that unleashes a cut-scene that moves you onto the next part of the story.

You are one kind of idiot don't you?

I didn't even own a PS2/3 and complted all the other games, never crossed my mind to buy this TLoU crap



What set pieces were there?

Nioh is also a new IP and not actually the sequel to something completely different.

Ignore what? It's still a change for the series, and what we've seen so far was a snorefest, having the same camera system as a better game means nothing

I just quoted the wrong person ;_;

Seriously the most cringey writing in game history:

>implying God of Wife's Son will be as good as God Hand

Fucking this. Fpbp

it was shit from trailer 1 when he lifelessly swung a tiny axe around with no combos or special moves in sight
the devs have probably never played a cuhrayzee game let alone know how to make one
it's going to get 10/10s from dumbass game reviewers because it's cinematic and has a deep storyline and everyone else will realize it's fucking stupid and has no gameplay and forget it in a year