Is this a fucking joke...

is this a fucking joke? its litteraly a shitty dark soul ripoff but its the only game sonnigers have so obviously its le best game evah

its fucking dark soul with no builds and guns for the cod audience with cinematic 19fps

Demon's Souls was better than Dark Souls.


you tried

Any tips for a level 4 run?

But it you've played it and you're got a PS4, then doesn't that make you a sonniger too?

>Oh look it's this thread again


don't get hit

Got this card game as a gift last Christmas. It's pretty fun. Anyone played it?

Four years. One good exclusive. Sad.

Oh it's this thread again.

Could you make it anymore obvious?

Trolling ignored, it's my favorite out of all the souls games. It just felt more actiony, which rubbed me the right way.

He literally didn't

I know this is a shitty bait thread but the guns in Bloodborne were most likely inspired by Shadow Tower Abyss. Also, I wish we had a 1911 in bloodborne too instead of that shitty pistol you start the game with.

A thread died for this. Press F to pay respects


People on Sup Forums are poor losers who live in their mom's basement so justifying a $300 purchase is important to them

>I know this is a shitty bait thread
>I wish we had a 1911 in bloodborne

You almost fooled me buddy.

>not fantasy flight
Why even compete?

what do you mean?

>replying to a bait thread with more bait

Watch this low tier consolewar bait reach bump limit without mods doing anything about it

What bait? I love the m1911 and that's the starting weapon in Shadow Tower Abyss. I think having that instead of that shitty pistol in Bloodborne would be much better, I beat that game without ever using the pistol. I think the only time I ever used it was in that chalice dungeon that halves your hp and I used it to beat the first boss and never played the game again.

>in fucking bloodborne alongside matchlock guns and blunderbusses

Please shut the fuck up and go play Call of Duty