ITT: Decent games that were memed by fans into being bad
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You first
I did.
I’m playing DmC definitive edition right now and it’s better than DMC4. The story takes itself too seriously but that’s still not as bad as Dante the memer and MUH KYRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Also, Dark Souls 2.
still waiting
dark souls 2 is dog shit
also dmc is a fun game, regardless of how different it is from the main series
I was part of the hate crew years ago. Best time I ever had on Sup Forums. Finally cracked last year and decided to play it and it was just as bad as I thought it would be. The controls made it nearly unplayable. DMC revolutionized action games with direction inputs, how in the world favor theory thought it was a good idea to toss it out in favor of the world's worst control scheme will forever be beyond. This game deserved all the hate it received.
Nah, that game is legitimately bad.
>70% of the game is very basic platforming thats heavilly scripted.
>Way too many cutscenes with "shakesperian" commentary on modern society.
>Braindead combat, you can easily keep enemies airbone indifinitely
>Color coded enemies
>Boring weapons that are pretty much all the same
>90% of the score at the end of every level is just collectibles
>Can reach SSS by just spamming basic 4 hit combo and stinger
>Bosses are fucking jokes
>Absolutely horrendous plot "bruh you can't do that we anarchist and shiet fuck you" "Fuck you m8 lets fight even though I've been using you the whole game because I'm certain you are stronger than me" *tips fedora* *shoots baby*
Que te jodan!
Devil May Cry games - One epic boss battle after the next.
DmC - 5 shitty boss battles with checkpoints. Also, cringey writing.
DmC is good because it's bad, if you go in to it just to watch the cutscenes and have a laugh, you'll have a good time.
Waiting still
all good answers.
I would add Skyward Sword but I already enjoyed that long before I saw that it was one of the most hated in the series.
Everything except the story part were fixed in the definitive edition.
>he doesn't know hardcore mode
>he doesn't know must style mode
>he doesn't'
That only changes the style system, everything else is still fucked.
Okay, lets be real here, and I know this sounds stupid to most of you, but DmC is not a bad game, but its a bad DMC game, which made a 6/10 game a
That Shakespearean interpretation kills me everytime. Still, dmc was a good game.
>DMC games, you will realize that they are better in terms of story, gameplay, charachters, you know, everything
DMC1/2 would like to have a talk. Except for DMC1 story, that was clearly better than DmC's.
>DmC is not a bad game, but its a bad DMC game
Normally I frown on this argument but I feel like it fits here. Works with Lords of Shadow too, I might've like it if LoS did its own thing instead of basically shitting all over Castlevania. Only the first LoS though, the others were plain bad.
Nice bait, have a (you).
Meme all you like, DMC1 is still legitimately a good game though. 1&3 are the best games in the series for entirely different reasons.
>different opinions are bait
I like the second one more for some reason.
I'm not saying anything about DMC1, but you can't tell me that DMC1 gameplay is superior than DmC, right?
Duke nukem forever. Mediocre? Absolutely but not bad
Not him but I can. Better controls, better boss fights, better pacing.
I didn't even play DMC1 until I got the HD collection and I loved it start to finish. I didn't finish DmC.
I liked it, but then I liked Bayonetta.
The gameplay has more in common with Bayo than DMC3/4. The endless whip juggling, the double-tap inputs in lieu of lock-on commands, the trigger-based weapon switching, the OP last-second-dodge buff, the total lack of style-switching, etc etc
Yeah DMC fans hated it but half of them hated Bayonetta too.
Explain. Did you mean the devs?
this game is COOL!
I got it for like a dollar two years ago and never played it. What's your honest opinion on it and is it worth playing.
Define your whole concept of gameplay. If you think comboing is the only merriment of gameplay, you're wrong. Chances are you haven't bothered to play it beyond normal so can't see that yourself. DMC1 is a challenging game in it's own right, the goal isn't to keep enemies at bay with combos but dodge around aggressive enemy patterns and killing shit quickly before they pose real threats via Devil Triggering in DMD. Even unlike any of the later DMC games, they do not even care if they're off-screen. DMC1's biggest flaws are some of the weird camera angles, and some weird first person swimming/space harrier segments. Both of the latter are extremely short however.
>Kamiya's DMC also had forced space harrier shit
Holy hell I forgot about this
they're different
dmc1 is about using your moves to get through enemies safely while mixing in a bit of style to keep things interesting
DmC is all very basic air juggles except when you get to a boss, where it becomes demon dodge > mash > cutscene
the fact that there's more weapon and combo variety in DmC is nice but the actual combat is way worse
>basic air juggles
I don't know if that's fair. Juggling was easy in DmC because there were a billion ways to do it, but that also meant you had room for a shitload of variety in how you utilized the juggle space.
They did make changes to the color coded enemies. For example, you can damage the red enemies with your angel weapons and vice versa, but it will just do less damage.
You don't know SHIT if you think DmC is about air juggling or any of that other gay shit.
DmC is about upgrading overdrive, then only using overdrive, nothing else, ever.
>I’m playing DmC definitive edition right now and it’s better than DMC4.
Then you should just stop, probably. It's embarassing.