
I just started WotW and I have some questions.

What's generally considered to be the best Odachi?
I'm currently using a Taro Tachi for the very nice bonus AA scaling, but it's rapidly becoming obsolete now as I've blazed through WotD. And I don't have a smithing text for a new one, and I have no idea where it drops.
I do have a smithing text for Monohoshizao though. Which also seems pretty nice with its innate Close Combat Damage +15% bonus. Is it better than Taro Tachi?
Also, what about Mijinmaru? Is it any good?

I'd also really like to know which properties stack and which don't.
Like for example, if I have "Equipment Weight Damage Bonus" on my primary melee weapon, will it stack if I Reforge my secondary melee for another Equipment Weight Damage Bonus? Or does it only affect the weapon it's on?
Or is it a general non-stacking bonus for all damage? Can I, say, put it on a ranged weapon and use the slot on a melee weapon for something else?
What about other bonuses?

Also, do "star skills" appear only on random drops or on Forged items too? Are there any star skills for armor other than reduced soul matching cost?

How does Defilement in the Abyss work? It says level 3 defilement is max, but is it really? Does the depth of the floors you clear affect the defiled item? Or only its original strength?

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>tfw finally unlocked this slut as a model

I kinda wish you could play as the humanoid Yokai like Enma or Yuki-Onna.

bump because curious

Okatsu is even more expensive.

Anyone know what smithing texts are Abyss only?

Just got the game today m8s. With niohgen dead, what are some good resources to check out for a beginner? I've heard the stats and EQ system is convoluted in the game so something that provides an overview over these things would be nice.

I generally tool around as my boy Nobunaga anyway.

Shigezane a best. Voiced by Jouji Nakata.


I really feel like they should've unlocked WotD, WotW, and WotN at the same time. Going through it all 4 fucking times is so damn tedious.

You just need to do a couple of missions after NG to unlock Queen's Eyes. And finishing the DLC on NG even unlocks Queen's Eyes for WotS, so you can effectively skip it.

But yeah, I agree, there's not nearly enough organized wikis or other community sites for such a grind heavy games. Like, look at MH and its online databases, but Nioh is apparently not popular enough.

I assume by EQ that user means equipment.

I'd be happy to work on a Nioh database, though I'm only on my way to the 2nd region myself.
Is there a public repo of something like Kiranico I can base this project off of? I'd be happy to get pointed to prior comprehensive resources as well.

The luck based Reforging system doesn't help. There's no way to get good inheritables without just grinding out forging or pure luck.

Actually, you can't reforge inheritables at all. You pick those up from random loot usually and carry over to the equipment you're actually using.

I heard this game's combat is really varied and fun, is that true? I care very little about story and visuals look ok from what I've seen. I'm a sucker for that fun gameplay though. It also seems to have deep system mechanics to autistically minmax, so it seems like my kind of game.

Well, there's fextra...

It's like a faster Dark Souls with deeper combat (but less weapon variety) mixed with Diablo like loot system.

I use Monohoshizao. For weapons the only effects active are when they're equipped and in use. Weight damage bonus only applies to the weapon.

I think the 'best' reforge possible for weapons is: Change to attack, Close Combat Damage, Familiarty Damage Bonus and whatever else you want for the rest.

Sounds great I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Anything I need to keep in my to not horribly fuck over my character?

Nah everything is respeccable. I'm drowning in Respec books.

As said you can respec pretty easily.
As for something to keep in my mind - unlike in Souls you can't dodge out of enemy combos, but you can guard instead, and THEN dodge.
Also use the Ki Pulse. It should become muscle memory.

It's not like DS where 1 point in the wrong stat will fuck you. There's a lot of wiggle room in a build.

What do I do with excess equipment? Selling it off feels like a waste

>you can guard instead, and THEN dodge
I played Ninja Gaiden extensively, this will be like second nature to me.

Aight I'll not look anything up and just wing it then. Probably best for a first playthrough anyway. Cheers m8s.

>What's generally considered to be the best Odachi?
Taro Tachi
>where it drops
>which properties stack

I personally sell everything below purple and disassemble the rest.

Disassemble it for materials.

I disassemble them for mats. Then I started offering them at the shrine when they were giving me like 3 or 4 levels per offering, then I just started selling them. Don't worry about it.

Oh, one thing to note. Damage scaling is more or less linear and never falls-off. BUT it goes in 1-3 point steps.
So, let's say you have a weapon that has B+ scaling with Skill and C with Strength. After you put a point or two in Skill it might seem to benefit more from a point in Strength the next level. But it's a trap. It's always better to put points into the weapon's best scaling stat in the long run.

>about to beat Okatsu
>she kills me with her flip grapple from miles away

You can stop posting this link. It's outdated and it's not what I was asking for. I wasn't asking about conflicting properties, I asked about stacking the same effects.
>Taro Tachi
Are floors in the Abyss entirely randomized? I think bosses were supposed to be fixed. I got my Monohoshizao from a roaming human boss dude wielding Odachi.
Do the smithing text drop from specific enemies like that? Or can they drop from any enemies, chests, etc?

Smithing Texts are enemy specific IIRC. That guy shows up as a boss in a semi-secret mission. Other drops I THINK can come from any enemy, just with a higher chance from certain enemies.

I feel it's better to offer them in the early game until you have enough Elixirs, because they're limited consumables like vials in Bloodborne.
And later you can actually fuse the trash white materials you got from disassembling lvl 1 gear to craft lvl 300 in the late game. But you also need money for reforging and soul matching.

Nioh has been out for months now on the PC. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE SFM PORN OF HER?

More secret than simply being a side mission?
I've seen a couple of new unique human enemies in the DLC in the tournament mission, which I haven't seen before. I think one of them was the same dude that dropped the text in the Abyss.

Enjoy fighting her and Hanzo at the same time.

>Katana has higher attack then my axe
Just give me a good axe for once

He just comes from a mission that requires you to beat all the masters' missions, then beating the boss rush with all the masters. I didn't even know he existed until I done with like WoTW.

And the Toad.

So in the Abyss, smithing texts randomly drop from certain enemies? Fuck, I guess I need to stop just skipping it all and going right to the bosses.

Ah, I see. I never used Tonfas or Duals on this character. I did unlock a master boss rush mission Marobashi or w/e it's called.

Yeah that was my problem too. Thankfully it's pretty quick to get to 500,000 proficiency with a weapon later on. You get free Samurai points too so it's not totally worthless.

What about onmyo/ninjutsu close combat damage scaling? Do those stack?


They suck anyway.

Man, stacking received firearms damage is fun.
I started a new char recently and completely forgot Onryoki's balls or Umi Bozu's shipwreck spit actually did substantial damage.


I ran out of Nioh related images to bump with.

Does anyone know of any good Spear/mage builds going around. I want to know to know if my Ki is too low. Its at about 15 and my body is 33

i ended up caving and used Lifeseal. It made her fight a bit of a joke desu.