BF2 Thread

BF2 Thread

They fixed the multiplayer.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Legacy Browser thing for multiplayer is 100% working?

yesterday was fun. would be cool if we got a bunch of anons on again

I'd be up for it. I didn't get to play yesterday.

im game

>tfw we turned the cantina into a strip club yesterday
that was a fun server

I'd play but the server requires a password

pass: rage

How is it a game from 2005 bftos a game from 2017? Is it autism?

The Sup Forumsiggaboos server is on

Content and Experience

One is a game, the other is a platform for microtransactions.

jabba is a trap



Just bought the game is it really that good

>Just bought the game is it really that good

It's good.

With mods and ridiculously over the top maps it's even better. I still remember playing Hyrule Field back in 2005 and having my mind blown.

oooo told me to bump my own thread

Reminder that modded maps (conversion pack etc) work in multiplayer again

rhen var harbor is the best map

Can somebody give me a guide on how to get the best setup for BF2 all i got is base game and havent put mods or anything like that

Too little rubberbanding now. I keep shooting 20 meters ahead of everyone and wait for them to teleport into it, but it doesn't happen.


anyone just d/c?

kek, server crash


I want to tongue fuck this blueberry bitch


Just wanted to join but the server went down when I clicked on it.

same, man

>Tfw you have the Battlefront 3 alpha but don't have a modded 360 to play it.


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE user you said you wanted to play. why the crashing

Ultimate battlefront the clone wars and the conversion pack are musts
make sure to get the 1.3 patch


>server is bacup online

>has battlefront 3 alpha
is it publicly available or how did you get it?

how can I play with a pirated copy?

not him but someone leaked it to Sup Forums last year

>buy it 5 seconds ago just because I was blueballed watching the threads yesterday
>5 hours of download
tomorrow I begin removing rebel FUCKING shits, I promise

Are they just floating online? If so spoonfeed links pl0x

It was leaked on Sup Forums back sometime in August last year. Some user posted it and a bunch of other anons, including me, downloaded it before the Mouse used his powers to rid it. You need a modded 360 to even play it though.

>they fixed the multiplayer
Nigger its just as shitty as its always been
Gog is a fucking joke

5 Hours? It was 1hr 30mins for me It's a PS2 game

Can you still use the mod that adds more content in the game online?

went down to 2 hours, I don't have the most stable internet


They fixed the multiplayer on PS2? Oh boy

Understandable user, always remember to try the tutorial if you're feeling rusty

any way to stil get it or do anons need to share it out?

does anyone remember the name of the youtube channel that would investigate everything about the planned Battlefront III? I would like to rewatch that stuff

Welcome to Sheev's Feed and Seed

come to the cantina guys

Most likely some anons need to share it. I could share it if you tell me how to share. I'm a literal retard.


I never played it online, what am I missing?

post it to mega or some filehosting site

Can someone tell the password please?


On it, give me some time.

Thank you

fuck all of you fucking fuck man I wanted to play this the entire fucking Christmas now I got work and shit and cant play with you anons why the fuck did they fix it now

Coonery, and I mean that in the best way possible.

Togrutas are miles ahead of Twi'leks, my dude. Have some taste.


Can I play with a controller?

have a webm of the shit happening, theres always tomorrow

fucking lmao thanks for that user!
the problem isnt work itself I also have studies
keep posting anything else if you can!

Dont worry user, we will always be here when you need us.



Lost Connection D:

>The Republic can't spare any more reinforcements
What do?

I warned you about those wrist rockets bro!

What was the wookies endgame?

For real CIS got smashed on Felucia tho

lose because the CIS have 100 man lead


Is it really less laggy now?

The netcode blows but at least you don't have to restart your game after every round