I really don't know what to say about this.
Why.... Why this
>They ruin the game by throwing balance out the window in favor of monetization
>Then they do this
Truly astounding amounts of greed and stupidity
If it's free I'll try it?
So PlayerUnknown can cry about it
eating you own shit is free, why don't you try it user?
Nothing to lose, nothing to gain.
Let's overshadow the awful overhaul with an even bigger misstep.
Hi-Rez gonna Hi-Rez I suppose.
They already fucked the base game, might as well just change the whole thing now.
thank fuck i stopped playing this game.
actual gameplay footage. i dunno about this
Thank God people are actually upset about this. If you go through the YT comments it seems like people are actually excited for this.
I don't know why you can't just play Pubg or Fortnite, why even make this?
Because paladins runs way better on toasters then then those two games.
>LoL is popular
>Hi-Rez makes a shitty LoL clone
>Overwatch is popular
>Hi-Rez makes a shitty Overwatch clone
>PUBG is popular
>Hi-Rez makes a shitty PUBG clone
If you cant beat them join them.
Hirez is the western equivalent of a Chinese game studio, only able to copy what others are doing.
They actually did a shitty tf2 clone and adapted it to become an overwatch clone
Don't forget their shitty Hearthstone clone.
>the whole fucking trailer
>the fucking music
>the entire idea behind this
>hero shooter battle royale
Do they even understand what battle royale is
So it's like a better PUBG.
>trailer shows 100 players
>there aren't even 40 characters in-game
so you can basically have a match with 100 Viktors
also why in the game would you play support in this gamemode if you're supposed to be the last one alive?
>better pubg
Really.... Are you serious?
>an overwatch ripoff ripping off PUBG made by a company that got famous for ripping off League of Legends
We're on levels of shameless unoriginality I never thought possible...
You are aware now that chicken are the closest relatives to T-Rexes and frankly they don't give a fuck.
I am obviously gonna play it only to see how shitty it is but I don't expect much
>excited to try this
>download on PS4 cause new and have already played a bunch on PC
>the battle Roayle update isn't even out on PS4 yet
Well fuck.
It’s scientifically proven that poorfags are worse at gaming.
>I-It wont happen to us
>Tribes Ascend was just unpopular, HiRez will never jew us Paladins players like that
Press S to spit on grave. T
>so you can basically have a match with 100 Viktors
That'd be the REAL Battle Royale experience, now wouldn't it?
>battle royal with actually fun gameplay mechanics
Hey, why not?
overwatch is a shitty tf2 clone though
Tfw this came out on my birthday.
That became more popular.
Good for the activision shareholders I guess? Its still a shitty game, dont you have a new logan paul video to watch btw? I heard hes pretty popular
>"Haha, this won't happen to Paladins its way better than Tribes! Hi-rez won't shit on the golden goose!"
I knew it from day one, hope you faggots choke on that hirez dick now
Looks fun unlike pubg
The big, swinging, brass balls on those guys. It's almost admirable.
Class based pubg sounds cool
why does anyone support hi-rez anymore?
they've given us so many chances to see how they really are
So when are we going to get a Battle Royale game that doesn't have garbage gameplay?
They can't even get 10 players to not lag consistently. What makes them think doing 100 will fix that?
Isn't this typical Hi-Rez behavior? When will people learn?
how do they keep finding money
Fortnight did this same shit. Battle Royale games are the new MOBA. Every turd on the planet is trying to get a slice of the action but the entire genre is shit from the get-go and only appeals to the lowest common denominator.
poor doggos eating their own flesh
Sounds like a fag with a grudge.
They keep getting money from militant non-comformist hipsters. There's a group of boring self important morons out there that love all the same shit that the average normie loves, but they don't want to be associated with them. So they flock to similar, but lesser known and lesser quality products in order to get their fix, but distance themselves from the normies they claim superiority to. I know quite a few of these people and they're the fucking worst. They can never admit that they like anything with any sort of big name behind it. Just admit that you want to play Overwatch, Hearthstone, or PUBG and get it over with faggots.
Im only surprised it wasnt out sooner
PlepUnknownBattlegrounds was clearly on the rise for a long time now. I called this shit years ago. Murderhoboing became huge with DayZ, H1Z1 and shit (at first) poorly tried to parrot the game as a while and not the mechanics that really hooked the "streamer/gamer" crowd. This is the logical conclusion of the craze.
do you?
>Fortnight did this same shit. Battle Royale games are the new MOBA.
Except no one wants to play them and PUBG is only popular with literal shit-eaters and chinks
I uninstalled Paladins when OB63 came(yes, 63, not 64). LMAO'd when they showed the OB64 changes. But now...
I actually find this pretty interesting and is considering to reinstall when this new game mode drops, what's wrong with me
Now watch they drop the entire base game and game modes and focus on this
I unironically think that Paladins was much more fun than OW. And no, I still don't want to play OW even after Paladins killed itself with OB64.
>what's wrong with me
One post above you
Nothing. As someone who dropped the game during OB64, this actually looks like it could be fun. Fortunately for me I have self restraint and I'd rather not support HiRez's awful decisions.
better overwatch clone*
It honestly had its niche and looked polished but the moment I saw that hi-rez logo I knew the game was fated to die in 1 to 2 years. Like every other hi-rez game. I liked global agenda goddammit
Why... why?
Tell them that it's human nature
Why, why does he do me that way
Imagine being the guy who pitches game ideas to Hi-Rez. That shit must be the easiest job in the world. You just sit on Twitch all day and see what gets the most views consistently and then you just tell Hi-Rez to copy it.
>they didn't even change the name
how is this legal?
Ask from PlayerUnknown, he's an expert
i stand corrected, on my defense, it seemed like they hadnt fucked up smite
better overwatch clone that they then proceeded to ruin
Did Sup Forums hear about the other game mode shenanigans in the newest patch? They removed Payload from the game and have replaced it with generic Team Deathmatch. I imagine if the Battlegrounds mode becomes successful, it won't be long until they remove Siege from the game as well and eventually it's just pure Deathmatch/Battlegrounds.
>They removed Payload from the game and have replaced it with generic Team Deathmatch.
wait what?
the game already had a dm-kinda mode where you had to stand in the middle?
>They removed Payload from the game
They did what now
Don't kid yourself, in the control point gamemode nobody would fucking stay in the point except the guy that was forced to pick tank; in this one the point is huge and killing earns you point so everybody can just play it like a team deathmatch.
I checked and payload is in the game, no sign of any tdm mode
OB 65, it's currently only on the PTS but it'll probably hit the main game soon enough.
looks like i can quit this game for good, havent played since ob64 but now i can just uninstall
>we're going to cut content because not a lot of people play it
I was full of schadenfreude over this because of the hirez shills, but damn this is just sad
Also here's a link to the patch notes, including the new damage character who yet again has a personal barrier, but can also leave fart clouds that heal allies in their wake and has an instant kill ultimate that may be even better than Drogoz.
I can't believe this was my favourite game just 3 months ago
I play PUBG and prefer Paladins over Overbore.
I'm fine with them introducing TDM since that's a shooter staple. But removing Payload? REALLY? What the fuck, that's better than whatever the default mode is called (Siege?).
user please
it still hurts