How would you fix this franchise?

How would you fix this franchise?

>Make the development PC-centric again.
>actually add/improve upon gameplay systems that add depth instead of adding, removing then adding again
>dont shy away from complexity or difficulty
>actually invest in one iteration instead of adding just enough content to keep it alive until the next battlefield/front comes out
>basically make battlefield like BF2/2142 again but with polish and less bugs as well as more depth

I never thought I'd miss battlelog. Their server browser is absolute fucking shit.

I actually like BF1

bf1 is just fine though

add a battle royale mode

you want them to make less money?

Go back to modern era. World War one was cool for a month or 2 but now it's boring.

I want them to prioritize making a battlefield game with a little depth and complexity. Unfortunately console oriented development detracts from that. I am for them making the best battlefield possible and then considering a console version of that game as a secondary concern.

I know how unrealistic that is, but to me it would be the bet way to make battlefield its own game again instead of appealing to the lowest common denominator.

I don't mind a game having casual elements but battlefield has definitely gone too casual, and part of that is consoles and EA greed.

Make BF2 again. I just wanna play Karkand damnit

Fire all diversity hires
Next battlefield entry has to include ww2 (European theater along with pacific theater), Vietnam, Cold War gone hot, gulf war and current day modern maps.

add fucking AUTOBALANCE
literally the most no-brainer thing in a multiplayer game and it's somehow still missing in bf1.
Shit like pic related should not be happening in this day and age you fucking retards at DICE.

make it fun
add a little fantasy remove planes and make it only helis i dont care make sure its polished and balanced
would like ww2 or vietnam bc Cod fucked that up
go back to bad company 1&2 quality, that's what fans love

Battlefield 1 did a pretty damn fine job with the atmosphere of the game though
>spawn in in pre-round wait
>German soldier is giving a loud and angry rousing speech to prepare everyone to charge to their deaths
>round starts, bombs dropping everywhere and everyone shouts a warcry as they charge in
too bad they insist on having automatic weapons and tacticool stuff though

Yeah the automatics are what sealed the deal for me

just remake Bad Company 2

Literally the only problems BF1 has is lack of soldier customization and the server browser sucks

Also reminder that the loot boxes are completely cosmetic, DICE could have been the frontrunners of P2W bullshit if they really wanted.

Why is it so hard to hit shit on bf1?

For real, I beg for my weapons to hit the target sometimes even though my crosshair is right on target

what am i missing?

back 2 Nam

Fix what exactly?
Bf1 is a huge step up from the lock on fuck fest that was bf4, vehicles are relevant again.
Also movement sensor weapons lel

the franchise was arguably at its peak when it was explicitly console-centric, as in when BFBC2 was made

BF2 was great but it was flawed. BFBC2 was a true masterpiece

I'd want there to be user-hosted-dedicated-server support, mod and custom map support, and perhaps some tools/software for map-making.

I'd argue it's because they didn't really explore ww1, and instead just sort of used it as a skin, which cheapened the experience. Would've actually bought it if it had been more Red Orchestra/Rising Storm or Insurgency/Day of Infamy in terms of squad structure and gameplay.


PUBG + Battlefield 4

>Focus on destructible environments.
>No absolute bs like a tank or helicopter.
>Switch it up with objectives within the Battle Royale setting, ie. Capture this point or be blown up. 6 teams are told to do this. One team can survive.

by releasing bad company 3

i still think Rush is about 3 times more fun to play than Conquest. i feel like the people who prefer Conquest are mostly vehicle whores

>I never thought I'd miss battlelog
You simply disgust me.

-Make it like BF2 only with better graphics and BF3 weapon handling
-make sprint like in BF2, short! not like endless sprints in nuBF
-commander and squad system
-create your own soldiers, no one should be forced to play a nigger, indian, kebab, chink, or white
-BF2 Ranksystem

make it like BF2 ;_;

By ending it already. Any Franchise after 3 games is shit.

>shitty players crying
hehe should have known

>no one should be forced to play as a chink
>even if you're playing as the chinese military

the absolute state of Sup Forums

Yeah how about you go fuck yoruself.
To me it peaked with 1942, others might say BF2 or 2142. However anything beyond that was garbage for mentally retaded faggots and console owners.
Nothing personel, kid.

>battle royal
God please can we end battle royal games finally. Copying pubg would be the last nail in battlefields coffin

BF1s big success was operations. Which, I assume, will carry over to their next WW2 title. If they make Operations a mixture of flags and rush objectives it would be the best mode around by far.

That being said, they REALLY need to focus on making maps just not awful to play in operations. BF maps are made by artists, not gameplay designers. So changing between modes is really awful.


I don't know why DICE has been trying to add this dumb shit into every BF game since BC2. Okay, cool, getting shot at produces some effect, but having it effect your accuracy is fucking ridiculous

the franchise objectively peaked at BFBC2 my dear friend

I thought next bf going to be 'nam again, for the third time

There's nothing to fix. BF1 is perfect.
Best game the franchise has seen as of yet.

That was just a rumor

yea a bad company 3 in vietnam would be the shit.

All we know right now is that two BF games are in the works from both Dice LA and Dice Sweden. LA is making BC3 and Sweden has been making WW2. WW2 will come out sooner since Dice LA makes all the BF1 DLC, so they are splitting resources.

BC3 is said to be "cold war gone hot" again.


bad company 2 was the next step to Call of Duty shit.. kys

Different preferences for different people. Battlefield went in a direction that doesn't interest me.
I really liked the infantry style of Battlefield 2. Sprint meter kept player lines relatively sane, as you couldn't just perma-sprint across large open spaces with high speed movement.
I also preferred the jet combat of Battlefield 2 compared to 3 and 4 whose dogfights are purely mechanical turn fights with little thought to energy conservation and other piloting strategies.
I'm still hoping for Battlefield 2143, but I know with current DICE it'll be more of the high movement speed perma-sprint run n' gun gameplay that I've become tired of.


it became shit when they became more pc-centric again with larger scale maps. it's clear they don't know how to make a game that caters to both.

biggest problem right now is high fast paced bf1 right now, fix that, alongside zerging and map design in general
then we can move on

Remove the niggers.

As a pilot main, fuck this idea

>pilot main


add full steam integration to bad company 2 (read: remove need for EA account and CD key)

BF should have one game for PC and another spinnoff for console, or maybe even the same game but tailored to their platforms?

Contrary to what plebbitors that are trying hard to fit in might say, every game after and including BC2 has been pretty good and has evolved the franchise.
BF1 feels almost there. Operations is a great game mode. If they really go to WW2 with the next installment as rumored, it might be the best BF game yet. The just need to fix the shitty balancing, caused by constant team-switching.

>cold war gone hot
If it takes place right after ww2 that could be cool

Set it in Vietnam. That way black actually make sense.

Most likely itll be later in terms of time span. "Cold war gone hot" is just an excuse to do a semi-modern game without involving "muh terrorism".

Like Total War, go fantasy.
Imagine a Battlefield with dragons, giants, steampunk robots, etc.

>he doesn't play irons only recon and 1-shot people
You're missing out my friend

the map design is a massive reason why i dislike bf3 and bf4. they're just so retardedly big that you're usually completely fucked if you're not sitting in a vehicle for most of the game. even if you manage to find infantry to kill as infantry yourself, a helpful enemy tank will usually roll up and kill you from a mile away because there is no cover. then you have nigh-untouchable jets and helicopters flying overhead, playing their own game and padding their KDs. and if you manage to actually kill a vehicle as infantry, that butthurt vehicle driver will go on the forums and complain until C4 is nerfed, stingers are nerfed and every single weapon that can hurt a vehicle is nerfed.

so yeah, BC2 is fun because it feels like infantry has a purpose rather than being vehicle fodder

>smaller, FULLY destructible maps
>vehicles dont respawn
>snipers are limited and the same player cant hog it for long
>gore, loads of gore
>squad play is encouraged

Limit Classes just like in RO.

Then spit on me, faggot
and hold me hand afterwards.

Any way to change the model of your character?

Hate playing as a nigger

start over by remaking battlefield 1942, with modern technology you should easily be able to have 256 player servers.

add waifus

scoreboard literally means nothing in a screenshot dumbass. Doesn't include the time you've been there, which in this game's case was not very long.
Maybe play the game first, kiddo?

>tank or helicopter
I'll give you a guess to how I know you're complete trash

that would be pretty unrealistic now wouldn't it

just be like niggers irl and deal with it

>meantions only bf3 and bf4
>complains for to big maps, doesent even know that those are small compared to BF2 and 1942
>literally underage Call of Duty generation shitter

I guess we cant save BF anymore. the old good community is dead

This suggestion would probably make the game popular.
Look at what R6 Siege has become.

i didn't "meantion" bf2 or bf1942 because it wasn't relevant to the discussion. we were discussing the dip of popularity when they became pc-centric again. the older games were good in spite of their dogshit infantry gameplay, not thanks to it. but thank you for contributing this turd of a post to the discussion

BF1 is great, even some of the singleplayer mini-campaigns are surprisingly compelling (the tank one is pure kino for instance), but I honestly and unironically wish they'd go back and make one set in modern days again.

Pretty much this. In BF3 and 4 playing infantry in CQL feels like being there just to be farmed by helis.
At least BF1 is slightly better in that regard.
There's always a middle ground. In BC2 tanks and helis were strong, but there was always counterplay to them.
Honestly BC2 with 64 players and large maps would be perfect.

The tank campaign really felt like what I imagined a good sp Battlefield experience to be when the games still didn't have sp.
But the next game is probs WW2. And I'm really looking forward to Operations in that setting.

>Muh muh infantry
>all those bad bad tanki tanki REEE

sorry but back then people played in squads and tanks were removed very fast. Infantry was perfectly fine.

So like I guessed, you are just another CoD kiddo

>64 players and large maps
but you see, other BC2 fans like the small maps with fast gameplay and infantry mostly....

Not him. But I would say that DICE can’t design big maps properly anymore.
Compare Golmud Railway/Dragon Pass to Dragon Valley or Bandar/Sinai Desert to El-Alamein.

is it dice or EA pushing their shit? Dunno... but yeah maps are shit. best example is operation firestorm.

map is HUGE but all the flags are like in one spot and you just hop from flag to flag with your endless sprint....

Then they don't get what made BC2 good.
BC2 had maps that were large for 32 players, like Harvest Day and Heavy Metal. They were still great maps.
It was the more arcade nature of the game and the balance that made BC2 so good.
The shit maps with almost no cover stop being such a huge issue when there's good ways to deal with helis and tanks as infantry.

>Infantry was perfectly fine.

>everyone dolphin diving all over the place

>more arcade nature

all the battlefields are made for cod kiddies. if you weren't a codkiddy, you'd play operation flashpoint or arma

And yet, that's what the franchise is atm.
It's vaguely pseudo-semirealistic gunplay makes infantry combat much more fun that COD's hitscan and that's the game's draw, as evidenced by infantry centric maps being the most popular.
No amount of elitism is gonna change that.

so many text. just tl;dr

tl;dr: cods like shooters makes more shekels

and EA is one of the greediest jews










That’s the worst bait I’ve ever seen that you don’t even deserve a (You) for it.


Battlefield 2 was pretty bad in retrospect

Move development from Sweden to Poland

implying this rotten generation would ever listen to a commander

You get point for following squad and commander orders

shit opinion

doesnt matter when you can spot the entire map and give artillery support regardless of whether theyre following orders or not

Oldfags should literally kill themselves. Go play PR2 if you want your autistic community back. You faggots don't understand BF is nearly two decades old. The series could either stay dead with no new games or expand into markets. DICE could stand to learn from the older titles for sure but 1942 and BF2fags need to fuck off.

get a team that actually knows how to design maps

Get rid of 3D spotting. Sometimes I'm shooting more red markers than dudes

Words for every game dev these days

I did it. After 200+ hours got bored. My k/d was like 2.7
You should git gud

>Brown man next to Brown wall
Yeah that'll work out well

The only problem I have with BF1 is the unnecessary "diversity"

I just want BF2143 or Bad Company 3

>tfw no 1943 on PC

remove iron sights
add teamed vehicles