Joseph Anderson was right. Odyssey has already been forgotten

Joseph Anderson was right. Odyssey has already been forgotten

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Mario is a dead icon, sure he's pretty recognizable but nobody is buying shit for him. He's the new Pacman.

literally who

People are allowed to have opinions, it's fine.

he's been the face of gaming for 30+ years

he's the face of the entire industry. Odyssey outsold BOTW. There's 2 Universal Mario Theme Park attractions in the works

If anything validates Mario's place on the pop culture pantheon of icons, it's getting his own dedicated section at a major theme park.

Literally Jim Sterling tier "People have different opinions than me, fuck them, I'll show them, 3/5 haha take that."

>Literal who said an opinion I agree with

>e-celeb opinion

Sup Forums - Twitter screencaps

This man clearly is polygon material.

>he's been the face of gaming for 30+ years

Pretty ugly face to put on gaming

>Mario is a dead icon
>Japan is building a real live Mario Kart course for people to ride in

Nigga, you STILL jelly about everyone not liking Sonic?

what the shit? why? and what did he give a hat in time?

The thing is Jim sterling considers a 7/10 a good score, he takes review scores at heart, or Atleast used to since he stopped doing reviews

The whole issue is that the crybabies overdid it over his review that Jim wants to carry the spite because they deserve it

His only good video was the Hearthstone one. But even then he was just spouting shit everyone already knew at that point.

>post a profile picture of literally who
>It's up

Why does he feel the need to scale it to 10? Like it's hard math that he worked out. kek

You cannot give art a rating. True criticism is less concerned about ranking art, and more concerned with discussing the art in question. But I wouldn't expect someone like Anderson to understand...much as I hate to say it, George "I'm a journalist!" WEEDman is the only critic likely to understand.

People still follow this clown and take his opinions seriously?

Good ol' George, he's kind of a tryhard at times but eh. Now that he made that MGS4 video i wonder if he'll make more Zelda close-ups too?

He wants to make it sound as bad as possible, surely

Fuck him, never forgotten.

ACTUAL SMO owner here and yes, I agree with him. Solid 6/10 game.

It's interesting, comparing George's review to Matthewmatosis'. Matt really shows his weakness, as he focuses almost entirely on small details without ever really focusing on the wider artistic implications (which is almost the entirety of Bunnyhop's video).

I reckon BOTW put George off Zelda for a while.

ACTUAL SMO owner here and no, I don't agree with him. If I had to give it a score, it'd be a low 9.

SBH is pretty great. That new MGS4 video is satisfying to watch.

Tell me more about how COMFY it was.

I follow both for different reasons, they both give interesting insights. Unlike Joseph "who cares about controls" Anderson. How did he even end up on Sup Forums's radar?


Why are his videos so long? Is he incapable of being concise? You don't need to spend an hour+ critiquing a game, at that point you're just saying very little with a lot of words.

literally who and what is the odyssey?

That's your opinion, just like my 6/10 is. The game bored me for tears and only got by because it's a Mario game and journalists HAVE to give it good reviews.

ANALysts are cancer.

Why did he place HZD over Zelda? I genuinely did not watch the video, but that's the only fact I know


Horizon Feminist Dawn gives him points with SJWs.


Matt's still my favourite vidya critic dude, I just think he's by far at his best when he's either got enough time to literally cover the entire game in his autistic detail (Dark Souls, DMC) or he covers some artistic part of a game (Lost Soul Arts).
That's your opinion, just like my 9/10 is. I loved exploring all the nook and crannies, but the game definitely got carried by dumb journalists becuz mainline Mario title.

This is Sup Forums - internet celebrities

Because for a couple of months he and the Sup Forums hivemind were shitting on the same games.
The mob is fickle.

>scaled up to 6/10
What did he mean by this

Long time sony fan and hes a stickler for mediocre narratives with zero depth.

his audience is too young to understand how fractions work

"Better Writing"

People here have this strange notion that verbose equals insightful.

Based Joseph Anderson. Independent critics like him are the only ones able to give a truthful review of Nintendo games due to Nintendo's yakuza affiliation

>Super BernieBro

let me do my dark souls 2 video joseph-kun uguu

Serves that faggot right.

>Nintenbabies getting mad because someone has a different opinion to them

Odyssey has outsold BoTW

>scaled up to 6/10

I think this post may be a troll

I would like SBH so much more if he didn't try to be funny when he's mad. Just comes off as butthurt. His newfound desire to become an e-celeb and capitalize on his """"""personality"""""" is annoying too.

He wasn't wrong

We reached the point where being very good for a Mario game means being "forgettable".
But sure, we live in an era where you must be cinematic to be a GOTY 11/10. BotW sure learned that lesson well.

Literally just contrary for the sake of it, you can tell from the past 10 videos he's made. He no longer has joy, spiteful that people care more about his reviews then his awful novels.

>mandalore getting popular enough that japs are making fan art of him and it’s a matter of time until lewds

>The parting was totally amicable
If you have to specify that, its not true.

What does the back look like?

He keeps his politics out of his analysis, excepting throwaway irrelevant jokes, so I'm okay with it.
>if he didn't try to be funny when he's mad
I think he just tries to be funny in general
>His newfound desire to become an e-celeb and capitalize on his """"""personality"""""" is annoying too.
Wait what

he gave nioh a perfect score so he cant be too hard with his scores, simpler answer is hes biased.

I really liked Odyssey. Probably was my favorite game of 2017. The ending made me laugh.

Or maybe he just prefers a skill based game with deep mechanics over a simple, baby tier easy 3d platformer

I don't like this guy so much. His videos seem overly pretentious compared to someone like Matthewmatosis. It seems like he tends to go against the grain for the sake of being contrarian. Who else makes 2 hour long video game analysis like them?

Pretty sure that wasn't drawn by a jap

Why are Nintendo fans so intolerant to different opinions? Honestly, their mindset is really naive, as if they don't even know that opinions exist.

action button dot net has longform reviews which are a lot more introspective than these youtube babies.

I stopped giving a shit about him after his Nier:A and XBC2 comments

same, too bad i spoiled most of it watching the streams that popped up on here

I knew it obviously would outsell Botw, but is there new sales information?

Why do you pretend that this is an issue exclusively for nintendo fans. You clearly have the same issue since you are involved in this dumb consolewar faggotry if you think this is the case.

literally new

>one does 3 hour critical analysis videos of mainstream games
>other does 15-20 minute reviews of older PC titles
>joseph feels a need to still shittalk him on stream
I don't get it. They're not remotely competitive.

It's a children's game that got exceptionally high scores because it's great for the target audience.

Matthewmatosis got popular here, and as such, a proportionate amount of people who dislike him also grew. Joseph Anderson appeared as an alternative, which allowed the people who didn't like matthew to pick a side against him.
It's embarrassingly childish, but that's Sup Forums for you.

Wait is Odyssey not a ezpz kiddie platformer?

>It's a manchild's game that got exceptionally high scores because it's great for the target audience.
Gee it's almost like Joseph has autism

Rated E for Everyone

Thanks, I'll check them out. I really just like Matthewmatosis because the videos are comfy and nice to go to sleep on. He doesn't seem to take himself super seriously and usually just rambles on about his emotions while playing. I can't really see why anyone would truly need two and a half hours to critique a game.
I'm open to hear other opinions but I don't care enough to listen to this guy talk about why he didn't like a platformer for 2 hours. Especially when I can see myself how Odyssey is not a perfect game. I think it's kind of funny how he tweets about it like he's going to drop a bomb on everyone and flip perception instead of just putting out his bloated video when its done.

>he uploaded a video of every moon in the game as some kind of criticism

People take this guy seriously.

>already forgotten
Who cares. Would you rather this game be talked about constantly for 20 years? Hint: Odyssey will be the latter.

Matthewmatosis wannabe. Fails at it too.

>Odyssey has already been forgotten
Just like every other Mario game. These games really are all style no substance.

Wow, this is actually shows an improvement over past titles. You'd collect a Star and have to go all the way back to the hub through loading screens and shit in the older games, even Galaxy games. Glad Nintendo shortened this.


Compared to most other video games which are no style no substance, that's a good thing



This doesn't make me mad or anything. He's entitled to his opinion of course. That said, it is a bummer that he couldn't have enjoyed the game more. It's a 10 for me and one of the best Mario games ever. Oh well.

He's the Mickey Mouse of gaming. Do you know anyone who's favorite show or movie is Mickey Mouse?

He's entited to his opinions, but holy shit as someone quite taken with Neir Automata, his playthrough was hard to watch. Especially for Ending E.

JEsus Christ, was this just taken today?

It's been out since October and it's already at 3rd best seller?

Jesus Fuck waht the fuck went horribly wrong?

What is so absurd about this video? Isn't it just to show how long you would spend watching this animation in total if you went and collected every moon in the game?

Fucking kek. You nintendies will spin ANY negative into a positive. Tell me more about how LA noire running worse than the PS3 version is actually a great thing

I wish Matthew was still alive

Already patched :)

You don't even need to jump to beat the game

It's long, long fucking dead dude.

Read this.

According to Nintendo's latest figures, more than half of current Switch owners have purchased Super Mario Odyssey. The company says 60% of Switch users own the game, but we're not sure if this is based on the current 10 million console sales milestone or standard "over 4.8 million sales" ten-month figure. If it's the former, that means about six million gamers own Super Mario Odyssey, which is a huge sales figure for the plumber's latest adventure.


This guy has shit taste