Windows XP on Switch
yes, i'm sure a closed-source OS used only on X86 architecture got ported (lol) faster than literally anything else in existence
Does it have the 3D Pinball game?
Yes, maybe, idk
Windows 10 can run on Nintendo Switch youtube.com
noice. what other exclusive ports can i get on the Nintendo Switchâ„¢?
it won't. Just because Quallcom introduced x86 virtualization on their ARM chips doesn't mean it'll be cross compatible with Nvidia's Tegra chips (which aside from Swtich and SHIELD devices are literally never used)
please refrain from posting about technology if you have no clue about it
Yes but it's only 15 frames per second.
can you repeat the question?
yes but dynamic resolution only
What do you mean? Windows 10 on ARM is native.
>3D pinball on switch
Nintendo truly won after all
>please refrain from posting about technology if you have no clue about it
Yeah you should stop posting retard
yes, and how exactly is that related to Win 10 on Switch?
I'm okay with that, human eyes can't see small balls past 14.96fps in a higher resolution than 540p anyway.
but why
It means it can run on a Tegra X1 fukin retard
you're the retard here
do you really think porting an OS is as simple as dragging the files from a flash drive to the device?
jesus christ
first of all, good luck getting through Switch's bootloader anytime soon
>first of all, good luck getting through Switch's bootloader anytime soon
lmao, this triggered Nintendicksucker fuckface doesn't know...
what have i started
i don't even have a Switch because i have no interest in it. At least i'm not a mouthbreathing dumbass who doesn't know first thing about how OS' work and yet tries to argue about them.
Nothing you fucking idiot.
All these homebrew, switch is blown the fuck open
Boi if you think nothing then you are blind asf
Look, I'm sure your iPhone purchases and 5 thousand hours of arguing over commercial netbook stickers on Sup Forums makes you think you understand what you're talking about, but in reality it doesn't. Please stop being a tryhard.
i don't go to Sup Forums - Consumer Electronics, but thanks for reminding me why i don't
Ransomware on Switch
>first of all, good luck getting through Switch's bootloader anytime soon