This game had the most tribes like movement mechanics and simulates quake arena bullshit with rocket launcher...

this game had the most tribes like movement mechanics and simulates quake arena bullshit with rocket launcher equivalent and sonic fast bunny hopping.

why the fuck isn't this god tier? its alive in multi 2k every night at least but holy fuck its the best game and its not like 1000000000000 people playing it.

coming from tribes this is a fantastic game, pls play it more so i dont have to wait long for matches :(


Relatively high skill floor which, in 2016, guaranteed doa. Remember, user. People are fucking retarded. Just look at the fat clown in the White House.

I played it, but it's quite boring.
Rush to titan and then try not to die.

I loved it on release and played for a while. Then I took a break and recently tried to come back and play and got my ass handed to me. The community is so small that everyone who's still left is god tier at movement and I get wrecked.

Hopefully Titanfall 3 isnt jewed out.

Yeah if you think that it’s just a mech game that yeah you’re not going to have fun

One of the best games of the decade. Rabi-Ribi and TF2 saved 2016.

Ye, but if you run around with just your pilot you're making yourself weaker. I do cheese shit like drop my titan on the enemy titan and then sit around i nthe invincibility bubble untill it goes out just launching shit at enemy titans. Top on scoreboard.

It's too bad most of the remaining playerbase it either shitty at the game and no challenge, or they're crutch loadout meta memelords who have to win at any cost and sweat themselves to death.

Bullying playlists to death with [tfg] was and technically still is the most fun.

The game is honestly kind of shit

okay movement can be ez pz

its bunny hop with ctrl or c, whatever your crouch is bound too

in the air instead of pressing w, use a / d right / left and you air strafe

i got this game 3 weeks ago and, granted i have been autistic about playing it but its really not that hard once you get the hang of it.

strap on an EPG (basically a rocket launcher) and go to fucking town.




Ideally It's equal Titan and pilot gameplay.

That's why despite loving the movement mechanics and pilot combat, I think the pilots only mode is fucking terrible

I love this game and it’s probably one of my favorite shooters in a very long time but it sucks how dead it was for having no marketing and squeezed right in between Bf1 and Infinite Warfare
The skill ceiling is incredibly high and no skill based matchmaking made it a bit of a mess. After I started getting good it just wasn’t fun stomping almost every game

samefagging again, but if anyone wants insight or help in multi cuz i can totally see why people would be memed out by the autists who still play, but im telling you once you get into it, its great

remember pic related? remember the bliss of friction less sonic fast movement with discs?


Game won't show your fucking death total. Titanfall 2's a joke. Casual trash.

I only avoid pilots vs pilots because that's the fucking tryhards hang out.

Truth be told I'm much worse as a pilot than in titan vs titan combat. I should take the time to shelve my brapp boy and brush up on my routes.

They recently added a firefight-like mode where you co-op with other players against enemy AI for several rounds. I haven't played it, is it any good? Can you match make or does it require friends?

It's got your k/d ratio vs human opponents. Just math it out, retard.

The fuck
I play daily on pc and there are no wait times. Where do you live, OP?

.t conslow

It's fun for a bit, but it wears off once you actually max out the Aegis level of a couple titans. You can matchmake, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to carry an entire shortbus to victory every time.

[tfg] laughed at me for not being a meta shitter

and did it really take so long for people to learn that grapple was fastest kit in the game, people thought it was shit on release

stopped playing because shitscan

>It's terminal.

It's repetitive.
>start as pilot
>shoot around COD style
>Titans begin falling
>Titan v Titan action
>Titan v Pilot action
>Rinse and repeat

>shoot around COD style

Thanks for letting every know you've never played it.

Name one Multiplayer FPS that isn't repetitive.

Third post and we turned into Sup Forums. Stop or I'll molest you

Is there a single video game that you can't call repetitive?

As someone who played Titanfall 2 almost daily since the release day up until December, it's because all the good people from Respawn were put into the campaign and all that's left were the bad people for multiplayer. The game is terribly balanced and the devs don't seem like they care or listen to anyone. It's utterly annoying how the only devs managing the multiplayer for it were incompetent and kept fucking up things further.
This lead most of the players to drop the game and wait for TF3.

The games only major flaws are:
A) not enough projectile weapons and
B) hitscan kills too fast for how accurate it is
otherwise 10/10 fucking amazing
if by [tfg] you mean the discord full of faggots who were so caught up in sucking each others dicks that they willingly seperated themselves from the thread, sure.

A point was still made.

People are retarded. Not the biggest newsflash but than things like this happen and people are genuinely shocked.

third times the charm right


i wait about 2-3 really just bitching about not much.

I just want people to know about how fucking gud this game is fuck. it didnt deserve its fate :/

/tfg/ was a massive consortium of bad kids when the game first came out and id be surprised if theyve somehow gotten good even after all this time

Because the stupid assholes released 1 on xbone only killing any momentum after that thing tanked.

It's weird though considering PS4 only really has CoD as an alternative, though I guess that's just the power of branding, ironically enough.



Is it still active on PS4?

>EA acquired Respawn
Protocol 3...

>tfw it cost $2.99 to unlock your favorite titan in Titanfall 3

i love this game but shit balance and lack of new content killed it
and no, ported maps doesn't count as new content

I don't play mp but the campaign was solid fun, it could have been great if there were less corridors and scripted shit. Some of the more open areas with lots of movement options were tremendous fun and the campaign should have focussed on that type of encounter. Also a major failing of the game is that the mech sections were boring, due to the corridor levels and shitty bosses.

I've still replayed it a few times and intend to again at some point, so it's not like I hate it. It's just a shame that it could have been so much better.

Meh. I only play it to kill time and level up stuff.

>Relatively high skill floor which
You can just sit in a corner behind an amped wall with car, gravity star and smart pistol, I'm sure even the most shit player will be able to get 1:1 stats in this game.
All the skill is in the movement system, not the shooting. And movement is sadly a bit optional in a lot of modes.

It is. Wait times are a little slow however.

Best game with the worst fucking release.

It looks like a rooty tooty cawwadooty and released between two of them.

>I only avoid pilots vs pilots because that's the fucking tryhards hang out.
The real tryhards play live fire. You'll get blown up in a nanosecond there.