Can we all agree that Atlus only needs to work on character development and story in order to make the perfect Persona...

Can we all agree that Atlus only needs to work on character development and story in order to make the perfect Persona game?

Persona games need law and chaos endings

You're forgetting great music.

which of these games are worth playing in current year and in what order

never played any

That's where these kinos excel though.
Best Eastern kino of last year, weird I could only watch it on my PS4 though.

>disregards the fact that it's babby SMT and gameplay needs fixing

Also get rid of dating, brings nothing to the game at all and just a waste of money on creating scenes for them

As long as you avoid 1, 2, the dancing shit, and the fighting shit, that leaves 3, 4, and 5.

I get that its a thematic element that the Joker card attracts people to him, but it still really bothers me that the entire party feel like strangers who only ever acknowledge each other when you're around, or when its involving you in some way. They don't feel like "friends".

Trails of Cold Steel, which is largely inspired by Persona, does this very well with friendships forming among the members of your party that feel very organic and well thought out, even if they never really take the spotlight. On your days off you'll see your party members shopping together, studying together, talking about the ongoing events without you.

My favorite was realizing how often I saw the intimidating and distant but soft hearted noble spending time with the foreigner who doesn't understand their societal hierarchy. It was interesting and made too much sense, but wasn't at all presented as a major story beat. Just something you can notice if you're paying attention.

Persona would do well to incorporate some of that.

the fool card*

But I'm nootroll

I'll second this user's claim. I love it when the party of any rpg doesn't exist in a vacuum, and does things on their own time when the PC isn't around, or interact with each other. I think it's just fluff stuff that games haven't quite nailed down yet, interpersonal relationships and the like.

They need to make a new smt for a non nintendo non handheld platform

>still instant game over if the MC dies despite there being multiple spells and items that resurrect

fucking retarded

They need to make party members or other important characters actually react to SL increases. It feels extreamly disjointed the way it still is.

They still need to work on the dungeon crawling. It's been improved to an extent but the function of sneak attacking enemies is pretty bad. I would prefer a mixture of having the unique shadow bodies but similar to 3-4 where it's possible to not getting the Instant attack. Also the music was weaker in 5, really gotta improve that. I do agree the character development and story need improving, but It's an easy fix of having social links be reflected in dialogue. I know it can add possibly thousands of extra lines, but it's worth it

reminder that Megami Tensei as a whole peaked during the 5th generation games with Soul Hackers being its absolute peak.

1 and 2 are fantastic fuck off

Use this

>avoiding 2
1 is nearly unplayable shit but 2 is great and has the best story and cast.

It certainly wouldn't hurt.

I'd like if protagonist-kun felt more involved with social links and character interactions in general though. I'm kind of tired of choosing a handful of brief linear statements before being declared as the perfect leader and bff of the entire group. Even a few branching interactions or more optional events throughout the main story with those you're in a relationship with would make things feel more involved.

But I guess the current style hasn't stopped them from being successful.

Persona 3 comes closest to that. Sometimes their would be two or three teamates having their own conversation upstairs away from everyone else, or sometimes be out shopping together when your just wandering around, or even when you want to go train some of them don't got cause they gotta study or are doing personal shit.

They only need to focus on character development and story to be REMEMBERED as a great persona game, but it won't actually be such.

Case in point, Persona 3. The game is complete trash compared to 5 and 4, but because people only remember characters and story, hipsters will still rank it above the other two.

>yuzu's tits do not use the 3d feature
i love you Smt starter guide user

Yeah, I really liked the dorm in Persona 3 simply because it allowed the party to interact with each other every night. Just chatting and commenting on current events.

I also liked how the game wasn't afraid to cut away to the characters on their own time. With them meeting up on their own and developing some of their own relationships. The only thing I really remember that was like that in Persona 5 is Makoto getting yelled at by the principal and her older sister.

overhaul social links to be event specific/once/twice a month, or change them dramatically.

They already are doing it. It will be called SMT V

Random encounters are fucking garbage

They already made 3 perfect Persona games

Atlus just needs to cut out all the gameplay fluff and finally turn Persona into a dating sim like LovePlus.