Do you miss it?
Do you miss it?
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Yes. Might try originsRO because they advertise it as having no cash shop but who am I kidding. It won't be the same. Also like 60 players online.
No because it's only fun for a little while then becomes boring because the game is pointless. There isn't even a story or anything like that, it's just "hey go grind levels. why? because"
You can never go back.
For many people here on Sup Forums, playing Ragnarok Online was a period of our lives where we first learned about socializing online, making friends, and maybe even having an online gf/bf for the first time.
These memories get triggered when listening to RO's memorable soundtrack.
It hurts, but we can not go back to our teen years.
I am convinced most people here while playing RO also watched Love hina in .rmbv. and downloaded it over WinMX on an incredibly shitty internet connection.
So here for nostalgia sake.
I did play the dating sim
So close enough
Is the psp game any good?
nah, but my favourite RO server had like the 2nd or 3rd Bleach intro as its launch cutscene and that got me into Bleach
Fuck you, now it's stuck in my head again.
>Enter PVP Zone
>*Body Relocates behind you*
wtf?. You were playing RO waay too late then.
This theme brings me a lot of emotions and make me slightly uneasy. Not only because listening to it meant a failed login, but it is very eerie for me. I feel its telling me to get ready for a magic and different new world. Am i autistic?
How do you miss something that still exist?
Acutally I wrote a really long and unedited thing about Ragnarok a while ago when ToS was coming out.
I should probably actually finish it one day.
Anways a big TL;DR.
RO was a very unique MMO for it's time very much comparable to EVE online.
It's technical restrictions forced a lot of socialization online and it's open world approach left players unguided making their own adventures.
These types of games don't exist today because tutorials and such are mandatory and most MMOs these days try to push you into some sort of endgame.
RO was incredibly time consuming, convoluted and complex. Yet it's exactly these things that made it was it was.
The simple fact that you had to communicate with people to trade, to go leveling, to do any sort of useful endgame task made RO an incredibly social game.
Take FFXIV one of the most popular games right now. You can go from LV1 to 70 without so much as typing a single word. Everything is explained and your hand is held way until the end. I have several LV70 classes in FFXIV and while it's a fun game in it's own right and all. It severely lacks in any sport of exploration or socialization features. You socialize by joining a guild. It's not forced. And if you force random people to talk it's a very different story compared to a guild.
I learned what Naruto was through RO because there were so many Brazilians named after him.
There actually is a story and a questline for each area with some of them reaching into new lands. The Lighthalzen questline comes to mind with whatever evil deeds the Reckenbacher company are up to.
It's not much, but it's something.
Yes, but do not worry. You can overcome autism through grinding Leaf Cats to incredibly funky music. meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
switch port when
Man this anime was an adaptation of the MMO as much as Doom the movie was an adaptation of Doom.
So much potential, it could have been SAO on steroids.
Then again good it wasn't imagine the fanbase...
I feel a similar way. It gave me a sense of wonder and excitement. A reminder of the past.
This posts basically summarize why i cherish my RO days so much.
I still keep in touch woth 2 friends that i made back then, up to this day
So what'd you main? I was a high priest, giving free warps/buffs to nif while chilling in alberta with my guild.
No, but I will always, always, ALWAYS be angry about what happened to it between the beta closing and "official launch." So take heart; if you ever become lost in life, or feel like you can't even tell up from down, or become scared shitless that everything in your life is a lie, you can always use the fact that I will be angry as a metaphorical rock in the river of time. No matter what happens, or what else changes in your lives, I will always be mad.
I was a social outcast because no one wanted to party with an Assassin pre-Ice Pick.
Why'd they have to make it so edgy anyway? Did they really need to have a loli raped in a Ragnarok anime?
mate I'd been playing it for years on the legit servers but they cost too fuckin much so I swapped
Don't mind me. Just playing the best RO song.
spent 1000+hours fire walling clocks as a mage.
Nah it just means you enjoy escapism. Escaping into the magical/mysterious world of RO was one of life's greatest joys.
>Check the date
>Its the Thirteenth Month of 2017
Why arent you dancing, user?
naw I watched off Kazaa on RP
also even back then I was a bookfag over animefag so I wasn't into the show
Odyssey Ace - meh
the other two - dogshit
There is story you dumb fuck, you're just the kind to blindly grind which to be fair 99% of the game players were. King Tristan III funded 'adventurers' as a means to raise Army without announcing it to fight Arunafeltz and Schwartzwald. It also goes back with the comics.
Always find if fascinating how we're such weird animals.
When you're trained something at a young age it becomes so memorable.
That fucking track for example. I feel nothing but dread and unease, I was a priest and often went in with parties. I played on the real server. It's a nightmare. Fucking everything want to kill you and it's such a creepy place too. You have nothing to fight back if you get left alone and your only hope is teleport over and over again.
Meanwhile this track is pure joy of heal-bombing shit and teleporting with an occasional magnif.
90% of Sup Forums is too young to have played this during it's peak
There is one big regret I will always, always have in life.
I played on so many RO servers, and with each PC format I deleted all the screenshots I made, always forgetting to back them up.
I have a played this game for a good 10 years at least. Yet I have nothing to show for it.
All my online friends from way back... I don't even remember their names anymore. So many comrades lost to obscurity.
>There isn't even a story or anything like that
You never played the game if you think this. Or never played it beyond the grind you discredit.
I was that priest slut who tried to flirt with you, but you weren't going to put up with my bullshit because I flirted with literally everyone on the server for items.
60 players, three quarters of which will be from Philippines or Brazil speaking broken English, or none at all. Everyone editing game assets to cheat on WoE. No random parties to level up, entire maps and dungeons empty as they are not "optimal" for anything. Guilds that during non WoE hours will have no activities like dungeon runs, that will not try to gear members and instead will expect them to show up with +10 gear from day 1, etc.
There's no avoiding it.
I fapped so many times to acolyte.
This was my first RO's doujin
I think the vast majority of Sup Forums didn't actually play the game.
They ginded and had fun on high rate servers.
I doubt a lot of people here had the money or the internet connection back then in 2002~2005 to playing on iRO and literally grind for a year to get to 99.
I mean the time where there really was no real end game dungeons. Where it took that long to get to max level.
I started playing shortly after Yuno patch came. And I was around 96 when Niflheim was released.
It's a bit odd to me that you equate "actually play"ing RO with grinding to level 99 in niflheim, and not simply having fun with your friends in whatever way that might be. Or doing the cool story quests such as the Kiel Hyre quest, or the Sign quest.
I agree playing on private servers is dumb though.
Every day.
I can't believe none of those fucking retarded MMO companies managed to create a worthy successor yet.
Just brainstorm what made the game so great and either emulate it or make it better:
>freedom in stat and skill distribution
>monster cards
>upgrade system
>War of Emperium
>character sprites in combination with 3D environments
>party and guild-system
RO had this interesting dynamic you're right. While on paper a dungeon might appear to be the most optimal one that also hugely depended on the population in the said dungeon. Often times it was easier to go to a sub optimal place because it was less crowded.
Then when you're new there also the big issue of transport cost. Before all the warp bullshit people had to walk to Orc Village to get some EXP. It actually felt like you went there because it took a good 5 minutes to get there. And once you're there and you register your spawn point there you're fucked if you well fuck up. You can wait a good 5 minute for you HP/SP to recover and walk back to town or you can log out and stay there.
Like I said before the technical limitations really made the game for me. Choices felt like they were just that. If you committed to go farm Zen Orc you better come prepared to actually invest time there.
Not queue up for some shitty 4 man dungeon.
Holy shit. I never knew I've wanted this since the Switch came out.
By actually playing RO I mean investing a lot of time in it. Like 6-9 months of your time to level a single character.
Technically sure you could grind it out in a month or two to 99 if you just did that. Obviously I didn't.
Hi guys.
The better Ragnarok Opening
Who /MesaRO/ here?
>private server
>slightly upped rates
>small community
it was so good
Don't you like it?
yes exactly.
It wasn't the hats, or cards, or even the amazing OST.
It was the fact that, once you chose your stats or skills, they were locked in. Once you chose your class, it was locked in.
You had to walk pretty much everywhere. None of this teleporting around to any and all areas of the game bullshit like in every modern MMO. It forced you to explore the world, and it was nice a nice world.
and yeah none of that click one button and you join a party of other people trying to do the same dungeon while also probably being warped there.
in RO, you had to actually socialize to get a party going.
Modern MMO designers are so fucking stupid. Catering to laziness, and allowing players to faceroll through the game without interacting with other players.
The fuck is that?
A great deal of what made RO great was the card/item system.
Instead of fucking the whole game every patch like WoW and it's clones like Aion, Tera, FFXIV and so on do. You gear from the previous patch was pretty damn good.
Take a Muffler [1] with a Raydric Card. This thing was relevant for builds for 5 years. It didn't suddenly get obsolete once Survivor's Manteau or Pauldron [1] came out. Same with Manteau [1].
I particularly how most enemies had unique drops, and many of them had uses beyond selling. That, and the card system, meant you'd often have a reason to return to lower level areas, which helped mitigate some of the ghost towns lower level areas become.
Well there a big issue. I play FFXIV these days on and off as patches come and go.
The incredibly vast majority of the subs are well ultra casuals. They play the game 2~3 hours a day at best. Often not playing it for days and then login in to do a new dungeon or something...
Thats why you see these incredibly dips in players once a patch is 1 month old. The hardcore faggots have done all the raids and the casuals have done the easy mode dungeons and then they just quit.
I doubt most of the people I used to play RO with could invest that kind of time in it again. They're like all 25+ now. I'm near 30 myself. While I don't have a a wife or kids, I still have obligations towards my company and family and friends etc...
Did they censor mob sprites for some specific market or something?
I just went to ratemyserver
at least they didn't fuck with Maya.
>not maya
Gotta start somewhere.
Speaking of XIV, I went back to XI a couple months back and even with Trusts I socialized with more players outside my LS then I did outside my FC in XIV over the last year or so, its crazy to think about. You genuinely don't have to talk to anyone in game for anything anymore.
>be newbie
>run into teleports to explore the world
>get sent to xmas place, fenced in
>no way out
>no fwings/bwings
>"buy fwings for $$$$$!"
luckily someone took pity on me and gave me one for free
Yeah thats exactly what I mean. Just about every modern MMO feels like a Single Player game these days.
That one Chinese mobile remake actually would fit pretty well on the Switch
The first time I logged on during the first iRO beta some guy led me to the desert and logged off even though I wanted to take the swordie test in Izlude
Ah ye the good old days when as a priest I made a nice side income by people asking me if I had warp to Orcs or Clock etc...
I played in this one private server that had a Kafra teleport to Aldebaran from Prontera, but no Krafra teleport in Aldebaran itself. So a lot of people that saved their spawn point there for Clock Tower but realized they were not ready for it found themselves being five maps away from Prontera and would die time and time again to Argiope and Mantis until they ragequit.
Every day. This was in the Musical this year.
There will never be a support class as robust and vital as priest again
>robust and vital
I think thats the only class in a game ever that literally made everyone in the party 10-15 levels stronger.
Priest is the GOAT support class, supposedly a healer by name but it has literally only two healing skills, one of which just sits on the ground.
Goddamn it I miss RO so much.
:( yes.
Although Tera came pretty close.
I felt very needed and useful there as well.
Especially because I was actually good at the game, and knew all the mechanics of that one caterpillar boss in the Alice&Wonderland looking dungeon without getting hit.
Also was good at fighting the Argon Queen.
Quit Tera when they started removing dungeons I enjoyed doing, and getting frustrated at the faggy, pedo playerbase.
Best part is it really only needs the one, all other healing classes in MMOs feel retarded when compared to priest.
I really liked the Priest but the male sprite was so fucking goofy.
Maybe I should've played a female instead.
Man, girl-priest was so fucking lewd in this game
>Make support priest
>Suddenly im wiping everything from Glast Heim solo
>Im outdpsing every other "damage dealing" class by an order of magnitude.
meh, grand cross crusader was still stronger when it came to undead obliteration
How you do maintain that DPS? Heal bombs eat your mana fast. Magnif can only do so much. I was there with an archer always and he had one thing I didn't. Tons of sustain.
So did anyone here actually PvP on a high level?
TERAs playerbase is the sole reason I won't go back, despite wanting to try the new content.
Never did MvP WoE or PvP, mainly because I didn't have the people to do it with.
Was still fun grinding for shit.
What a retard.
Yeah. Good on you, mate.
Fuck that playerbase, and fuck BlueHole.
They should have just left out the you know what race, and I'd probably still be playing it.
Fucking faggots.
Sure, early on. About 2 years in this Breaker Assassin got ahold of a Ghostring card and it was pretty much GG for my enthusiasm. Bitch just wouldn't die. Wish I'd been in his guild.
I stopped losing interest in the game when things got super serious like that.
The entire competitive gaming is strange to me. I have so many fond memories of RO, none of them are tied to winning.
I remember my friend getting the first ghostring card on euRO Loki.
ayy lmaoing was ensued.
Yeah but only on a gay private server
I've never even played it and I miss it.
Before they changed priest safety wall to unstackable yes
Spammed it and just slowly smacked people to death
>miss it
Nigga everyone still plays it. Just dont be that fag that server hops between dead servers or who cares about guild drama.
What? Ghostring isn't even a good card (but Deviling is). Just freeze him and kill him. Literally instantly dead to Frost Joke + Asura.
>pvp on high level is when i have the complete upper hand
I don't think that's what he meant.
>that one girlfriend i got by cheering her up when she was sad from breaking up with someone else
>which resulted in me having a big RP family
Those were strange times.
No sweetheart.
We don't all still play it. That's kind of apparent here.
I'm sure you, personally, are still very much attached because of all the money or time you've invested but the majority of us have given up on it years ago. Despite how difficult it is to quit.
>getting people SEETHING with Ninja in PvP
you suck
I used to be one of the best PVP Supernovices. I could take almost any class 1v1, but it was always a stalemate vs Paladins, Knights and Priests.
>tfw decloak 1-shotting people with Vulcan Arrow on Clown
I wonder what other regional server hub town is?
like I know in NA server the hub town everyone use is Prontera but in Thai Server it was Morroc
>money invested
*breathes in*
wow that's a dank new meme bro, can I save that?
>difficult to quit
I admit it's a game everyone always comes back to but it's always been just a casual grind simulator as far as MMOs are concerned. There's no endgame and once you've done PVP and all the MVPs there's not much else to it.