Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Thread

Why is this game so goddamn addicting fuck. I normally can only play RPGs in short bursts but I've literally spent this whole week doing nothing but play this.

First for Kasandra a cute!

I dunno, I've dropped it until they do something about the crashing

So is the Master Luck mode a meme cuz why does Tora even need the luck for? he can't roll blades
that fucking Master eva mode is still not spawning after hours of grinding

I don't really know either.
I couldn't get into XC1 even after trying 3-4 times, but 2 just hooked me.

>why does Tora even need the luck for?
Critical hits ya jabronie

Someone compared Morag with Forte from Galaxy Angel and I just want to say you're a cool motherfucker.

You mean the memory leaks? That only happened to me once or twice and I'm about 100 hours in

wasn't dex for that?

Best bladefu

I have a fetish for androgynous woman wearing military clothes.

Dex is defense.

I don't know. I just know that the game has crashed 4 times in 30 hours and playing it more than an hour or so is stressful.

Dex is accuracy (vs agility which is evasion)

Is there any other art of the characters from 1 and 2 together?

Nothing out of the ordinary for me, I marathoned the original and X to 100% too.

Does anybody else just pretend that Rex is a full grown man so that it's easier to self-insert?

Dex is defense. Agility is evasion. Why are you making shit up?

Wow....so this is the power of CHOCO....whoa...

I went completely blind into this game without any expectations whatsoever. I'm already at chapter 8 and I can't remember the last time I didn't want a game to end THAT badly as with this one.

pic related, it's best bladefu

So how long until Mochi does something with XC2?

>Pandy's glasses become clear after an emotional event in the story
>Brighid's eyes stay closed the entire game except for a single instance in Ch.6. Not even in the Finale she opens them

Motherfucking WHY

>Tora has a high natural Dex stat because he's a tank
>Misses more than Rex with a lower base Dex stat
Where on earth did you hear that

She has beautiful eyes as well.

I really want to marry Morag & settle down & have a wonderful family with her dedicated to the glory of Mor Ardain, & I want our children to get along with Auntie Brighid & love her until we expire & they must inherit her for the empire’s glory.

Brighid just gives that little of a fuck all the time.

Because Brighid is a shit eating character with no emotional growth whatsoever.

By design, actually. She has a diary outlining how she's "supposed" to act and thus has spent all her time with Morag practicing how she's supposed to be perceived. She's already at the end of her emotional journey by the time she joins the party.

Under what conditions does it crash? I've somehow managed to avoid crashing and I've played over 150 hours.

>That shitty final chapter

What the fuck happened? Poorest last act in a Xeno game so far.

Any time I play more than, say, an hour. I think the first crash happened after a fast travel to Torigorth, then while exploring Uraya, once in a menu, and the last time I played (lost 2 hours progress) after a fast travel to Mor Ardain. It has completely killed my confidence in the game and I'm not playing until it is confirmed fixed.

>field skill point
>need 9 electric mastery and 4 fortitude
>missing 3 electric
>open menu
>open character menu
>go to engage blade
>scroll through the list for each character for electric blades
>change blades
>try again
>missing 2 fortitude now because accidentally changed that blade out

What do you mean lad? What else was there to happen?

Here (you) go

>Zenobia's quest line
>all those fucking field checks

im fucking bored as fuck.

is this game that good? I never played these titles.

Never crashed on me in 170 hours either and I played for long stretches of like 8 hours at a time. Might be due to memory leak issues, and thus it won't happen if you always turn the Switch off rather than putting it in sleep mode.

Do you have the download or physical version? I got the physical and I've done multiple over 12 hour sessions and have not got any crashes yet even though I fast travel a lot.

Did we play the same game?
>final bosses of 1 & 2 are going on at the exact same time
I blew a load through my wall at that exact scene.

Play the first game.

If you don't like it, you probably won't like this one.

I dunno but where was all the wild twists? After the architect expositions the fuck out of you, everything is played incredibly straight, even the final battle.

Physical version, with both patches installed.

I have almost 200 hours and haven't had a single crash and have played 6+ hours at a time on multiple occasions.

Maybe your SD card is going bad and the game is trying to read patch data or the the JP voices? I had a similar issue happening with other games and my card was the problem. Oddly, checking the card for issues on my computer didn't find any problem with it.

Dex is dexterity, they say so in the tutorial

>that pleasure face on Brigid
They even did art for it, but never made use of it in game...shame

I don't know what to say my dude. Either the game cartridge or your switch is fucked.

Everybody else was dead man, no other twists to throw in. Surely super-powered Amalthus erupting from the floor after his titan was blown up was a twist enough for you

It saves him from one attack from the ultimate boss in the game. The one status that kills you like 5 seconds after it hits.

Why did you want twists? What good would that have done?
There weren't really any big twists that could have dropped without compromising the core themes and ideas of the games.

It's played straight because the game's said all it needs to say thematically.

The Zanza twist in XC1 wasn't great because it was unexpected but because it's fucking relevant to the ideas of the game, the relationship between man and his creator

Doubt it, every other game works perfectly, but XB2 is somehow crash prone.

It's apparently a common problem, was noted in several reviews.

>Malos' Blade
>What's under the cloud sea
>beginning of chapter 10
What are you talking about? Yeah, no edgy twists happened but not every game needs one to be good.

That's not XBX, and I say that as someone who liked it over XB2 overall

>Usually love anime tiddies
>See XB2
>Scenes I've seen look like generic cringey anime, even though the babes are hot

I've heard great things about the game, and I really don't want to be that guy, but I'm skeptical from what I've seen so far.

How good is the game?

Which one is the ultimate boss?

The final chapter of Xenoblade X is good though?

Stop being an ironic weeb faggot and play the game

I enjoyed it, even though it took me some time to get over how silly some of the character models look. Eventually the style grows on you honestly. I don't normally play JRPG's or other waifushit but I've got nearly 200 hours into the game so far.

Are you sure all the other games work fine? When my card started going bad, the oldest games I had downloaded got fucked and the screenshots and data management menus were taking long to load.

Also, maybe try exchanging the cartridge in case it's bad like that other user suggested.

It's really not, especially relative to XB2 and especially XB1.

Final boss sucked dick

All the really tongue in cheek stuff happens earlier in the game. It basically stops by chapter 4

The final act of XBX was the highlight of the game and had a shitload of great story points actually

>What a splendid soul Jin is

Fuck, how did he become so likeable?

The amount of fanservicey shit is relegated mostly the the blade design and some HtH. There's really not even THAT much within the actual story, and it's mostly in the earlier chapters

That's not the Ganglion invasion of NLA user

If you're just comparing the Xenoblade games, then yeah, I guess it might be the worst, but I think it's really good either way.

I don't feel like Zanza or Aion are particularly exciting final bosses either anway.

chapter 10 of blade 2 is the best part of any xenoblade/saga game

It's gears mixed with galaxy express

The main story kinda is cringey anime, but that's because most of the story goes to bullshit Nomura OC powers, and not enough scenes to give Rex a real relationship. The other girls are fine though.


I'm beggin' ya.

Stop trying to make it out as a fault of my hardware. I've put 200+ hours in to BotW. 100+ in to Splatoon. Mario Kart 8. Doom. LA Noire. About fifteen indies. Not a SINGLE crash.

Xenoblade 2 I've encountered 4.

Sympathetic villain.
the real crime is that he does not become permanent party member.

Because you realize all of Torna:
>actually are just fucked hard by Amalthus in some way or another
>don't actually want to destroy the world, just want a better world
And basically they all get redeemed by Rex's optimism showing them that improving a shitty world is better than destroying it.
I loved the atmosphere of traveling around with Jin, Brigid, Poppi and Mythra in Morytha.

he just got super fucked over

He's just really relatable user

How long do dead core crystals take to reactivate? I've been running around doing quests and they're still gray. Is it just combat or what?

The level 130 boss that drops the chip to give rare blades their original weapons

it feels like my early days in WoW desu. very addictive.
genuinely enjoy leveling up/equipping new items

Works on my system :^)

Number of battles.

>post yfw

IMO of the 3 plot points in X it was

Lifehold Core battle > Battle of NLA > That incomprehensible cutscene where the earth is invaded

So why did Jin die? He raped Amalthus pretty well and then just disappeared. Why?

The villains were all pretty strong. Malos is the best though

FFFF time to go beat some mooks up then.

Too much power, could not contain

Cool. It doesn't with me, I'm waiting for a patch.

Using his power kills him. Every time he goes into Nomura mode he had to spend time in the regen tube

reminder that this game had features cut and overhauled in the build up to launch

He's a 500 year old Flesh Eater, he'd been prolonging his life with Tornan technology (he starts to weaken at the end of chapter 5 too) but he's basically just kicking his can down the road and trying not to expend too much energy at once

He expended all his remaining energy from his fight with Rex against Amalthus

Was it ever explained How Malos could have a Blade if he himself was an Aegis? A Blade can't junction another blade can they?

I'm pretty sure encyclopedia would just be the Blade Catalog

My guy he was about 15 seconds from death ever since we battled him Morytha. Pneuma saved him once, then he got healed by Nia, spent some time in his healing chamber, etc. Dude was fucked. I thought he wasn't going to be able to finish killing Amalthus before dying t b h

Akhos still deserved to die.

how to bang her?

Nope, it's a plot hole but basically just one of those things they expect you to accept

Maybe Sever will tell us in NG+

Im 52h in, I have a job and bought it on dec23rd. Help me

>but with two swords
I'm kind disappointed he didn't keep up his theatre geek shtick through to the end

Jesus christ and I thought the current menus looked awful.

I kinda prefer these blade sprites though

The Aegises have a lot of strange powers the other blades don't. I'm not too surprised he could do that.

no it's not all that stuff exists in the other menus

Fuck, that was pretty obvious.
So, what about predictions for the third game? Any stuff that comes to mind that might be in it?

Just saying it's worth considering different possibilities and worth trying to play without the SD card in for a while.
In any case, they'll probably release another patch this month along with the dlc.

Give me a hug, thunder loli. Hadn't posted this since pre-release now that I think about it.