
>US loves the switch
>Japan loves the switch
>Europe hates the مفتاح كهربائي

why do nintenbros never wanna talk about worldwide sales
usa is less than 50% white

Should I buy a switch?

Yes, and buy tons of games for it. Join us now before it's too late.

Germany became non-white in one generation

call me when it hits 70 million

Are you an early to mid 20s white male with thinning hair, glasses, patchy facial hair and an awkward smile?

>usa is less than 50% white

Uh, no it isn't. It's like 70% white, 13% black, 10% latino and then asian.

America has been a weapons trading partner with Saudi Arabia and responsible for the creation of the Taliban, the rise of ISIS and the current migration situation in Western Europe. They also send billions of dollars to Israel, making sure the region stays on fire.
I really wish you braindead mongrels would get a little perspective from time to time. You'd think the Twin Towers attack would have been that moment but instead if made you fuckers double down with retarded lack of self awareness.

>Implying Europe won't be soon enough.

Why do Sonygers pretend the Wii didn't exist?

the absolute delusion in this post

Guess which region matters most


Hahahaha!! :)))

>if America didn't send money to Israel and just let the, get invaded by Arabs the Middle East will finally be peaceful

Wii exists, it just not relevant in terms of discussion. That would be like me bringing up PSOne sales when talking about Xbox One quarterly.

Isn't that counting Latino as white?

>having neighbors that aren't white means you also aren't white
LOL stay salty Jomacdo


In Canada we don't count Arabs or Hispanics as white but you do

You know Americans count mutts and spics as white, right?

Pic related would never pass as a white person in my country

Only in America

Hey man, I'll have you know I have a full head of hair and only need glasses when reading.

Not Eurabia, unless it's for FIFA sales, and that's only for EA. So congrats on being the lifeblood of EA.

Yeah it is, the US is around 56% white (thus the memefaces). It's projected to be around 30% black if they didn't get so many abortions.

Or bringing up PS4 sales when we are talking about the next gen Switch breaking records


>has white skin
>somehow isn't white
please stop, you've broken our wall down and caused a disturbance

>EU in charge of being relevant
>still needs a foreign nation for protection

Japan by far? Japanese developers use it as the measuring stick for their game's success and it's the the audience they pander to most. America and Europe are afterthoughts.

>It's like 70% white
It's 56% "white", which includes Middle Easterners, self proclaimed white Hispanics and North Africans.

Context, you stupid fucking mongrel.

>get invaded by Arabs the Middle East
Two things: Israelis are Arabs and America is also funding the Saudis. The Syrian civil war is primarily a proxy war between America and Russia, with the Americans being the ones keeping it alive for profit.

You really seem to have no fucking awareness of what your nation does abroad.

And ps4 sold 20 million these last 10 months.

>white skin means you're european

ok kid

why would I buy this besides zelda and mario?

No, the 56% excludes Hispanics the 70% number includes them. I personally think America is only 20% white because most of those 56% are Irish and Italian which aren't white

if you're use languages to make a point at least say that Japan loves the スイッチ

Because people like COD and FIFA

Let's see.

>You really seem to have no fucking awareness of what your nation does abroad.
Cool, tell what Canada does abroad

So you can get laid you stupid virgin so(n)ynigger.

Do you have anything useful to say, or just more salt?

>still needs a foreign nation for protection
You FUCKING IDIOT. NATO was created because the Americans were heavily against the idea of a strong military presence in Europe after the war they profited greatly from. The American military complex does not want to remove their countless military bases abroad.
Why are Americans so fucking pig ignorant?

>No, the 56% excludes Hispanics the 70% number includes them.
Your own fucking data doesn't agree with you, moron.

Fuck off you facetious little cretin.

>go to the supermarket
>less than 20% of the people there are white

glad to see your DRMbox is doing so well fanboys

>revenue generated by both free-to-play (F2P) and pay-to-play (P2P) massively multiplayer online (MMO) games worldwide by region

Yes it does dumb cunt, and don't tell me to fuck off dumb euro shitter
If it weren't for us you'd be sucking Hans smegma dick right now, oh wait he converted to Islam so never mind
I hate you euro niggers so much, do you sit there all day just waiting to talk about America? Why are you so fucking obsessed about them, if it weren't for you euro niggers I'd never have to even think about America but you can't stop bringing them up


Switch isn't next gen. Lemme guess you're probably one of those dummies that thought Wii U was eight generation. Generations change when Microsoft or Sony makes a move, not Nintendo.

They still can develop their own militaries and aren't because they lean on the US, get over it Eurotrash. Besides the Swiss of course, because you guys are OK.

i don't have brown eyes