Prove me wrong
Prove me wrong
>on the go
Who the fuck sits in place for an hour playing rhythm games, That shit is prime on the bus/train timesink material
Yeah I sure love playing immersive roleplaying games on the go where there are hundreds of distractions
Absolutely not. You need your own space, grounding and time for rhythm games. I could never play something intense like DJ MAX on the go.
You must play on babby tier difficulties or Vocaloid rhythm games.
The only games worth sitting down for are ones to get good at. RPGs are like taking a book on a plane. theres no skill ceiling and certainly no gratification for playing them.
You're pressing buttons on a device jimmy, Not breakdancing on a DDR mat. You don't need room for that.
You shut the FUCK up Onsokumaru.
>On the go
Who let you out of the retard pen?
>Onsokumaru still posts on Sup Forums
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>at home
Alright I can tell now you're either baiting or retarded. Here's my last (You).
RPGs are the equivilent of Video game books, the most linear form of gaming to date, and are easily completed with time. Theres no point sitting around and playing an RPG for more than 4+ hours unless you're a couch potato who does nothing productive in life.
>on the go
Yes, and?
What is moba?
>RPGs are the equivilent of Video game books, the most linear form of gaming to date, and are easily completed with time. Theres no point sitting around and playing an RPG for more than 4+ hours unless you're a couch potato who does nothing productive in life.
I agree with the other guy. I can't imagine carrying a taiko drum and beatmania controller with me wherever I go.
The game can be beaten in ~80 hours most times, and the story never changes. It's a book.
>on the go
Shitposting on Sup Forums and/or listening to music, I don't know why people need to play vidya every second of every day
cant imagine trying playing osu with a graphic tablet and a keyboard on a bus
Can't imagine playing Osu