Is it worth the 40$ on steam?

Only souls I haven't played yet, should I?

This is now a crystal thread

>only souls I haven't played yet

Well do you want to play the same exact game you've played 3 times by now (4 if you count BB)? Then get it.

Wasn’t it on sale until yesterday

get it on sale, and set your expectations lower
2 isn't a bad game at all but it's not at the level of polish you'd expect coming from other souls games

Get it on sale
It's not worth paying that much to play the most frustrating title in the series

If you liked the other souls games you'll enjoy it. Yes it gets some things wrong but there's a lot of neat stuff too. Power stance is fun.

It's worth playing but I'd wait for it to go on sale.

I still find a victim for an invasion faster in sotfs than in ds3. Also sotfs has the best pvp of all

So is this a fetish or what?

I still remember when this was considered the epitome of weird on the interenet

No it's only worth it on a sale

One can only assume so. Seems like a classic case of
>My fetish is super specific so I need to draw my own porn

>only worth on a sale
>easily has 100+ hours of actual content in it

what did he mean by this?

Any fix needed for it?

this version is the fix

Why the fuck are you looking at Steam prices 24 hours after the sale ended?
Anyway yeah it's worth the price, especially if you have a friend to co-op it with. There's no password system, you need to both buy the Name-Engraved Ring. Level Adaptability or die.
Sup Forums hates it, but most of them haven't played it since day 1 when it was a buggy trainwreck with an unfinished story and ran at 20fps on consoles. PC version is excellent and SOTFS includes all the DLC, plus some new stuff with Vendrick and Aldia that clears up the story.

No. Reshade is recommended though because the colours are pretty washed-out in a few areas.

Dont pay full price for old games.

except that the servers are on a deadline with Demon's' soon biting the dust

>Why the fuck are you looking at Steam prices 24 hours after the sale ended?
I didn't feel like playing it before, what a shame.
next sale when

maybe you can find it on a keysite or something for a reasonable price

but it's a good game, if you liked souls you will probably enjoy the playthrough, or at least see why it's the most divisive game in the series

I like it alot more than 3 personally.

Crystal 1986 has a friend who has Marfan's syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects tissue development so that you're a tall, lanky skeleton with Abraham Lincoln cheeks, a sunken in rib cage and spider hands.

Marfan people can have a lot of health complications, so this guy's friend was probably at the hospital a lot.
Crystal 1986, based on his art and descriptions is seemingly gay for his friend despite stressing the fact that both he and his friend are asexual (though he seems to be doing it because his friend claims to be, Marfans people can have low sex drives). Crystal seems to have a fetish for his friends abnormal hands, a fetish for him being sick from his disorder and also believes in healing crystal magic.

This has all accumulated in artwork of characters being "healed" by crystal magic at the cost of being given Marfans syndrome. The artist himself judging from the art and his fixations is probably autistic.

Jesus fucking christ and i thought the WB logo fucker from Sup Forums was insane

>WB logo fucker
That's news to me but I do know of a guy who commissions sexualized and anthropomorphized art of the orange bag that Nintendo uses as their e-store icon.

original fag here. i preordered demons souls when PS3 was still a meme and i preordered ds1 too.

DS2 is crap. do NOT waste money on it. such a waste of a game

>Is DS2 worth playing?


>thought I might like it since I like the other souls

>got bored of the bland world and forgettable bosses, still haven't finished it

I saw this on the other thread
is that before or after the fix?

answer pls

Best game in the series due to the best combat mechanics and the sweet spot in the poise balancing. Get it if you like Souls games in general. I've just replayed 2 one more time after finishing 3 and it's superior to 3 in most aspects when it comes to gameplay mechanics.

Not him, but there is no fix, because there's nothing to fix. If you fuck up the timing - you're fucked. DS2 is the most difficult game for a reason and this is the reason you see so many mongoloids on Sup Forums hate it: they simply cannot git gud.

Is this from one of the dlcs? Because I don't remember this part.

It's from the Brume Tower DLC. You're supposed to sprint through the corridor almost without rolling, but the shitter wastes time on five or so rolls and gets BTFO.

>unironically defending this

top lol

Git gud, shitter. This isn't your typical babby souls game.

I like Dark Souls 2, it features better pvp than the first game had, almost no gankers, long ass healing animation and parrying requires ACTUAL skill.