my gray Joy-Cons are officially on sale

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is this you op

why does Nintendo of America pull this shit when these colors have existed in Japan since like July?

>Opera Snapshot


>they reversed them for no reason
I don't get NoA.

Having anything other that gray makes you a manchild.

They were in Europe too I bought them last November.

They have to localize the colors first. You can't see it normally but there's microscopic text under each control stick that reads "check your privilege"


thanks doc

thanks doc

That's easy.

If you own the Splatoon bundle, they're reversed. This way you can have double green or double pink. I think that's the reason.

Cпacибo дoктop

the best browser on the market. yes, it has an incredibly useful snapshot feature

lads ...

Just please don't tell me you're using the versions after the Chinese bought it and turned into a a shitty Chrome reskin


Because America is owned by corporations. They've been available here too, but exclusively at Walmart(TM) and exclusively from the Splatoon bundle. Walmart threw fat wads of $$$ in front of NoA and NoA bent over for them.

Now I can shell out the cash for a fully Callie flavored switch experience.

1. it's not a chrome reskin, not even close
2. it's by far the best browser with unique features you can't get anywhere else

This, the neon blue/red is also reversed in case you bought the blue/red switch


Fuck off

Yet another neat thing that we'll never see outside of Japan.

Fuck you, NoA. I'd buy those colors.

Is this real?
If so I need it. I CRAVE IT

>we'll never see outside of Japan
>game isn't region-locked
>neither are controllers
>it's fucking Taiko so you don't even need to know moon
what is stopping you from importing
give me one good reason

>have enough Amazon money to buy a switch
>won't be here until money
>don't want to explain to dad where i got the money to get one
>don't want to wait two days for it to arrive

>could buy it from a third party seller and get it here a day sooner and no tax for pretty much the same price
>paranoid that third party seller is going to send me a broken switch

What should I do?

it is real, you can import it

Americucks are just NOW getting these?

toppest kek

Get a real job or move out so you aren't hiding video game purchases from your dad.

This desu.
I could figure out the arcade machine really easily without knowing many runes.


You can't import them, they're region locked.

>60 reposts in the last THREE DAYS

Neither the games or controllers are region locked, you retard.

is this you


>$100 for 2 controllers
Fuck that shit.

They'll be up on play-asia or any other game import shop, just keep an eye out

are you retarded or just trolling?


Okay, besides that

Out of curiosity, how did you get the money?

>nintentoddlers unironically buying $80 controllers just because they have different colors

I sell bootleg CDs of old Eminem albums on my local playground

Just tell him you did some furniture moving job you saw an ad for or some shit.

thats racist

>people with disposable income throwing away $80 on something I don't like. Heres a soyboy pic
Yeah that'll show em!

i hate my privilege

I got an Amazon gift card as a late Christmas present from a friend, but my dad is a skeptic and I don't think he'd believe that I just happen to have a friend that would give out massive gift cards like that.

somebody post the pic of that qt asian chick on a plane with splatoon joycons eating lays

My switch came with red controllers though. I thought that was just normal.

You got the neon red ones. They're lighter.

why do they do it, user?

i hate this meme but this was funny soynigger

Well if he doesn't want to believe that, that's his problem. Don't get it from a third party since "Very Good" condition doesn't mean jack shit. "Like New/New" or bust.

I like the mouse gestures

the anal vore memes were funnier

Already imported them, wanted to make sure I didn't get any of the faulty gray ones that had desync issues from the first wave of productons.

>Being this poor

Stop acting like you were buying human organs, it's a goddamn videogame. Can't you at least have it sent to a friend's place?

holy fuck those eys are scary

That's the problem, I saw pic related as a listing for it, it's $6 above it's usual price but the trade off is that I don't have to pay $25 in tax, so I'm saving $19. They have a lot of good reviews, but I'm paranoid about ordering something so expensive from them. I don't want it broken or an empty box or something. And there's always that one review here or there that's negative and says they received a broken item or the wrong item. I don't know what to do!

Not if he got the Mario Odyssey Switch, those are the same as those Jap import ones.

does your dad really give a shit or are you just being paranoid
do this or have it delivered to an amazon location for pick up

its a funny meme

unlike drewface like youre shitposting all over the place all the time

>w-w-w-what are you poor
wasting your autism bux on useless shit doesnt make you rich
shouldnt you be spending your money on female hormones

>306.00 from a third party
Dude, just order it normally. The system will be new, from a secure source, 6 dollars less, and it's two fucking days. You'll live.

How lame do you have to be that you're worried about what your dad will think of you buying stuff? I live with my parents still, but I at least attempt working and pay one of the bills for the house, no one gives a shit what I buy for myself.

>but I'm paranoid about ordering something so expensive from them. I don't want it broken or an empty box or something
then just pay the $19 you retard
in the even that you get a fucked up system from who the fuck knows where do you really want to deal with contacting the seller

I can wait 2 days and I want to I'm just scared I'll get a burned out system or something. I do have paranoia so that doesn't help.

I'm not working right now, and although I am going to be paying one of the bills this month, I just get scared of what he'll think of me, or that he'll think I stole the money from him somehow. Like, I *just so happen* to have a gift card for a $300 gaming system? I don't think he believes in coincidences

>I just get scared of what he'll think of me, or that he'll think I stole the money from him somehow
Holy shit, you autist. Tell him it was a gift if he even bothers to ask. End of story.

You do realize it's possible to buy things from other countries on the internet right?

No need to be mean! I don't want him to think I'm a thief or something and randomly getting a gift card that's enough to get a switch is a bit unlikely. I don't believe it myself, I still think I'm dreaming or something.

Just order you system and have fun, fag.

Okay but do I order from the official Amazon store and get cucked out of $25 in tax (especially when that could go towards a game or an SD card) or do I try getting it tax free from another seller??

this, it aint as good without sony in it

Find a reputable seller

People with normal joycons
>Hey I'm just a normal dude who likes playing video games and sometimes plays them on the go to pass the time but I have other qualities about me

People with colored joycons

Prove me wrong

Better buy those soy-cons!


Your need to feel better than other people over mundane shit like this is pathetic

says the >frogposter doing the same thing

nothing more pathetic than people on Sup Forums who are ashamed that they like video games.

Honestly a little pissed because I bought the Splatoon2 bundle thinking they would be limited, then bought splatoon 2 physical because the bundle only had a digital code. Could have saved myself over 100 bucks. But hey enjoy them guys.

But now you can buy them to have the pair of each color

If it's FBA then there's 0 risk, it's exactly like buying from them. You are also fully covered by A to Z guarantee. So refund are painless if required. Likewise for returns, you deal with amazon, not the seller.

People with normal joycons
>Manchild faggot

>People with colored joycons
>Turbo manchild faggot


Grey are prone do getting fucking disgusting grease stains though

I'm waiting for Pink Kirby Joycons.

>Getting a regular Switch + Game comes out at the same price as getting the Splatoon edition
>Just without a carrying case and boring joycons
Looks like I'm getting the Spla2n one later this month.

I hate having to buy everything in Taco Coins.

Got them for 60 bucks at Amazon Japan. Feelsgoodman.

Enjoy gettin' cucked by scalpers again.

I like the black ones. If I ever buy a switch I'll get that version

Except they're not black, they're an ugly gray.

I'll buy used joycons. My first case mod left my left trigger a little wobbly. Fucked around with it for too long before I figured out how they were attached.

I just ordered the blue and red ones, I like that color combo.

>having to buy an extra set of joycons just to have colors that actually match
Gray or Odyssey Red are the only true choices. Anything else is for suckers.

I've successfully done PS2, 360, PS4, Xboner, GBA SP shell swaps without guides but I'm scared to do the joy cons, they're simply too easy to fuck up.

y u do dis neentendo